FS Exam

Fundamentals of Surveying (FS) Exam

The Fundamentals of Surveying (FS) exam is generally your first step in the process to becoming a licensed professional surveyor (P.S.). It is designed for recent graduates and students who are close to finishing an undergraduate surveying degree from an ABET-accredited program. The FS exam is a computer-based exam administered year-round in testing windows at NCEES-approved Pearson VUE test centers. A $225 exam fee is payable directly to NCEES.

The FS exam includes 110 questions. The exam appointment time is 6 hours long and includes:

  • Nondisclosure agreement (2 minutes)
  • Tutorial (8 minutes)
  • Exam (5 hours and 20 minutes)
  • Scheduled break (25 minutes)

Reasonable accommodations are available for examinees who meet certain eligibility criteria and sufficiently document their request.

EXAM Registration and Requirements by State

Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska


Licensing Board Information

District of Columbia Board of Professional Engineering

Website: https://dlcp.dc.gov/node/1617401
Contact: Avis Pearson
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (202) 442-4320
Fax: (202) 442-9448
Address:Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs
Board of Professional Engineering
1100 4th Street SW, Suite E500
Washington, District of Columbia 20024-4471
United States

Members: Roland Carter
Michael Jelen P.E.
Barry Lucas P.E.
Michael McKenna P.S.
Mary Jean "MJ" Pajak P.E.
Samuel Wilson P.E.

Licensing Board Information

Guam Board of Registration for Professional Engineers, Architects, and Land Surveyors

Website: http://www.guam-peals.org
Contact: Catherine "Cat" Gutierrez
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (671) 646-3115
Fax: (671) 649-9533
Address:ITC Building
590 S. Marine Corps Dr. Suite 511
Tamuning, Guam 96913

Members: Vincent Arriola
Zenon Belanger P.E.
Marie Elizabeth "Maily" Cristi P.E.
Cedric Cruz
Cathyann "Cathy" Gogue
Paul Santos P.L.S.

Licensing Board Information

Northern Mariana Islands Board of Professional Licensing

Website: https://www.cnmilicensing.gov.mp/board-of-professional-licensing/
Contact: Esther "Esther" Fleming
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (670) 664-4809
Fax: (670) 664-4814
Address:P.O. Box 502078
Capitol Hill, Pohnpei Ct., Bldg., #1242
Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands 96950
Northern Mariana Islands

Members: Elizabeth Balajadia P.E.
Gregorio Castro
Denn Manglona P.E.
Roy Reyes P.E., P.L.S.
Lilio Tiples

Licensing Board Information

Puerto Rico Board of Examiners of Engineers and Land Surveyors

Website: https://www.statedepartment.pr.gov/
Contact: Antonio Medina-Delgado P.E.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (787) 722-2122
Fax: (787) 722-4818
Address:Secretaria Auxiliar de Juntas Examinadoras
P.O. Box 9023271
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00902-3271
Puerto Rico

Members: Cesar Barreto Bosques P.E.
Jose Capeles Diaz P.E.
Ricardo Garcia-Cana P.S.
Eliu Hernandez-Gaston P.E.
Vidal Mass-Salas P.E.
Wigberto Rivera Nieves P.E.
Edith Ruiz Fernandez
Hector Sanabria- Valentín P.S.

Licensing Board Information

Virgin Islands Board for Architects, Engineers, and Land Surveyors

Website: http://www.dlca.vi.gov
Contact: H. Nathalie Hodge
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (340) 713-3522
Fax: (340) 718-6982
Address:Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs,
3000 Golden Rock Shopping Center
Suite #9
Christiansted, Virgin Islands 00820-4311
U.S. Virgin Islands

Members: Raymond Burton P.E.
Lester Cartwright P.E.
Richard Evangelista
Stephen Samuel P.E.
Ryan Wisehart P.L.S.
John Woods

Licensing Board Information

Alabama State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Surveyors

Website: http://www.bels.alabama.gov
Contact: William "Rick" Huett
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (334) 242-5568
Fax: (334) 242-5105
Address:100 North Union Street, Suite 382
Montgomery, Alabama 36104-3762
United States

Members: John Averrett P.E.
Nanette Baldwin
Joseph Breighner P.L.S.
Fred DeLeon Jr P.E.
Nathan Johnson P.E., P.L.S.
James Pegues P.E.
Gregory Robinson P.E.
Elaine Walton
Randall Whorton P.E.

Licensing Board Information

Alaska State Board of Registration for Architects, Engineers, and Land Surveyors

Website: https://www.commerce.alaska.gov/web/cbpl/ProfessionalLicensing/BoardofArchitectsEngineersandLandSurveyors.aspx
Contact: Joseph Bonnell
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (907) 465-2540
Fax: (907) 465-2974
Address:333 Willoughby, Ninth Floor, State Office Building
Juneau, Alaska 99811-0806
United States

Members: Paul Baril
John Barry P.E.
Elizabeth Beckett Johnston P.E.
Brent Cole
Jeffrey Garness P.E.
Edward Leonetti
Jake Maxwell P.S.
Colin Maynard P.E., S.E.
Bradford "Brad" Rinckey P.L.S.
Randall Rozier
Sterling Strait P.E., S.E.

Licensing Board Information

Arizona State Board of Technical Registration

Website: https://btr.az.gov/
Contact: Judith "Judi" Stapley
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (602) 364-4930
Fax: (602) 364-4931
Address:1110 West Washington Street, Suite 240
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
United States

Members: Clinton Campbell Ph.D.
Chantell Cornett
Jack Gilmore
Jennifer Hobik
Dana Klett P.L.S.
Michael Kolejka
Barrett Lindsey
William "Bill" Nesgood
Scott Sayles P.E.
Stacy Skankey
Keith Smith

Licensing Board Information

Arkansas Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers & Professional Surveyors

Website: http://www.pels.arkansas.gov
Contact: Heather Richardson
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (501) 682-2824
Fax: (501) 682-2827
Address:623 Woodlane Drive
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201
United States

Members: David "Dave" Beasley Ph.D., P.E.
Murry Cline P.E.
Brian Moore P.E.
Donald Perry
Kyle Salyer P.E., P.S.
Thomas Scott
Keith Sikes
Lorie Tudor P.E.
Rodney Williams Ph.D., P.E., P.S.

Licensing Board Information

California Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists

Website: http://www.bpelsg.ca.gov
Contact: Richard "Ric" Moore P.L.S.
Email: http://www.bpelsg.ca.gov/about_us/contact.shtml
Phone: (866) 780-5370
Fax: (916) 263-2221
Address:2535 Capitol Oaks Drive, Suite 300
Sacramento, California 95833-2944
United States

Members: Fel Amistad
Alireza Asgari Ph.D., P.E., S.E.
Khaesha Brooks P.E.
Rossana D'Antonio P.E.
Michael Hartley P.L.S.
Coby King
Guillermo Martinez Jr P.E.
Elizabeth "Betsy" Mathieson
Frank Ruffino
Wilfredo Sanchez
Fermin Villegas
Cliff Waldeck
Christina Wong

Licensing Board Information

Colorado State Board of Licensure for Architects, Professional Engineers, and Professional Land Surveyors

Website: https://dpo.colorado.gov/AES
Contact: Joyce Young
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (303) 894-7800
Fax: (303) 894-2310
Address:Department of Regulatory Agencies
1560 Broadway, Suite 1350
Denver, Colorado 80202
United States

Members: Nan Anderson
William Buntrock P.L.S.
Debora Campbell
Timothy Hayashi P.E.
William "Bill" Hoffman Jr P.E.
Edwin Hornfeck P.E.
Kayce Keane P.L.S.
Shamonie Latham
Stephanie Morales-Ostasuc
Gene Reininger P.L.S.
Christine Riggs
Julissa Soto

Licensing Board Information

Connecticut Board of Examiners for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors

Website: http://www.ct.gov/dcp
Contact: Jane Hardy
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (860) 713-6148
Address:Board of Examiners for PE & LS
450 Columbus Blvd Suite 901
Hartford, Connecticut 06103-1840
United States

Members: Anthony D'Andrea P.E., L.S.
Robert Dahn L.S.
John Dewolf Ph.D., P.E.
Robert Doane Jr P.E., L.S.
Robert Lewandowski P.E.
Susan Mattern P.L.S.
Al Regina
Richard Szewczak P.E.
Ryan Thompson P.E., L.S.

Licensing Board Information

Delaware State Board of Professional Land Surveyors

Website: https://dpr.delaware.gov/boards/landsurveyors/
Contact: Tashana Branch
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (302) 744-4500
Fax: (302) 739-2711
Address:Cannon Building, Suite 203
861 Silver Lake Boulevard
Dover, Delaware 19904
United States

Members: Charles Adams P.L.S.
Franco Bellafante P.L.S.
James Bielicki Jr P.L.S.
Carla Cassell-Carter
Deborah Cottrell
Kelly Katz P.L.S.
Robert "Bob" Wijkowski P.L.S.

Licensing Board Information

Florida Board of Professional Surveyors and Mappers

Website: http://www.FDACS.gov/psm
Contact: Patricia Compton
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (850) 488-2221
Fax: (850) 410-3797
Address:Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Div. of Consumer Serv., Terry Lee Rhodes Bldg.
2005 Apalachee Pkwy.
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-6500
United States

Members: Eugene Collings-Bonfill P.E., P.L.S.
Landon Cross P.L.S.
Keith Fountain
Andrew Getz P.S.
Iarelis "Ia" Hall P.S.M.
Wendi McAleese
Jim Sullivan P.S.
Danny Williams III P.L.S.
Michael Zoltek P.L.S.

Licensing Board Information

Georgia State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors

Website: https://sos.ga.gov/georgia-professional-engineers-and-land-surveyors-board
Contact: Darren "Darren" Mickler
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (404) 693-5754
Address:229 Peachtree St NE, Suite 1875
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
United States

Members: Julianne Busbee
Lawrence "Dan" Davis P.E.
Andrew Heath P.E.
James "Jim" Mattison IV L.S.
Darien Sykes P.E.
Trent Turk P.L.S.
William Womack P.E.
Taylor Wright P.E.
Regina Young P.E.

Licensing Board Information

Hawaii Board of Professional Engineers, Architects, Surveyors, and Landscape Architects

Website: http://www.cca.hawaii.gov/pvl
Contact: Sheena Choy
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (808) 586-2702
Fax: (808) 586-2689
Address:335 Merchant Street
P.O. Box 3469 (96801)
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
United States

Members: Nancy Cassandro
Brian Fujiwara
Dan Hirota L.S.
Alan Inaba P.L.S.
Jay Ishibashi
Kevin Katayama P.E.
Joel Kurokawa
Howard Lau P.E.
Tony Lau P.E.
Jonathan Lucas
Clayton Pang P.E.
Janet Primiano
John Takitani
Roberto Yumol

Licensing Board Information

Idaho Board of Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors

Website: https://dopl.idaho.gov/ipels/
Contact: Jessica Spoja
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (208) 373-7210
Address:11341 W Chinden Blvd., Bldg 4
Boise, Idaho 83714
United States

Members: Glenn Bennett P.L.S.
Keith Brooks P.E., P.L.S.
Richard Jacobson P.E.
Wyatt Johnson
Sondra Miller Ph.D., P.E.
Tom Ruby P.L.S.
Raymond Watkins P.E.

