Records Program

male writing on paper while working

Providing value for licensed professionals

The NCEES Records program is designed for currently licensed engineers and surveyors who are looking for an easier and faster way to complete the licensure process in multiple jurisdictions, including all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. An established NCEES Record will include most—if not all—of the materials you need to apply for comity licensure in additional states and territories.

Eliminate having to resubmit your:

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College transcripts

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Exam results

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Employment verifications

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Professional references

If you are already licensed and want to apply for licensure in an additional U.S. state or territory, apply for an NCEES Record. NCEES will review your materials and, after your Record is established, electronically submit them directly to the licensing board on your behalf. This saves time and simplifies the application process when you need to practice in multiple states and territories.

Hardhat and utility jacket worker flying a drone around buildings being built

Exam Documents and Unique Circumstances

Options for Active-Duty Military and Military Spouses

Professional engineers and surveyors who are actively serving in the military and their spouses are eligible to transmit their NCEES Record at no charge when military orders require them to move to a new state. When transmitted to a state licensing board, it will include a military designation to prioritize the application. Please email for more information.

Initial licensure

Are you in the process of becoming licensed and want to establish an NCEES Record? If you have passed the FE and PE exam, then some states will allow you to use the NCEES Record for initial licensure. A limited number of boards offer the initial licensing process, so check your MyNCEES account under Exams and Licensure Verification to find out if this is a path for you.

PE/PS Exam Documents

If you are applying to take the PE or PS examination, you are eligible to complete the PE or PS Exam Docs in your MyNCEES profile and transmit to those states listed. The transmission fee is $100. Transmission of the Record does not replace the member board’s application process and fees.

Completing The Application

To start, log in to your MyNCEES account and select Multistate Licensure from your dashboard. We’ve provided a guide through the application process below.

About the application

The application is divided into five sections and can be completed in any order. It is an online application process and provides for electronic verifications.

1. Education information

Details for each college, university, and technical school you attended. Transcripts are required for all work for which academic credit is awarded.

2. Work experience

Chronological listing of work experience beginning with graduation from a university or the first employment after high school

3. Questions for the applicant

A brief series of questions regarding the status and history of your license

4. Exam and license verification

The appropriate state licensing board must verify all exam and license information provided by the applicant.

5. Professional References

Five references who can reflect the character and diversity of your experience and are personally acquainted with your professional reputation. For engineering applicants, references must be engineers who are licensed in the United States. For surveying applicants, references must be surveyors who are licensed in the United States.

Records FAQs

Rectangular photo of men working on construction of a bridge

Model Law Designations

The NCEES Records program reviews applicants for designation as a Model Law Engineer (MLE) and Model Law Surveyor (MLS). These designations indicate to state licensing boards that your education, experience, and examinations meet the NCEES Model Law requirements. In many states, this will further expedite the comity licensure process.

When you apply for an NCEES Record, staff will review your file to determine if it meets the Model Law criteria. You do not have to request this. If you qualify, your Record will include the appropriate designation.

Model Law Engineer (MLE)

  • Earn a bachelor’s degree in engineering from an EAC/ABET-accredited program.
  • Gain four years of acceptable engineering work experience.
  • Pass the FE and PE exams.
  • Maintain a clean disciplinary record.

Model Law Surveyor (MLS)

  • Earn a bachelor’s degree in surveying from an ABET-accredited program.
  • Gain four years of acceptable surveying work experience.
  • Pass the FS and PS exams.
  • Maintain a clean disciplinary record.

Model Law Structural Engineer (MLSE)

Girl with glasses working on laptop
  • Earn a bachelor’s or master’s degree in engineering from an EAC/ABET-accredited program.
  • Pass a minimum of 18 semester hours of structural analysis and design courses, of which at least 9 are structural design courses.
  • Pass the FE exam and one of the following:
    • 16 hours of NCEES structural exams, 8 hours of which are the Structural II exam taken prior to January 1, 2011
    • 16-hour state-written structural exams taken prior to 2004
    • NCEES Structural II exam plus 8-hour state-written structural exams taken prior to January 1, 2011
    • PE Structural exam taken after January 1, 2011
  • Gain four years of acceptable structural engineering work experience.
  • Maintain a clean disciplinary record.