University of Wisconsin–Madison wins 2024 NCEES Engineering Education Award

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering receives $25,000 grand prize for community enhancement project

NCEES is pleased to announce that the University of Wisconsin–Madison is the grand prize winner of the 2024 NCEES Engineering Education Award. The university received the award for a project completed by the department of civil and environmental engineering. The award jury met virtually on June 4, 2024, to select the $25,000 grand prize winner.

For the school’s project, Lakefront Park Improvements, a team of senior engineering design students created three design alternatives to revitalize the park. The team designs explored the range, cost, and applicability of the project goals.

The jury selected seven additional winners to receive awards of $10,000 each:

  • Arizona State University
    Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
    Well-Pump System at the Bondo Teachers Training College in Bondo, Kenya
  • Dartmouth College
    Thayer School of Engineering
    Bike Walk Census Tool Designed for More Inclusive Transportation Planning in College Downtown
  • George Mason University
    Sid and Reva Dewberry Department of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering
    Water Disinfection Facility, San Pablo De Amali, Ecuador
  • Lawrence Technological University
    Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering
    State Fair Transit Center
  • Seattle University
    Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
    Seismic Retrofit and Structural Improvement of a Camp Facility for Children with Life-Altering Medical Conditions
  • University of Nebraska–Lincoln
    Charles W. Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction
    U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Ambulatory Care Center
  • University of Wisconsin–Madison
    Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
    Community Manure Treatment Facility

The jury selected one honorable mention:

  • Olivet Nazarene University
    Martin D. Walker School of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
    Efficient, Affordable, and Accessible House Design

The NCEES Engineering Education Award recognizes engineering programs that encourage collaboration between students and professional engineers. EAC/ABET-accredited programs from all engineering disciplines were invited to submit projects that integrate professional practice and education.

A jury of NCEES members and representatives from academic institutions and engineering societies selected the winners from 38 entries. The jury members considered the following criteria:

  • Successful collaboration of faculty, students, and licensed professional engineers
  • Protection of public health, safety, and/or welfare of the public
  • Multidiscipline and/or allied profession participation
  • Knowledge or skills gained
  • Effectiveness of display board, abstract, and project description

Profiles of the winning submissions will be posted as available at

News release

Download the news release (PDF).

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