Licensing Board Information

Illinois Land Surveyors Licensing Board

Website: https://idfpr.illinois.gov/profs/landsurv.html
Contact: Kyle Lazell
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (217) 524-3210
Address:Department of Financial and Professional Regulation
PSS/Design Unit, Third Floor, 320 West Washington Street
Springfield, Illinois 62786
United States

Members: James "Jim" Abbitt Jr P.L.S.
Michael Filipski
Gale Hake P.L.S.
Kim Lyons P.L.S.
Rebecca Popeck P.L.S.
Derek Twente P.L.S.

Licensing Board Information

Indiana State Board of Registration for Professional Land Surveyors

Website: https://www.in.gov/pla/professions/surveyors-home/
Contact: Amy "Amy" Hall
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (317) 234-3022
Fax: (317) 233-4236
Address:402 West Washington Street - Room W072
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
United States

Members: Christine Arnold
Jason Henderson P.S.
Richard Hudson L.S.
Gary Kent P.S.
Douglas "Doug" Lechner L.S.

Licensing Board Information

Iowa Engineering and Land Surveying Examining Board

Website: https://dial.iowa.gov/i-need/licenses/other-professional-licensure/engineers-land-surveyors
Contact: Jackson Boes
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (515) 725-9021
Fax: (515) 725-9032
Address:6200 Park Ave, Suite 100
Des Moines, Iowa 50321
United States

Members: Mindy Bryngelson P.E.
Todde Folkerts P.E., P.L.S.
Rose Gillen
Jack Jones
J. Brian Morrissey P.E., P.L.S.
James Sweeney P.E.

Licensing Board Information

Kansas State Board of Technical Professions

Website: http://www.ksbtp.ks.gov
Contact: Larry Karns
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (785) 296-3053
Fax: (785) 296-0167
Address:Landon State Office Building
900 Southwest Jackson, Suite 507
Topeka, Kansas 66612-1257
United States

Members: Trudy Faulkner
Larry "Larry" Graham P.E., P.S.
William Haverkamp P.S.
Derek Jackson Ph.D.
Joseph Johnson
Kimberly Kramer Ph.D., P.E., S.E.
John Lilak P.L.S.
Bonnie Limbird
Doug Louis
Carisa McMullen
Wendy Ornelas
John "Jack" Poole P.E.
Jennifer Taylor P.E.
Eric Wimmer

Licensing Board Information

Kentucky State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors

Website: https://kyboels.ky.gov/Pages/default.aspx
Contact: Kyle Elliott P.L.S.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (800) 573-2680
Fax: (502) 573-6687
Address:Kentucky Engineering Center
160 Democrat Drive
Frankfort, Kentucky 40601
United States

Members: Rudolph Buchheit Ph.D.
Joshua Calico P.L.S.
Kyle Chism P.E.
Emmanuel Collins Ph.D.
Nicole Galavotti P.E.
Ryan Griffith P.E.
Doug Klein
James Knoth P.L.S.
Michael McGhee P.E.
Gregory Meredith P.E.
James "Don" Pedigo II P.L.S.

Licensing Board Information

Louisiana Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board

Website: http://www.lapels.com
Contact: Donna Sentell
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (225) 925-6291
Fax: (225) 925-6227
Address:8550 United Plaza Boulevard, Suite 903
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70809
United States

Members: Linda Bergeron P.E.
Constance Betts P.E.
James Chustz P.L.S.
Vijaya "VJ" Gopu Ph.D., P.E.
Reginald Jeter P.E.
Gordon Nelson
Byron Racca P.E.
Susan Richard P.E.
Byron Trust P.E.
Janice Williams P.E.
Robert Wolfe P.E., P.L.S.

Licensing Board Information

Maine State Board of Licensure for Professional Land Surveyors

Website: https://www.maine.gov/pfr/professionallicensing/professions/board-licensure-professional-land-surveyors
Contact: Catherine Pendergast
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (207) 624-8522
Fax: (207) 624-8637
Address:35 State House Station
Augusta, Maine 04333-0035
United States

Members: Bruce Martinson P.L.S.
Kenneth Muir P.L.S.
Michaeline Mulvey P.L.S.
Jeramiah Raitt P.L.S.
Stevenson Sheppard P.L.S.

Licensing Board Information

Maryland State Board for Professional Land Surveyors

Website: http://www.dllr.state.md.us/license/ls/
Contact: Zevi Thomas
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (410) 230-6322
Fax: (410) 962-8483
Address:100 S Charles St. Tower 1
Baltimore, Maryland 21201
United States

Members: Thomas "TJ" Frazier P.L.S.
Derrick McLaughlin
John Mettee III P.L.S.
Jeanne Nebre P.L.S., L.S.
Erick Quintanilla P.L.S.
Tammy Rollins

Licensing Board Information

Massachusetts Board of Registration of Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors

Website: http://www.mass.gov/dpl/boards/en
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (617) 727-9957
Fax: (617) 727-0139
Address:Division of Professional Licensure
1000 Washington Street, Suite 710
Boston, Massachusetts 02118-6100
United States

Members: Kenneth Anderson P.L.S.
Daniel Caron P.E.
Azuanuka "Azu" Etoniru P.E., P.L.S.
Shallan Fitzgerald P.E.
Nancy Gould P.E.
Joyce Hastings P.L.S.
Paul Tsang P.E.
Paul "PJ" Tyrell P.E., P.L.S.
Ronald "Ron" Willey Ph.D., P.E.

Licensing Board Information

Michigan State Board of Professional Surveyors

Website: http://www.michigan.gov/surveyors
Contact: Kerry Przybylo
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (517) 241-0199
Fax: (517) 241-0035
Address:P. O. Box 30670
Lansing, Michigan 48909
United States

Members: Zachary Baker P.S.
Shantaram Ekhande Ph.D.
Kelly Fedele P.E., P.S.
James "Jim" Hollandsworth P.E., P.S.
Jennifer Myers
Timothy Platz P.S.
Moqeem Syed
Steven Warren P.E.

Licensing Board Information

Minnesota State Board of Architecture, Engineering, Land Surveying, Landscape Architecture, Geoscience, and Interior Design

Website: http://mn.gov/aelslagid
Contact: Kay Weiss
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (651) 296-2388
Fax: (651) 297-5310
Address:85 East Seventh Place, Suite 160
St. Paul, Minnesota 55101
United States

Members: Jason Amberg
Paul Brandt
Rachel Dwyer
Christian Faste
Eric Friske
Sally Grans Korsh
Marcus Hampton L.S.
Daniel Hunter
Alan Johnson P.E.
Gerald Jones
Laura Anna Kamin-Lyndgaard
Denise Kazmierczak P.E.
Daniel Kelsey P.E.
Erica Larson
Daniel McAninch
TImothy Meyer
Andrew Portis
Claudia Reichert
Melisa Rodriguez
David Stenseth
Travis Thul P.E.

Licensing Board Information

Mississippi Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Surveyors

Website: https://www.pepls.ms.gov/
Contact: Monica Gilmore
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (601) 359-6160
Fax: (601) 359-6159
Address:Historic Barefield Building
455 North Lamar Street
2nd Floor - South Suite #208
Jackson, Mississippi 39202
United States

Members: Michael "Blake" Collins P.S.
Carey Hardin P.E.
Joseph Lauderdale P.E.
Patrick Martino P.L.S.
William Mitchell P.E., P.L.S.
James Tidwell P.L.S.
Sarah Tracy P.E.
Dennis "Dennis" Truax Ph.D., P.E.
Steven Twedt P.E.

Licensing Board Information

Missouri Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Professional Land Surveyors, and Professional Landscape Architects

Website: http://pr.mo.gov/apelsla.asp
Contact: Rhonda Bullock
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (573) 751-0047
Fax: (573) 751-8046
Address:3605 Missouri Boulevard, Suite 380
Jefferson City, Missouri 65109
United States

Members: John Gilbert Brown
Jane Earnhart
Noel Fehr
Robert Greer
Robert "Bob" Hartnett
Jerrod Hogan P.L.S.
Michael Joseph Purol P.E.
James "JC" Rearden
Robert "Bob" Shotts P.L.S.
Kevin Skibiski P.E., S.E., P.L.S.
Amy Strauss P.E.
F. Shane Terhune P.L.S.

Licensing Board Information

Montana Board of Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors

Website: http://www.engineer.mt.gov
Contact: Jason Steffins
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (406) 444-6680
Fax: (406) 841-2305
Address:PO Box 200513
301 S Park 4th Floor
Helena, Montana 59620-0513
United States

Members: Anders Fiske P.E.
Amy Galt P.E.
Wallace "Wally" Gladstone P.E., P.L.S.
Pat Goodover
Shane Jackola P.E.
Troy Jensen P.L.S.
Byron Stahly P.E.
Dan Stahly P.L.S.

Licensing Board Information

Nebraska Board of Examiners for Land Surveyors

Website: https://nbels.nebraska.gov/
Contact: Casey Sherlock P.S.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (402) 471-2152
Fax: (402) 471-3057
Address:555 North Cotner Boulevard, Lower Level
Lincoln, Nebraska 68505
United States

Members: Virlyn Bolte P.S.
Jeremy Feusner
Mary Pro
Thomas Tremel P.S.
Dennis Whitfield P.E., L.S.

Licensing Board Information

Nevada State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors

Website: https://nvbpels.org
Contact: Mark Fakler
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (775) 688-1231
Fax: (775) 688-2991
Address:1755 East Plumb Lane, Suite 258
Reno, Nevada 89502
United States

Members: Gregory DeSart P.E.
Jason Dixon P.E.
Robert "Rob" Fyda P.E.
Matt Gingerich P.L.S.
Michael Kidd P.L.S.
Thomas Matter
Karen Purcell P.E.
Angelo Spata P.E.
Brent Wright P.E., S.E.

Licensing Board Information

New Hampshire Board of Licensure for Land Surveyors

Website: https://www.oplc.nh.gov/
Contact: Christine Browning
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (603) 271-2152
Address:7 Eagle Square
Concord, New Hampshire 03301
United States

Members: Michael Dahlberg L.S.
William Doucet L.S.
Timothy Peloquin L.S.
Joseph Wichert L.S.

Licensing Board Information

New Jersey State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors

Website: https://www.njconsumeraffairs.gov/pels/Pages/default.aspx
Contact: Keith Miller
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (973) 504-6460
Fax: (973) 273-8020
Address:124 Halsey Street, Third Floor
Newark, New Jersey 07102
United States

Members: Manar Alsharaa P.E.
Magdy Hagag P.E.
Gary Paparozzi P.L.S.
Lisa Peterson P.E., P.L.S.
James "Jim" Purcell P.E.
Tam Sillick P.E.
Michael Venuto P.E., P.L.S.

