222 Palisades Creek Drive
Richardson, TX 75080
Phone: 972-952-9393
Fax: 972-952-9435
Email: [email protected]
Licensure EXCHANGE
Licensure Exchange is a newsletter dedicated to opinions and ideas regarding the licensure of engineers and surveyors. It is published six times per year.
Annual reports and Squared
The NCEES annual report highlights the Council’s leadership, mission, initiatives, and financial activities. The annual report is released in both print and digital formats each year. Squared: A Year In Numbers is the official NCEES source for engineering and surveying licensure statistics.
BIM Guidelines
This document is intended to offer guidance to design professionals who are using building information modeling (BIM).
The NCEES Bylaws outlines the structure of the Council.
Continuing Professional Competency (CPC) Guidelines
The CPC Guidelines provides best practices for state licensing boards that have CPC requirements for licensees.
History of NCEES: 1920-2020 and NCEES history timeline
Manual of Policy and Position Statements (2024 update available soon)
The Manual of Policy and Position Statements describes Council administrative, examination, financial, and professional policies as well as the official NCEES position on licensure issues.
Model Law
The Model Law reflects best practices as determined by the NCEES member boards. It is a model for state practice legislation.
Model Rules
The Model Rules provides licensure boards with guidelines for engineering and surveying licensing laws and ethics.
NCEES Continuing Professional Competency Standard
The NCEES CPC Standard is designed encourage mobility across jurisdictions.
NCEES Engineering & Surveying Education Standards
When it conducts a credentials evaluation, NCEES compares the candidate’s college-level education against one of these standards, which reflect generally agreed-upon educational qualifications for entering the profession.
Using the FE Exam as an Outcomes Assessment Tool
This NCEES white paper describes in detail how engineering departments can use the FE exam to assess program outcomes.