Licensing Board Information

New Mexico Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Professional Surveyors

Website: http://www.sblpes.state.nm.us
Contact: Perry Valdez
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (505) 476-4565
Fax: (505) 476-4802
Address:PO Box 1967
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504
United States

Members: Benjamin Aragon P.S.
Emilie Dohleman P.E.
Ahmed "Ahmed" Elaksher Ph.D., P.E., P.L.S.
Robert Gromatzky P.S.
Elizabeth McNally P.E.
Maxine McReynolds
Karen Nichols
Karl Tonander P.E.
John Wayne P.S.

Licensing Board Information

New York Board for Engineering, Land Surveying and Geology

Website: https://www.op.nysed.gov/professions-index
Contact: Eric Greppo P.E.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (518) 474-3817
Fax: (518) 473-6282
Address:Education Building, 89 Washington Avenue, Second Floor Mezzanine East-Wing
Albany, New York 12234-1000
United States

Members: Sreenivas Alampalli P.E.
Daniel D'Angelo P.E.
Frank Flanagan L.S.
Rosanne Frandina P.E., L.S.
David Franzi
Brian Holbritter L.S.
James Janora
William Kelly
Gary Marcus P.E.
John Martin P.E.
Thomas Mitchell P.E.
Rosaleen "Rosey" Nogle P.E.
Jean Patota
Shaine Porter L.S.
Michael Rygel
Patrick VanHaverbeke L.S.
Richard Watt
Leonard Woods P.E.

Licensing Board Information

North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors

Website: http://www.ncbels.org
Contact: Andrew Ritter
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (919) 791-2000
Fax: (919) 791-2012
Address:4601 Six Forks Road, Suite 310
Raleigh, North Carolina 27609
United States

Members: Timothy "Tim" Bowes P.L.S.
Jonathan Care
Cedric Fairbanks Ph.D., P.E.
Toynia Gibbs P.L.S.
Vinod "Vinnie" Goel Ph.D., P.E.
Dennis Hoyle P.E., P.L.S.
John Logsdon P.L.S.
Brenda Moore P.E.
Carol Salloum

Licensing Board Information

North Dakota State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors

Website: https://ndpelsboard.org
Contact: Kimberly Gullickson
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (701) 258-0786
Address:3255 Greensboro Drive
Suite 203
Bismarck, North Dakota 58503
United States

Members: Ezra Ballinger P.E.
Nicholas Gludt P.E.
Kevin Nelson P.E., P.L.S.
Emmy Vareberg P.E.
Matthew Weeks P.L.S.

Licensing Board Information

Ohio State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Surveyors

Website: http://www.peps.ohio.gov
Contact: John Greenhalge
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (614) 466-3651
Fax: (614) 728-3059
Address:77 S High St. Ste. 2472
Columbus, Ohio 43215
United States

Members: Christian Bauserman P.E., P.S.
Edward Kagel P.E.
Jonathan Link P.S.
Megan O'Callaghan P.E.
Dean Ringle P.E., P.S.

Licensing Board Information

Oklahoma State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors

Website: http://www.pels.ok.gov
Contact: Kathy Hart
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (405) 521-2874
Fax: (405) 523-2135
Address:Oklahoma Engineering and Design Professionals Center
220 NE 28th St., Suite 120
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105
United States

Members: Patrick Adams
Gene Brown P.E.
Joe Cardenas P.E.
Aaron Morris P.L.S.
David Page P.L.S.
Glen Smith P.E., P.L.S.
Richard Willoughby P.E.

Licensing Board Information

Oregon State Board of Examiners for Engineering and Land Surveying

Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osbeels
Contact: Jason Barbee
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (503) 362-2666
Fax: (503) 362-5454
Address:670 Hawthorne Avenue, SE, Suite 220
Salem, Oregon 97301
United States

Members: Darryl Anderson P.E., P.L.S.
Jakki Carter P.E.
Renee Clough P.E., P.L.S.
Scott English
Tim Fassbender P.L.S.
Paul Gribbon P.E.
Todd Jarvis
Erica Rooney P.E.
Massoud Saberian P.E.
Sean St.Clair Ph.D., P.E.
Ron Stillmaker P.E.

Licensing Board Information

Pennsylvania State Registration Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists

Website: https://www.dos.pa.gov/ProfessionalLicensing/BoardsCommissions/EngineersLandSurveyorsandGeologists/Pages/default.aspx
Contact: Kristel Hennessy-Hemler
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (717) 783-7049
Fax: (717) 705-5540
Address:2601 North Third Street
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17110
United States

Members: Martin Helmke, P.G. Ph.D.
Robert Kudlawiec P.E.
John Luciani P.E., P.L.S.
Joseph McNally, P.G.
Lisa Peterson Ph.D., P.E.
Scott Reeser P.L.S.
Carol Sides
Jason Snyder P.E.
James Szalankiewicz P.E., P.L.S.
G Windsor Tracy P.L.S.

Licensing Board Information

Rhode Island State Board of Registration for Professional Land Surveyors

Website: http://www.bdp.ri.gov/
Contact: Dawne Broadfield
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (401) 889-5446
Address:Department of Business Regulation, State Building Office
560 Jefferson Blvd 1st Floor
Warwick, Rhode Island 02886
United States

Members: Mark Boyer P.L.S.
Daniel Cotta P.E., P.L.S.
Michael Gaston P.L.S.
Michael McCormick P.L.S.
Amy Sonder P.L.S.

Licensing Board Information

South Carolina Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Surveyors

Website: https://llr.sc.gov/eng/
Contact: Lenora Addison-Miles
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (803) 896-4422
Fax: (803) 896-4427
Address:P.O. Box 11597
Columbia, South Carolina 29211-1597
United States

Members: Chimin "Jimmy" Chao P.E.
John Cleveland
Henry Dingle Jr P.L.S.
Gene Dinkins P.E., P.L.S.
Dennis Fallon Ph.D., P.E.
D. Mack Kelly Jr P.E., P.L.S.
Johnston Peeples Ph.D., P.E.
Timothy "Tim" Rickborn P.E., S.E.
Peter Strub P.E.

Licensing Board Information

South Dakota State Board of Technical Professions

Website: http://dlr.sd.gov/btp
Contact: Jodi Aumer
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (605) 394-2510
Fax: (605) 394-2509
Address:2525 West Main Street, Suite 211
Rapid City, South Dakota 57702-2439
United States

Members: Cory Biegler L.S.
Ryan Callaghan P.E.
Jared Carda
James "Mike" Coleman P.E., P.S.
Catherine Dekkenga
Alex Fisher P.E.
Colby Flynn

Licensing Board Information

Tennessee State Board of Examiners for Land Surveyors

Website: http://tn.gov/commerce/section/land-surveyors
Contact: Glenn Kopchak
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (615) 741-3611
Fax: (615) 741-1245
Address:500 James Robertson Parkway, Third Floor
Nashville, Tennessee 37243-1146
United States

Members: James "Jay" Caughman III P.L.S.
Gary Clark P.L.S.
Kevin Martin
Justin Rains R.L.S.

Licensing Board Information

Texas Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors

Website: https://pels.texas.gov/
Contact: Lance Kinney Ph.D., P.E.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (512) 440-7723
Fax: (512) 440-0417
Address:1917 S. Interstate 35
Austin, Texas 78741-3702
United States

Members: Ademola "Peter" Adejokun P.E.
Albert Cheng
Karen Friese P.E.
Coleen Johnson R.P.L.S.
Marguerite McClinton Stoglin Ph.D.
Roberto Moreno
Sina Nejad P.E.
Mark Neugebauer P.L.S., L.S.
Catherine Norwood P.E.
Kiran Shah

Licensing Board Information

Utah Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors Board

Website: http://www.dopl.utah.gov
Contact: Stephen "Steve" Duncombe
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (801) 530-6628
Fax: (801) 530-6511
Address:160 East 300 South, First Floor
Salt Lake City, Utah 84111
United States

Members: Jessica Chappell P.S.
Stephen Connor P.E.
Chris Kobayashi P.E.
Arthur LeBaron P.E.
James "Jim" Pitkin P.L.S.
Jeff Whitney
Lisa Zundel

Licensing Board Information

Vermont Board of Land Surveyors

Website: https://sos.vermont.gov/land-surveyors/
Contact: Kara Shangraw
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (802) 828-5434
Fax: (802) 828-2368
Address:Vermont Secretary of State, Office of Professional Regulation
89 Main Street, 3rd Floor
Montpelier, Vermont 05620-3402
United States

Members: John Diebold P.L.S.
Joseph "Joe" Flynn L.S.
Seth Kittredge P.L.S.
Joseph Nalette L.S.

Licensing Board Information

Virginia Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified Interior Designers, and Landscape Architects

Website: https://www.dpor.virginia.gov/Boards/APELS/
Contact: Kathleen "Kate" Nosbisch
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (804) 367-8506
Fax: (866) 465-6206
Address:Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation
P.O. Box 29570
Richmond, Virginia 23242-0570
United States

Members: Caroline Alexander
Hypatia Alexandria
Vickie Anglin P.L.S.
John Claytor L.S.
Tim Colley
A. Cabell Crowther
James "Jim" Kelly P.E.
Vinay Nair P.E.
Mel Price
Karen Reynes
Kevin Shreiner L.S.
Christine Snetter-Dick
Cameron Stiles
Ann Stokes
Frederick "Rick" Townsend P.E.

Licensing Board Information

Washington State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors

Website: https://brpels.wa.gov
Contact: Ken Fuller P.E.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (360) 664-1575
Address:Board of Registration for PE & LS
PO Box 9025
Olympia, Washington 98507-9025
United States

Members: Aaron Blaisdell P.L.S.
Michael Harney P.E.
Douglas Hendrickson P.E.
Maureen Jackson P.E.
Marjorie Lund P.E., S.E.
David Peden P.E., S.E.
Matthew Rasmussen P.E., P.L.S.

Licensing Board Information

West Virginia Board of Professional Surveyors

Website: http://www.wvbps.wv.gov
Contact: Carla Williams
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (304) 765-0315
Fax: (304) 765-0316
Address:1124 Smith Street Suite B 127C
Charleston, West Virginia 25301
United States

Members: Gary Facemyer P.E., P.S.
Douglas McElwee
Lantz Rankin P.S.
James "Tom" Rayburn P.S.
Sefton Stewart P.S.

Licensing Board Information

Wisconsin Dept. of Safety & Prof. Services, Examining Board of Arch., Landscape Arch., Prof. Eng., Designers & Land Surv.

Website: http://drl.wi.gov
Contact: William "Will" Johnson
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (608) 266-2112
Fax: (608) 267-3816
Address:PO Box 8366
Madison, Wisconsin 53708-8366
United States

Members: Kristine Cotharn P.E.
Daniel "Dan" Fedderly P.E., P.L.S.
Steven Hook P.E.
Ruth Johnson
Karl Linck P.E.
Christina Martin P.L.S.
Colleen Scholl P.E.
Nathan Vaughn P.L.S.

Licensing Board Information

Wyoming Board of Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors

Website: http://engineersandsurveyors.wy.gov
Contact: Shannon Stanfill
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (307) 777-6155
Fax: (307) 777-3403
Address:6920 Yellowtail Drive, Suite 100
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002
United States

Members: Steven "Steve" Barrett Ph.D., P.E.
Dave Fehringer P.E., L.S.
Jeff Fuller P.E.
Daniel Garcia
Brandon Gebhart P.E.
Cevin Imus L.S.
Jeffrey "Jeff" Jones P.L.S.
Shelley Macy P.E.
Skylar Wilson P.L.S.

District of Columbia Requirements and Registration Details

  • Exam registration and authorization

    The Washington, D.C. board does not require FE examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Examinees must first apply to the Washington, D.C. board for approval to sit for the exam. Information about forms and fees can be found at the board’s website.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Examinees must first apply to the Washington, D.C. board for approval to sit for the exam. Information about forms and fees can be found at the board’s website.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    The Washington, D.C. board does not require FS examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Washington, D.C. board requires PS examinees to first submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam scheduling

    Examinees register and schedule appointments through their MyNCEES accounts. During the registration process, examinees select their exam location. Next, they are presented with a list of available exam dates. If examinees are not happy with the choices, they can browse through the available dates at other NCEES-approved test centers.

  • Exam results

    Exam results are typically available within 7–10 business days. You will receive an email notification from NCEES with instructions to view your exam results in your MyNCEES account. Results will include a link to your licensing board for additional state-specific information or instructions. All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    Refer to the section on computer-based exams in the NCEES Examinee Guide for information about cancellations, refunds, rescheduling, and discipline changes.

  • Exam registration and authorization

    The Washington, D.C. board does not require FE examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Examinees must first apply to the Washington, D.C. board for approval to sit for the exam. Information about forms, fees, and deadlines can be found at the board’s website. 

    After the board has notified you of your approval, register online with NCEES (deadline below) to reserve your seat for the exam.

    OCTOBER 21-22, 2021 EXAMS

    The deadline to register for this exam will be at 3:00 p.m. eastern time on August 26, 2021.

    Please read here for important information on the date your exam will be given, as well as important exam site procedures: https://ncees.org/october-2021-exam-administration-updates/

    Your exam type, discipline, module, and/or site cannot be changed after the NCEES registration deadline.

    Examinees must first apply to the Washington, D.C. board for approval to sit for the exam. Information about forms and fees can be found at the board’s website.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    The Washington, D.C. board does not require FS examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Washington, D.C. board requires PS examinees to first submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam sites and fees
    Exam Locations

    Visit https://account.ncees.org/sites

    Registration Fees
    Registration Fee
    FE (CBT)
    PE (CBT)
  • Exam results

    When results have been released to the board (typically 8–10 weeks after the exam) and validated, NCEES will send an email informing you that your exam result can be accessed through your MyNCEES account.

    All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam. You will not receive a diagnostic report if you pass the examination.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    You may cancel your exam registration through your MyNCEES account any time before the NCEES registration deadline. Refunds will include exam fees paid to NCEES during the registration process, minus a $50 processing fee.

    Funds may not be transferred to a later exam administration date. After the NCEES registration deadline, registrations may not be canceled and fees will not be refunded.

    If, on the day of the exam, you are unable to attend for one of the following reasons, you may submit documentation to request a refund of your fees (less the $50 processing fee). Documentation must be submitted to NCEES within 30 days of the exam date.

    • Illness, either yourself or immediate family member who requires your care
    • Death of an immediate family member
    • Disabling traffic accident
    • Court appearance or jury duty
    • Military duty

Guam Requirements and Registration Details

  • Exam registration and authorization
    The Guam board requires examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Guam board requires examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Guam board requires examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    The Guam board requires examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Guam board requires examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam scheduling

    Examinees register and schedule appointments through their MyNCEES accounts. During the registration process, examinees select their exam location. Next, they are presented with a list of available exam dates. If examinees are not happy with the choices, they can browse through the available dates at other NCEES-approved test centers.

  • Exam results

    Exam results are typically available within 7–10 business days. You will receive an email notification from NCEES with instructions to view your exam results in your MyNCEES account. Results will include a link to your licensing board for additional state-specific information or instructions. All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    Refer to the section on computer-based exams in the NCEES Examinee Guide for information about cancellations, refunds, rescheduling, and discipline changes.

  • Exam registration and authorization
    The Guam board requires examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Examinees must first apply to the Guam board for approval to sit for the exam. Visit the board’s website for the appropriate forms, fees, and deadlines.

    After the board has notified you of your approval, register online with NCEES (see deadline below) to reserve your seat for the exam.

    OCTOBER 21-22, 2021 EXAMS

    The deadline to register with NCEES for this exam will be at 3:00 p.m. eastern time on August 26, 2021.

    Please read here for important information on the date your exam will be given, as well as important exam site procedures: https://ncees.org/october-2021-exam-administration-updates/

    Your exam type, discipline, module, and/or site cannot be changed after the NCEES registration deadline.

    The Guam board requires examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    The Guam board requires examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Guam board requires examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam sites and fees
    Exam Locations

    Visit https://account.ncees.org/sites

    Registration Fees
    Registration Fee
    FE (CBT)
    PE (CBT)
  • Exam results

    When results have been released to the board (typically 8–10 weeks after the exam) and validated, NCEES will send an email informing you that your exam result can be accessed through your MyNCEES account.

    All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam. You will not receive a diagnostic report if you pass the examination.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    You may cancel your exam registration through your MyNCEES account any time before the NCEES registration deadline. Refunds will include exam fees paid to NCEES during the registration process, minus a $50 processing fee.

    Funds may not be transferred to a later exam administration date. After the NCEES registration deadline, registrations may not be canceled and fees will not be refunded.

    If, on the day of the exam, you are unable to attend for one of the following reasons, you may submit documentation to request a refund of your fees (less the $50 processing fee). Documentation must be submitted to NCEES within 30 days of the exam date.

    • Illness, either yourself or immediate family member who requires your care
    • Death of an immediate family member
    • Disabling traffic accident
    • Court appearance or jury duty
    • Military duty

Northern Mariana Islands Requirements and Registration Details

  • Exam registration and authorization

    The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands does not require examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam. Examinees may register for their exams by creating a MyNCEES account.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    You must first apply to the Northern Mariana Islands board for approval to sit for the exam. Call the board (670) 664-4809 for instructions on the approval process and registration deadlines.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    You must first apply to the Northern Mariana Islands board for approval to sit for the exam. Call the board (670) 664-4809 for instructions on the approval process and registration deadlines.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands does not require examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam. Examinees may register for their exams by creating a MyNCEES account.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    You must first apply to the Northern Mariana Islands board for approval to sit for the exam. Call the board (670) 664-4809 for instructions on the approval process and registration deadlines.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam scheduling

    Examinees register and schedule appointments through their MyNCEES accounts. During the registration process, examinees select their exam location. Next, they are presented with a list of available exam dates. If examinees are not happy with the choices, they can browse through the available dates at other NCEES-approved test centers.

  • Exam results

    Exam results are typically available within 7–10 business days. You will receive an email notification from NCEES with instructions to view your exam results in your MyNCEES account. Results will include a link to your licensing board for additional state-specific information or instructions. All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    Refer to the section on computer-based exams in the NCEES Examinee Guide for information about cancellations, refunds, rescheduling, and discipline changes.

  • Exam registration and authorization

    The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands does not require examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam. Examinees may register for their exams by creating a MyNCEES account.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    You must first apply to the Northern Mariana Islands board for approval to sit for the exam. Call the board (670) 664-4809 for instructions on the approval process and registration deadlines.

    After the board has notified you by email of your approval for this exam, register online with NCEES to reserve your seat for the exam. Please contact NCEES to find out the upcoming deadline.

    Please visit here for more details on the April 2021 exams: https://ncees.org/april-2021-exam-administration-updates/

    Your exam type, discipline, module, and/or site cannot be changed after the NCEES registration deadline.

    You must first apply to the Northern Mariana Islands board for approval to sit for the exam. Call the board (670) 664-4809 for instructions on the approval process and registration deadlines.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands does not require examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam. Examinees may register for their exams by creating a MyNCEES account.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    You must first apply to the Northern Mariana Islands board for approval to sit for the exam. Call the board (670) 664-4809 for instructions on the approval process and registration deadlines.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam sites and fees
    Exam Locations

    Visit https://account.ncees.org/sites

    Registration Fees
    Registration Fee
    FE (CBT)
    PE (CBT)
  • Exam results

    When results have been released to the board (typically 8–10 weeks after the exam) and validated, NCEES will send an email informing you that your exam result can be accessed through your MyNCEES account.

    All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam. You will not receive a diagnostic report if you pass the examination.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    You may cancel your exam registration through your MyNCEES account any time before the NCEES registration deadline. Refunds will include exam fees paid to NCEES during the registration process, minus a $50 processing fee.

    Funds may not be transferred to a later exam administration date. After the NCEES registration deadline, registrations may not be canceled and fees will not be refunded.

    If, on the day of the exam, you are unable to attend for one of the following reasons, you may submit documentation to request a refund of your fees (less the $50 processing fee). Documentation must be submitted to NCEES within 30 days of the exam date.

    • Illness, either yourself or immediate family member who requires your care
    • Death of an immediate family member
    • Disabling traffic accident
    • Court appearance or jury duty
    • Military duty

Puerto Rico Requirements and Registration Details

  • Exam registration and authorization

    The Puerto Rico board requires FE examinees to complete the NCEES exam registration process prior to submitting an application with Didaxis, their testing administrator, and scheduling an exam. Examinees should contact Didaxis for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    First-time applicants—create an account with MyNCEES to register for your exam. After registering with NCEES, submit a completed application, supporting documents, and fee to Didaxis, the Puerto Rico board's testing administrator.

    Repeat applicants—each time you plan to sit for an exam, you must register with NCEES.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    First-time applicants—create an account with MyNCEES to register for your exam. After registering with NCEES, submit a completed application, supporting documents, and fee to Didaxis, the Puerto Rico board's testing administrator.

    Repeat applicants—each time you plan to sit for an exam, you must register with NCEES.

    The Puerto Rico board requires FS examinees to complete the NCEES exam registration process prior to submitting an application with Didaxis, their testing administrator, and scheduling an exam. Examinees should contact Didaxis for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Puerto Rico board requires PS examinees to complete the NCEES exam registration process prior to submitting an application with Didaxis, their testing administrator, and scheduling an exam. Examinees should contact Didaxis for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam scheduling

    Examinees register and schedule appointments through their MyNCEES accounts. During the registration process, examinees select their exam location. Next, they are presented with a list of available exam dates. If examinees are not happy with the choices, they can browse through the available dates at other NCEES-approved test centers.

  • Exam results

    Exam results are typically available within 7–10 business days. You will receive an email notification from NCEES with instructions to view your exam results in your MyNCEES account. Results will include a link to your licensing board for additional state-specific information or instructions. All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    Refer to the section on computer-based exams in the NCEES Examinee Guide for information about cancellations, refunds, rescheduling, and discipline changes.

  • Exam registration and authorization

    The Puerto Rico board requires FE examinees to complete the NCEES exam registration process prior to submitting an application with Didaxis, their testing administrator, and scheduling an exam. Examinees should contact Didaxis for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    NCEES exams are administered by Didaxis for the Puerto Rico board.

    First-time applicants—create an account with MyNCEES to select your exam type and site (see deadline below). After registering with NCEES, submit a completed application, supporting documents, and fee to Didaxis by the first-time applicant deadline (contact Didaxis for details).

    Repeat applicants—each time you plan to sit for an exam, you must register with NCEES. Select your exam type and site through your MyNCEES account (see deadline below). After registering with NCEES, board-approved applicants should schedule the exam with Didaxis and pay the exam fee by the scheduling deadline.

    OCTOBER 21-22, 2021 EXAMS

    The deadline to register with NCEES for this exam will be at 3:00 p.m. eastern time on August 26, 2021.

    Please read here for important information on the date your exam will be given, as well as important exam site procedures: https://ncees.org/october-2021-exam-administration-updates/

    Your exam type, discipline, module, and/or site cannot be changed after the NCEES registration deadline.

    First-time applicants—create an account with MyNCEES to register for your exam. After registering with NCEES, submit a completed application, supporting documents, and fee to Didaxis, the Puerto Rico board's testing administrator.

    Repeat applicants—each time you plan to sit for an exam, you must register with NCEES.

    The Puerto Rico board requires FS examinees to complete the NCEES exam registration process prior to submitting an application with Didaxis, their testing administrator, and scheduling an exam. Examinees should contact Didaxis for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Puerto Rico board requires PS examinees to complete the NCEES exam registration process prior to submitting an application with Didaxis, their testing administrator, and scheduling an exam. Examinees should contact Didaxis for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam sites and fees
    Exam Locations

    Visit https://account.ncees.org/sites

    Registration Fees
    Registration Fee
    FE (CBT)
    PE (CBT)
  • Exam results

    When results have been released to the board (typically 8–10 weeks after the exam) and validated, NCEES will send an email informing you that your exam result can be accessed through your MyNCEES account.

    All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam. You will not receive a diagnostic report if you pass the examination.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    You may cancel your exam registration through your MyNCEES account any time before the NCEES registration deadline. Refunds will include exam fees paid to NCEES during the registration process, minus a $50 processing fee.

    Funds may not be transferred to a later exam administration date. After the NCEES registration deadline, registrations may not be canceled and fees will not be refunded.

    If, on the day of the exam, you are unable to attend for one of the following reasons, you may submit documentation to request a refund of your fees (less the $50 processing fee). Documentation must be submitted to NCEES within 30 days of the exam date.

    • Illness, either yourself or immediate family member who requires your care
    • Death of an immediate family member
    • Disabling traffic accident
    • Court appearance or jury duty
    • Military duty

SCE Requirements and Registration Details

  • Exam registration and authorization
    NCEES administers exams in Saudi Arabia under an agreement with the Saudi Council of Engineers (SCE).

    SCE requires examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board. Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact SCE directly ([email protected]) for details.

    A $250 exam fee is payable directly to NCEES as part of the registration process.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Note—In addition to the NCEES calculator policy, the following Casio calculators are allowed for non-North American test centers and exam sites: fx-912, fx-915, fx-993, fx-995, fx-570, fx-JP700, fx-JP900. (These Casio calculators must have “fx-912”, “fx-915”, “fx-993”, “fx-995”, “fx-570”, “fx-JP700”, or “fx-JP900” in their model name.)

    NCEES administers PE exams in Saudi Arabia under an agreement with the Saudi Council of Engineers (SCE). The SE exam is not offered outside of North America.

    To sit for an exam in Saudi Arabia, contact SCE ([email protected]) for information about its approval process.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    A $425 exam fee is payable directly to NCEES as part of the registration process.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Note—In addition to the NCEES calculator policy, the following Casio calculators are allowed for non-North American test centers and exam sites: fx-912, fx-915, fx-993, fx-995, fx-570, fx-JP700, fx-JP900. (These Casio calculators must have “fx-912”, “fx-915”, “fx-993”, “fx-995”, “fx-570”, “fx-JP700”, or “fx-JP900” in their model name.)

    The Structural Engineering exam is not offered outside North America.
    NCEES administers exams in Saudi Arabia under an agreement with the Saudi Council of Engineers (SCE).

    SCE requires examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board. Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact SCE directly ([email protected]) for details.

    A $250 exam fee is payable directly to NCEES as part of the registration process.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Note—In addition to the NCEES calculator policy, the following Casio calculators are allowed for non-North American test centers and exam sites: fx-912, fx-915, fx-993, fx-995, fx-570, fx-JP700, fx-JP900. (These Casio calculators must have “fx-912”, “fx-915”, “fx-993”, “fx-995”, “fx-570”, “fx-JP700”, or “fx-JP900” in their model name.)

    NCEES administers PS exams in Saudi Arabia under an agreement with the Saudi Council of Engineers (SCE).

    To sit for an exam in Saudi Arabia, contact SCE ([email protected]) for information about its approval process.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    A $400 exam fee is payable directly to NCEES as part of the registration process.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Note—In addition to the NCEES calculator policy,the following Casio calculators are allowed for non-North American test centers and exam sites: fx-912, fx-915, fx-993, fx-995, fx-570, fx-JP700, fx-JP900. (These Casio calculators must have “fx-912”, “fx-915”, “fx-993”, “fx-995”, “fx-570”, “fx-JP700”, or “fx-JP900” in their model name.)

  • Exam scheduling

    Examinees register and schedule appointments through their MyNCEES accounts. During the registration process, examinees select their exam location. Next, they are presented with a list of available exam dates. If examinees are not happy with the choices, they can browse through the available dates at other NCEES-approved test centers.

  • Exam results

    Exam results are typically available within 7–10 business days. You will receive an email notification from NCEES with instructions to view your exam results in your MyNCEES account. Results will include a link to your licensing board for additional state-specific information or instructions. All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    Refer to the section on computer-based exams in the NCEES Examinee Guide for information about cancellations, refunds, rescheduling, and discipline changes.

  • Exam registration and authorization
    NCEES administers exams in Saudi Arabia under an agreement with the Saudi Council of Engineers (SCE).

    SCE requires examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board. Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact SCE directly ([email protected]) for details.

    A $250 exam fee is payable directly to NCEES as part of the registration process.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Note—In addition to the NCEES calculator policy, the following Casio calculators are allowed for non-North American test centers and exam sites: fx-912, fx-915, fx-993, fx-995, fx-570, fx-JP700, fx-JP900. (These Casio calculators must have “fx-912”, “fx-915”, “fx-993”, “fx-995”, “fx-570”, “fx-JP700”, or “fx-JP900” in their model name.)

    NCEES administers PE exams in Saudi Arabia under an agreement with the Saudi Council of Engineers (SCE). The Structural Engineering exam is not offered outside of North America.

    To sit for an exam in Saudi Arabia, contact SCE ([email protected]) for information about its approval process. SCE’s approval deadline is August 13 for the October 2021 exams.

    After SCE has notified you of your approval, register online with NCEES (deadline: 3:00 p.m. US eastern time on August 26, 2021) to reserve your seat for the exam.

    Your exam type, discipline, and/or module cannot be changed after the NCEES registration deadline.

    Note—In addition to the NCEES calculator policy,the following Casio calculators are allowed for non-North American test centers and exam sites: fx-912, fx-915, fx-993, fx-995, fx-570, fx-JP700, fx-JP900. (These Casio calculators must have “fx-912”, “fx-915”, “fx-993”, “fx-995”, “fx-570”, “fx-JP700”, or “fx-JP900” in their model name.)

    The Structural Engineering exam is not offered outside North America.
    NCEES administers exams in Saudi Arabia under an agreement with the Saudi Council of Engineers (SCE).

    SCE requires examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board. Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact SCE directly ([email protected]) for details.

    A $250 exam fee is payable directly to NCEES as part of the registration process.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Note—In addition to the NCEES calculator policy, the following Casio calculators are allowed for non-North American test centers and exam sites: fx-912, fx-915, fx-993, fx-995, fx-570, fx-JP700, fx-JP900. (These Casio calculators must have “fx-912”, “fx-915”, “fx-993”, “fx-995”, “fx-570”, “fx-JP700”, or “fx-JP900” in their model name.)

    NCEES administers PS exams in Saudi Arabia under an agreement with the Saudi Council of Engineers (SCE).

    To sit for an exam in Saudi Arabia, contact SCE ([email protected]) for information about its approval process.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    A $400 exam fee is payable directly to NCEES as part of the registration process.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Note—In addition to the NCEES calculator policy,the following Casio calculators are allowed for non-North American test centers and exam sites: fx-912, fx-915, fx-993, fx-995, fx-570, fx-JP700, fx-JP900. (These Casio calculators must have “fx-912”, “fx-915”, “fx-993”, “fx-995”, “fx-570”, “fx-JP700”, or “fx-JP900” in their model name.)

  • Exam sites and fees
    Exam Locations

    Visit https://account.ncees.org/sites

    Registration Fees
    Registration Fee
    FE (CBT)
    PE (CBT)
  • Exam results

    When results have been released to the board (typically 8–10 weeks after the exam) and validated, NCEES will send an email informing you that your exam result can be accessed through your MyNCEES account.

    All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam. You will not receive a diagnostic report if you pass the examination.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    You may cancel your exam registration through your MyNCEES account any time before the NCEES registration deadline. Refunds will include exam fees paid to NCEES during the registration process, minus a $50 processing fee.

    Funds may not be transferred to a later exam administration date. After the NCEES registration deadline, registrations may not be canceled and fees will not be refunded.

    If, on the day of the exam, you are unable to attend for one of the following reasons, you may submit documentation to request a refund of your fees (less the $50 processing fee). Documentation must be submitted to NCEES within 30 days of the exam date.

    • Illness, either yourself or immediate family member who requires your care
    • Death of an immediate family member
    • Disabling traffic accident
    • Court appearance or jury duty
    • Military duty

Virgin Islands Requirements and Registration Details

  • Exam registration and authorization
    The Virgin Islands board requires FE examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Virgin Islands board requires examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Virgin Islands board requires examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    The Virgin Islands board requires FS examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.
    The Virgin Islands board requires PS examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam scheduling

    Examinees register and schedule appointments through their MyNCEES accounts. During the registration process, examinees select their exam location. Next, they are presented with a list of available exam dates. If examinees are not happy with the choices, they can browse through the available dates at other NCEES-approved test centers.

  • Exam results

    Exam results are typically available within 7–10 business days. You will receive an email notification from NCEES with instructions to view your exam results in your MyNCEES account. Results will include a link to your licensing board for additional state-specific information or instructions. All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    Refer to the section on computer-based exams in the NCEES Examinee Guide for information about cancellations, refunds, rescheduling, and discipline changes.

  • Exam registration and authorization
    The Virgin Islands board requires FE examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Register online with NCEES (see deadline below) to reserve your seat for the exam. After registering with NCEES, candidates are required by the U.S. Virgin Islands board to complete an application to take the exam in the U.S. Virgin Islands. 

    Visit the board’s website to complete your application.

    OCTOBER 21-22, 2021 EXAMS

    The deadline to register with NCEES for this exam will be at 3:00 p.m. eastern time on August 26, 2021.

    Please read here for important information on the date your exam will be given, as well as important exam site procedures: https://ncees.org/october-2021-exam-administration-updates/

    Your exam type, discipline, module, and/or site cannot be changed after the NCEES registration deadline.

    The Virgin Islands board requires examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    The Virgin Islands board requires FS examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.
    The Virgin Islands board requires PS examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam sites and fees
    Exam Locations

    Visit https://account.ncees.org/sites

    Registration Fees
    Registration Fee
    FE (CBT)
    PE (CBT)
  • Exam results

    When results have been released to the board (typically 8–10 weeks after the exam) and validated, NCEES will send an email informing you that your exam result can be accessed through your MyNCEES account.

    All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam. You will not receive a diagnostic report if you pass the examination.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    You may cancel your exam registration through your MyNCEES account any time before the NCEES registration deadline. Refunds will include exam fees paid to NCEES during the registration process, minus a $50 processing fee.

    Funds may not be transferred to a later exam administration date. After the NCEES registration deadline, registrations may not be canceled and fees will not be refunded.

    If, on the day of the exam, you are unable to attend for one of the following reasons, you may submit documentation to request a refund of your fees (less the $50 processing fee). Documentation must be submitted to NCEES within 30 days of the exam date.

    • Illness, either yourself or immediate family member who requires your care
    • Death of an immediate family member
    • Disabling traffic accident
    • Court appearance or jury duty
    • Military duty

Alabama Requirements and Registration Details

  • Exam registration and authorization
    The Alabama board does not require examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam. Examinees may register for their exams by creating a MyNCEES account.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Alabama Board does not require PE examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam as long as the examinee:

        1. Has passed the Fundamentals of Engineering exam and it is officially verified in their account AND

        2. Has a BS engineering degree that is EAC/ABET accredited or has written approval from the Alabama Board to register with NCEES for the exam.

    Before registering, examinees should visit the ABET website to ensure their BS engineering degree is from an EAC/ABET accredited program at their institution. Examinees without EAC/ABET accredited engineering degrees or prior written approval should contact the Alabama Board before registering with NCEES for the exam.

    To learn if your FE exam has been verified, look on the right side of your MyNCEES dashboard. There will be a link called Exam Verification. Review the Verified Exams section. If your FE has not been verified, click “Request Verification” at the top of the page and follow the steps to make the request to the state board where you took and passed your exam.

    You must also acknowledge the following statement:

    "I am a graduate of an EAC/ABET accredited engineering program and have passed the Fundamentals of Engineering exam; or I have written approval from the Alabama Board to register for this exam. I acknowledge and understand that passing this exam does not guarantee future licensure and that if I misrepresent my credentials in this acknowledgment, the Alabama Board may refuse to license me."

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Alabama Board does not require SE examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam as long as the examinee:

        1. Has passed the Fundamentals of Engineering exam and it is officially verified in their account AND

        2. Has a BS engineering degree that is EAC/ABET accredited or has written approval from the Alabama Board to register with NCEES for the exam.

    Before registering, examinees should visit the ABET website to ensure their BS engineering degree is from an EAC/ABET accredited program at their institution. Examinees without EAC/ABET accredited engineering degrees or prior written approval should contact the Alabama board before registering with NCEES for the exam.

    To learn if your FE exam has been verified, look on the right side of your MyNCEES dashboard. There will be a link called Exam Verification. Review the Verified Exams section. If your FE has not been verified, click “Request Verification” at the top of the page and follow the steps to make the request to the state board where you took and passed your exam.

    You must also acknowledge the following statement:

    "I am a graduate of an EAC/ABET accredited engineering program and have passed the Fundamentals of Engineering exam; or I have written approval from the Alabama Board to register for this exam. I acknowledge and understand that passing this exam does not guarantee future licensure and that if I misrepresent my credentials in this acknowledgment, the Alabama Board may refuse to license me."

    Once you pass your exam, you will then apply directly to the Alabama Board to continue the licensure process and will submit any required application and documentation as required by the board.

    The Alabama board does not require examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam. Examinees may register for their exams by creating a MyNCEES account.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Alabama Board does not require PS examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam as long as the examinee has passed the Fundamentals of Surveying exam and has a BS degree that is ABET-accredited or has written approval from the Alabama Board to register with NCEES for the exam.

    Before registering, examinees should visit the ABET website to ensure their BS degree is from an ABET-accredited program at their institution. Examinees without ABET accredited degrees or prior written approval should contact the Alabama Board before registering with NCEES for the exam.

    You must also acknowledge the following statement:

    "I am a graduate of an ABET accredited program and have passed the Fundamentals of Surveying exam; or I have written approval from the Alabama Board to register for this exam. I acknowledge and understand that passing this exam does not guarantee future licensure and that if I misrepresent my credentials in this acknowledgment, the Alabama Board may refuse to license me."

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam scheduling

    Examinees register and schedule appointments through their MyNCEES accounts. During the registration process, examinees select their exam location. Next, they are presented with a list of available exam dates. If examinees are not happy with the choices, they can browse through the available dates at other NCEES-approved test centers.

  • Exam results

    Exam results are typically available within 7–10 business days. You will receive an email notification from NCEES with instructions to view your exam results in your MyNCEES account. Results will include a link to your licensing board for additional state-specific information or instructions. All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    Refer to the section on computer-based exams in the NCEES Examinee Guide for information about cancellations, refunds, rescheduling, and discipline changes.

  • Exam registration and authorization
    The Alabama board does not require examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam. Examinees may register for their exams by creating a MyNCEES account.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Alabama Board does not require PE examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES (deadlines below) and scheduling an exam as long as the examinee: 

        1. Has passed the Fundamentals of Engineering exam and it is officially verified in their account AND

        2. Has a BS engineering degree that is EAC/ABET accredited or has written approval from the Alabama Board to register with NCEES for the exam.

    OCTOBER 21-22, 2021 EXAMS

    The deadline for registration for the October 2021 exam is at 3:00 p.m. eastern time on August 26, 2021.

    Please read here for important information on the date your exam will be given, as well as important exam site procedures: https://ncees.org/october-2021-exam-administration-updates/

    Before registering, examinees should visit the ABET website to ensure their BS engineering degree is from an EAC/ABET accredited program at their institution. Examinees without EAC/ABET accredited engineering degrees or prior written approval should contact the Alabama Board before registering with NCEES for the exam.

    To learn if your FE exam has been verified, look on the right side of your MyNCEES dashboard. There will be a link called Exam Verification. Review the Verified Exams section. If your FE has not been verified, click “Request Verification” at the top of the page and follow the steps to make the request to the state board where you took and passed your exam.

    You must also acknowledge the following statement:

    "I am a graduate of an EAC/ABET accredited engineering program and have passed the Fundamentals of Engineering exam; or I have written approval from the Alabama Board to register for this exam. I acknowledge and understand that passing this exam does not guarantee future licensure and that if I misrepresent my credentials in this acknowledgment, the Alabama Board may refuse to license me."

    Your exam type, discipline, module, and/or site cannot be changed after the NCEES registration deadline.

    Once you pass your exam, you will then apply directly to the Alabama Board to continue the licensure process and will submit any required application and documentation as required by the board.

    The Alabama Board does not require SE examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam as long as the examinee:

        1. Has passed the Fundamentals of Engineering exam and it is officially verified in their account AND

        2. Has a BS engineering degree that is EAC/ABET accredited or has written approval from the Alabama Board to register with NCEES for the exam.

    Before registering, examinees should visit the ABET website to ensure their BS engineering degree is from an EAC/ABET accredited program at their institution. Examinees without EAC/ABET accredited engineering degrees or prior written approval should contact the Alabama board before registering with NCEES for the exam.

    To learn if your FE exam has been verified, look on the right side of your MyNCEES dashboard. There will be a link called Exam Verification. Review the Verified Exams section. If your FE has not been verified, click “Request Verification” at the top of the page and follow the steps to make the request to the state board where you took and passed your exam.

    You must also acknowledge the following statement:

    "I am a graduate of an EAC/ABET accredited engineering program and have passed the Fundamentals of Engineering exam; or I have written approval from the Alabama Board to register for this exam. I acknowledge and understand that passing this exam does not guarantee future licensure and that if I misrepresent my credentials in this acknowledgment, the Alabama Board may refuse to license me."

    Once you pass your exam, you will then apply directly to the Alabama Board to continue the licensure process and will submit any required application and documentation as required by the board.

    The Alabama board does not require examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam. Examinees may register for their exams by creating a MyNCEES account.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Alabama Board does not require PS examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam as long as the examinee has passed the Fundamentals of Surveying exam and has a BS degree that is ABET-accredited or has written approval from the Alabama Board to register with NCEES for the exam.

    Before registering, examinees should visit the ABET website to ensure their BS degree is from an ABET-accredited program at their institution. Examinees without ABET accredited degrees or prior written approval should contact the Alabama Board before registering with NCEES for the exam.

    You must also acknowledge the following statement:

    "I am a graduate of an ABET accredited program and have passed the Fundamentals of Surveying exam; or I have written approval from the Alabama Board to register for this exam. I acknowledge and understand that passing this exam does not guarantee future licensure and that if I misrepresent my credentials in this acknowledgment, the Alabama Board may refuse to license me."

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam sites and fees
    Exam Locations

    Visit https://account.ncees.org/sites

    Registration Fees
    Registration Fee
    FE (CBT)
    PE (CBT)
  • Exam results

    When results have been released to the board (typically 8–10 weeks after the exam) and validated, NCEES will send an email informing you that your exam result can be accessed through your MyNCEES account.

    All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam. You will not receive a diagnostic report if you pass the examination.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    You may cancel your exam registration through your MyNCEES account any time before the NCEES registration deadline. Refunds will include exam fees paid to NCEES during the registration process, minus a $50 processing fee.

    Funds may not be transferred to a later exam administration date. After the NCEES registration deadline, registrations may not be canceled and fees will not be refunded.

    If, on the day of the exam, you are unable to attend for one of the following reasons, you may submit documentation to request a refund of your fees (less the $50 processing fee). Documentation must be submitted to NCEES within 30 days of the exam date.

    • Illness, either yourself or immediate family member who requires your care
    • Death of an immediate family member
    • Disabling traffic accident
    • Court appearance or jury duty
    • Military duty

Alaska Requirements and Registration Details

  • Exam registration and authorization

    As of 5/25/2017, the Alaska board no longer requires examinees to submit an application or pay an application fee to the board to take the FE.

    Examinees may register directly with NCEES to sit the FE examination. You will be automatically approved if you are working toward or have completed an ABET/EAC accredited degree. No notice to the Alaska board is necessary.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    First-time examinees must first apply to the Alaska board for approval to sit for the exam. Visit the board’s website for instructions on the approval process.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    First-time examinees must first apply to the Alaska board for approval to sit for the exam. Visit the board’s website for instructions on the approval process.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    After the board has notified you of your approval, register online with NCEES to reserve your seat for the exam.

    As of 5/25/2017, the Alaska board no longer requires examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board to take the FS.

    Examinees may register directly with NCEES to sit the FS examination. You will be automatically approved if you are working toward or have completed an ABET degree. No notice to the Alaska board is necessary.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Alaska board requires PS examinees to first submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board. Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam scheduling

    Examinees register and schedule appointments through their MyNCEES accounts. During the registration process, examinees select their exam location. Next, they are presented with a list of available exam dates. If examinees are not happy with the choices, they can browse through the available dates at other NCEES-approved test centers.

  • Exam results

    Exam results are typically available within 7–10 business days. You will receive an email notification from NCEES with instructions to view your exam results in your MyNCEES account. Results will include a link to your licensing board for additional state-specific information or instructions. All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    Refer to the section on computer-based exams in the NCEES Examinee Guide for information about cancellations, refunds, rescheduling, and discipline changes.

  • Exam registration and authorization

    As of 5/25/2017, the Alaska board no longer requires examinees to submit an application or pay an application fee to the board to take the FE.

    Examinees may register directly with NCEES to sit the FE examination. You will be automatically approved if you are working toward or have completed an ABET/EAC accredited degree. No notice to the Alaska board is necessary.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Examinees must first apply to the Alaska board for approval to sit for the exam in Alaska. Visit the board’s website for instructions on the approval process. Alaska’s posted deadlines are as follows:

    • First-time examinees—must apply to the board (deadline July 12; contact board directly for details) for the October 2021 exams

    After the board has notified you of your approval, register online with NCEES (see deadlines below) to reserve your seat for the exam.

    OCTOBER 21-22, 2021 EXAMS

    The deadline to register for your exam will be at 3:00 p.m. eastern time on August 26, 2021.

    Please read here for important information on the date your exam will be given, as well as important exam site procedures: https://ncees.org/october-2021-exam-administration-updates/

    Your exam type, discipline, module, and/or site cannot be changed after the NCEES registration deadline.

    First-time examinees must first apply to the Alaska board for approval to sit for the exam. Visit the board’s website for instructions on the approval process.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    After the board has notified you of your approval, register online with NCEES to reserve your seat for the exam.

    As of 5/25/2017, the Alaska board no longer requires examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board to take the FS.

    Examinees may register directly with NCEES to sit the FS examination. You will be automatically approved if you are working toward or have completed an ABET degree. No notice to the Alaska board is necessary.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Alaska board requires PS examinees to first submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board. Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam sites and fees
    Exam Locations

    Visit https://account.ncees.org/sites

    Registration Fees
    Registration Fee
    FE (CBT)
    PE (CBT)
  • Exam results

    When results have been released to the board (typically 8–10 weeks after the exam) and validated, NCEES will send an email informing you that your exam result can be accessed through your MyNCEES account.

    All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam. You will not receive a diagnostic report if you pass the examination.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    You may cancel your exam registration through your MyNCEES account any time before the NCEES registration deadline. Refunds will include exam fees paid to NCEES during the registration process, minus a $50 processing fee.

    Funds may not be transferred to a later exam administration date. After the NCEES registration deadline, registrations may not be canceled and fees will not be refunded.

    If, on the day of the exam, you are unable to attend for one of the following reasons, you may submit documentation to request a refund of your fees (less the $50 processing fee). Documentation must be submitted to NCEES within 30 days of the exam date.

    • Illness, either yourself or immediate family member who requires your care
    • Death of an immediate family member
    • Disabling traffic accident
    • Court appearance or jury duty
    • Military duty

Arizona Requirements and Registration Details

  • Exam registration and authorization

    Examinees must have:
    • Graduated from an ABET-accredited program OR are in the final year of an ABET accredited program.
    In order to qualify for authorization to sit for the exam directly through NCEES, you will need to enter your education information into your NCEES account prior to registration showing that you have graduated from or are in the final year of an ABET accredited program.
    Pre-authorization through the Arizona Board of Technical Registration:
    Examinees who have not graduated from or are in the last year of an ABET accredited programshould not register with NCEES until they have applied to the Arizona Board of Technical Registration for exam authorization and receive approval. Once approved by the Board, the Board will grant examinees a one-year authorization to take and pass the exam. Failure to do so within that time period will require the examinee to submit another application and applicable fee to the Board for further exam authorization. Please visit the Board’s website for pre-authorization requirements.

    Applicants for Arizona planning to take the exam who have graduated from an ABET-accredited program and submitted the transcript to NCEES, have passed the FE exam or had the FE exam requirement waived by the Board (and have the FE verified in their account), and who have at least 60 months of education/experience, may register directly with NCEES to take the examination. 

    All other applicants must apply to the Arizona Board for authorization to take the examination.

    In order to qualify for authorization to sit the exam directly through NCEES, you will need to have your college transcript and verification of your FE submitted to NCEES prior to registration and must attest that you have met the 60 month education/experience requirement for the State of Arizona at the time of registration.

    You can check to see if your FE exam has already been verified by looking at the right side of your dashboard when you log in and following the Exam Verification link. If your FE exam has not been verified, you will need to submit a verification request to the board where you passed the FE exam. Please note that a verification response may take up to 30 days and plan accordingly.

    Read this PDF for detailed directions.

    Examinees who remain categorized as “pending board approval” in their My NCEES account after submitting a transcript and having their FE verified were not accepted for auto-approval by NCEES. The NCEES “pending” status means that you need to submit an application to take the examination directly to the Board for authorization to take the exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Applicants for Arizona planning to take the exam who have graduated from an ABET-accredited program and submitted the transcript to NCEES, have passed the FE exam or had the FE exam requirement waived by the Board (and have the FE verified in their account), and who have at least 60 months of education/experience, may register directly with NCEES to take the examination.

    All other applicants must apply to the Arizona Board for authorization to take the examination.

    In order to qualify for authorization to sit the exam directly through NCEES, you will need to have your college transcript and verification of your FE submitted to NCEES prior to registration and must attest that you have met the 60 month education/experience requirement for the State of Arizona at the time of registration. 

    You can check to see if your FE exam has already been verified by looking at the right side of your dashboard when you log in and following the Exam Verification link. If your FE exam has not been verified, you will need to submit a verification request to the board where you took and passed the FE exam. Please note that a verification response may take up to 30 days and plan accordingly.

    Read this PDF for detailed directions.

    Examinees who remain categorized as “pending board approval” in their My NCEES account after submitting a transcript and having their FE verified were not accepted for auto-approval by NCEES. The NCEES “pending” status means that you need to submit an application to take the examination directly to the Board for authorization to take the exam.

    The Arizona Board requires all examinees who wish to take the FS exam to submit an application with applicable fee to the Board prior to registering with NCEES. Once approved by the Board, examinees will receive a one-year authorization to take and pass the exam. Failure to do so within that time period will require another application and applicable fee for further exam authorization.

    Applicants seeking to take the PS examination who have graduated from an ANSAC-accredited curriculum, have passed the FS exam or had the FS exam requirement waived by the Board, and who have at least 60 months of education/experience may register directly with NCEES to take the examination. All other applicants must apply to the Board for authorization to take the examination.

    In order to qualify for authorization to take the exam directly through NCEES, you will need to have your college transcript and verification of your FS submitted to NCEES prior to registration, and must attest that you have met the 60 month education/experience requirement for the State of Arizona at the time of registration.

    You can check to see if your FS exam has already been verified by looking at the right side of your dashboard when you log in and following the Exam Verification link. If your FS exam has not been verified, you will need to submit a verification request to the state board where you took and passed the FS exam. Please note that a verification response may take up to 30 days and plan accordingly.

    Read this PDF for detailed directions.

    Examinees who remain categorized as “pending board approval” in their My NCEES account were not accepted for auto-approval by NCEES. The NCEES “pending” status means that you need to submit an application to take the examination directly to the Board for authorization to take the PS Exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam scheduling

    Examinees register and schedule appointments through their MyNCEES accounts. During the registration process, examinees select their exam location. Next, they are presented with a list of available exam dates. If examinees are not happy with the choices, they can browse through the available dates at other NCEES-approved test centers.

  • Exam results

    Exam results are typically available within 7–10 business days. You will receive an email notification from NCEES with instructions to view your exam results in your MyNCEES account. Results will include a link to your licensing board for additional state-specific information or instructions. All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    Refer to the section on computer-based exams in the NCEES Examinee Guide for information about cancellations, refunds, rescheduling, and discipline changes.

  • Exam registration and authorization

    Examinees must have:
    • Graduated from an ABET-accredited program OR are in the final year of an ABET accredited program.
    In order to qualify for authorization to sit for the exam directly through NCEES, you will need to enter your education information into your NCEES account prior to registration showing that you have graduated from or are in the final year of an ABET accredited program.
    Pre-authorization through the Arizona Board of Technical Registration:
    Examinees who have not graduated from or are in the last year of an ABET accredited programshould not register with NCEES until they have applied to the Arizona Board of Technical Registration for exam authorization and receive approval. Once approved by the Board, the Board will grant examinees a one-year authorization to take and pass the exam. Failure to do so within that time period will require the examinee to submit another application and applicable fee to the Board for further exam authorization. Please visit the Board’s website for pre-authorization requirements.

    Applicants for Arizona planning to take the exam who have graduated from an ABET-accredited program and submitted the transcript to NCEES, have passed the FE exam or had the FE exam requirement waived by the Board (and have the FE verified in their account), and who have at least 60 months of education/experience, may register directly with NCEES to take the examination. 

    All other applicants must apply to the Arizona Board for authorization to take the examination (application deadline: July 16, 2021).

    In order to qualify for authorization to sit the exam directly through NCEES, you will need to have your college transcript and verification of your FE submitted to NCEES prior to registration and must attest that you have met the 60 month education/experience requirement for the State of Arizona at the time of registration. Read this PDF for detailed directions.

    You can check to see if your FE exam has already been verified by looking at the right side of your dashboard when you log in and following the Exam Verification link. If your FE exam has not been verified, you will need to submit a verification request to the board where you took and passed the FE exam. Please note that a verification response may take up to 30 days and plan accordingly.

    After you have confirmed verification of your FE and your transcript, register online with NCEES (see deadline below) to reserve your seat for the exam.

    OCTOBER 21-22, 2021 EXAMS

    The deadline to register for this exam will be at 3:00 p.m. eastern time on August 26, 2021.

    Please read here for important information on the date your exam will be given, as well as important exam site procedures: https://ncees.org/october-2021-exam-administration-updates/

    Your exam type, discipline, module, and/or site cannot be changed after the NCEES registration deadline.

    Examinees who remain categorized as “pending board approval” in their My NCEES account after submitting a transcript and having their FE verified were not accepted for auto-approval by NCEES. The NCEES “pending” status means that you need to submit an application to take the examination directly to the Board for authorization to take the exam.

    Applicants for Arizona planning to take the exam who have graduated from an ABET-accredited program and submitted the transcript to NCEES, have passed the FE exam or had the FE exam requirement waived by the Board (and have the FE verified in their account), and who have at least 60 months of education/experience, may register directly with NCEES to take the examination.

    All other applicants must apply to the Arizona Board for authorization to take the examination.

    In order to qualify for authorization to sit the exam directly through NCEES, you will need to have your college transcript and verification of your FE submitted to NCEES prior to registration and must attest that you have met the 60 month education/experience requirement for the State of Arizona at the time of registration. 

    You can check to see if your FE exam has already been verified by looking at the right side of your dashboard when you log in and following the Exam Verification link. If your FE exam has not been verified, you will need to submit a verification request to the board where you took and passed the FE exam. Please note that a verification response may take up to 30 days and plan accordingly.

    Read this PDF for detailed directions.

    Examinees who remain categorized as “pending board approval” in their My NCEES account after submitting a transcript and having their FE verified were not accepted for auto-approval by NCEES. The NCEES “pending” status means that you need to submit an application to take the examination directly to the Board for authorization to take the exam.

    The Arizona Board requires all examinees who wish to take the FS exam to submit an application with applicable fee to the Board prior to registering with NCEES. Once approved by the Board, examinees will receive a one-year authorization to take and pass the exam. Failure to do so within that time period will require another application and applicable fee for further exam authorization.

    Applicants seeking to take the PS examination who have graduated from an ANSAC-accredited curriculum, have passed the FS exam or had the FS exam requirement waived by the Board, and who have at least 60 months of education/experience may register directly with NCEES to take the examination. All other applicants must apply to the Board for authorization to take the examination.

    In order to qualify for authorization to take the exam directly through NCEES, you will need to have your college transcript and verification of your FS submitted to NCEES prior to registration, and must attest that you have met the 60 month education/experience requirement for the State of Arizona at the time of registration.

    You can check to see if your FS exam has already been verified by looking at the right side of your dashboard when you log in and following the Exam Verification link. If your FS exam has not been verified, you will need to submit a verification request to the state board where you took and passed the FS exam. Please note that a verification response may take up to 30 days and plan accordingly.

    Read this PDF for detailed directions.

    Examinees who remain categorized as “pending board approval” in their My NCEES account were not accepted for auto-approval by NCEES. The NCEES “pending” status means that you need to submit an application to take the examination directly to the Board for authorization to take the PS Exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam sites and fees
    Exam Locations

    Visit https://account.ncees.org/sites

    Registration Fees
    Registration Fee
    FE (CBT)
    PE (CBT)
  • Exam results

    When results have been released to the board (typically 8–10 weeks after the exam) and validated, NCEES will send an email informing you that your exam result can be accessed through your MyNCEES account.

    All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam. You will not receive a diagnostic report if you pass the examination.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    You may cancel your exam registration through your MyNCEES account any time before the NCEES registration deadline. Refunds will include exam fees paid to NCEES during the registration process, minus a $50 processing fee.

    Funds may not be transferred to a later exam administration date. After the NCEES registration deadline, registrations may not be canceled and fees will not be refunded.

    If, on the day of the exam, you are unable to attend for one of the following reasons, you may submit documentation to request a refund of your fees (less the $50 processing fee). Documentation must be submitted to NCEES within 30 days of the exam date.

    • Illness, either yourself or immediate family member who requires your care
    • Death of an immediate family member
    • Disabling traffic accident
    • Court appearance or jury duty
    • Military duty

Arkansas Requirements and Registration Details

  • Exam registration and authorization

    The Arkansas board does not require FE examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Arkansas Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Professional Surveyors ("Board") no longer requires examinees to submit a completed application for licensure with the Board prior to registering and/or scheduling to take the NCEES PE exams. However, applicants for licensure must attest to the following, if the examination is a pathway to licensure:

    • I meet the education qualifications for the ABLPE&PS


    • I passed the NCEES Fundamentals of Engineering and it is verified in my NCEES account.

    Please visit the ABLPE&PS website for all the qualifications for licensure including education, exams, experience and enforcement at https://www.pels.arkansas.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/PELS-Rules-final-clean.pdf in Rules of the Board Article 8. General Requirements for Licensure. Once you have passed the exam and meet the qualifications for licensure, please visit the Board's website at https://www.pels.arkansas.gov/ for the online application. 

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Arkansas Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Professional Surveyors ("Board") no longer requires examinees to submit a completed application for licensure with the Board prior to registering and/or scheduling to take the NCEES PE exams. However, applicants for licensure must attest to the following, if the examination is a pathway to licensure:

    • I meet the education qualifications for the ABLPE&PS


    • I passed the NCEES Fundamentals of Engineering and it is verified in my NCEES account

    Please visit the ABLPE&PS website for all the qualifications for licensure including education, exams, experience and enforcement at https://www.pels.arkansas.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/PELS-Rules-final-clean.pdf in Rules of the Board Article 8. General Requirements for Licensure. Once you have passed the exam and meet the qualifications for licensure, please visit the Board's website at https://www.pels.arkansas.gov/ for the online application.

    The Arkansas board does not require FS examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Arkansas Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Professional Surveyors ("Board") no longer requires examinees to submit a completed application for licensure with the Board prior to registering and/or scheduling to take the NCEES PS exams. However, applicants for licensure must attest to the following, if the examination is a pathway to licensure:

    • I meet the education qualifications for the ABLPE&PS


    • I passed the NCEES Fundamentals of Surveying and it is verified in my NCEES account.

    Please visit the ABLPE&PS website for all the qualifications for licensure including education, exams, experience and enforcement at https://www.pels.arkansas.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/PELS-Rules-final-clean.pdf in Rules of the Board Article 8. General Requirements for Licensure. Once you have passed the exam and meet the qualifications for licensure, please visit the Board's website at https://www.pels.arkansas.gov/ for the online application. 

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam scheduling

    Examinees register and schedule appointments through their MyNCEES accounts. During the registration process, examinees select their exam location. Next, they are presented with a list of available exam dates. If examinees are not happy with the choices, they can browse through the available dates at other NCEES-approved test centers.

  • Exam results

    Exam results are typically available within 7–10 business days. You will receive an email notification from NCEES with instructions to view your exam results in your MyNCEES account. Results will include a link to your licensing board for additional state-specific information or instructions. All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    Refer to the section on computer-based exams in the NCEES Examinee Guide for information about cancellations, refunds, rescheduling, and discipline changes.

  • Exam registration and authorization

    The Arkansas board does not require FE examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Arkansas Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Professional Surveyors ("Board") no longer requires examinees to submit a completed application for licensure with the Board prior to registering and/or scheduling to take the NCEES PE exams. However, applicants for licensure must attest to the following, if the examination is a pathway to licensure:

    • I meet the education qualifications for the ABLPE&PS


    • I passed the NCEES Fundamentals of Engineering and it is verified in my NCEES account.

    Please visit the ABLPE&PS website for all the qualifications for licensure including education, exams, experience and enforcement at https://www.pels.arkansas.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/PELS-Rules-final-clean.pdf in Rules of the Board Article 8. General Requirements for Licensure. Once you have passed the exam and meet the qualifications for licensure, please visit the Board's website at https://www.pels.arkansas.gov/ for the online application.

    The deadline to register with NCEES for the October 2021 exam is at 3:00 pm eastern time on August 26, 2021.

    Please read here for important information on the date your exam will be given, as well as important exam site procedures: https://ncees.org/october-2021-exam-administration-updates/

    Your exam type, discipline, module, and/or site cannot be changed after the NCEES registration deadline.

    The Arkansas Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Professional Surveyors ("Board") no longer requires examinees to submit a completed application for licensure with the Board prior to registering and/or scheduling to take the NCEES PE exams. However, applicants for licensure must attest to the following, if the examination is a pathway to licensure:

    • I meet the education qualifications for the ABLPE&PS


    • I passed the NCEES Fundamentals of Engineering and it is verified in my NCEES account

    Please visit the ABLPE&PS website for all the qualifications for licensure including education, exams, experience and enforcement at https://www.pels.arkansas.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/PELS-Rules-final-clean.pdf in Rules of the Board Article 8. General Requirements for Licensure. Once you have passed the exam and meet the qualifications for licensure, please visit the Board's website at https://www.pels.arkansas.gov/ for the online application.

    The Arkansas board does not require FS examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Arkansas Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Professional Surveyors ("Board") no longer requires examinees to submit a completed application for licensure with the Board prior to registering and/or scheduling to take the NCEES PS exams. However, applicants for licensure must attest to the following, if the examination is a pathway to licensure:

    • I meet the education qualifications for the ABLPE&PS


    • I passed the NCEES Fundamentals of Surveying and it is verified in my NCEES account.

    Please visit the ABLPE&PS website for all the qualifications for licensure including education, exams, experience and enforcement at https://www.pels.arkansas.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/PELS-Rules-final-clean.pdf in Rules of the Board Article 8. General Requirements for Licensure. Once you have passed the exam and meet the qualifications for licensure, please visit the Board's website at https://www.pels.arkansas.gov/ for the online application. 

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam sites and fees
    Exam Locations

    Visit https://account.ncees.org/sites

    Registration Fees
    Registration Fee
    FE (CBT)
    PE (CBT)
  • Exam results

    When results have been released to the board (typically 8–10 weeks after the exam) and validated, NCEES will send an email informing you that your exam result can be accessed through your MyNCEES account.

    All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam. You will not receive a diagnostic report if you pass the examination.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    You may cancel your exam registration through your MyNCEES account any time before the NCEES registration deadline. Refunds will include exam fees paid to NCEES during the registration process, minus a $50 processing fee.

    Funds may not be transferred to a later exam administration date. After the NCEES registration deadline, registrations may not be canceled and fees will not be refunded.

    If, on the day of the exam, you are unable to attend for one of the following reasons, you may submit documentation to request a refund of your fees (less the $50 processing fee). Documentation must be submitted to NCEES within 30 days of the exam date.

    • Illness, either yourself or immediate family member who requires your care
    • Death of an immediate family member
    • Disabling traffic accident
    • Court appearance or jury duty
    • Military duty

California Requirements and Registration Details

  • Exam registration and authorization

    The California board does not require FE examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    After passing the exam, examinees may apply directly to the California board to obtain certification as an engineer-in-training (EIT).

    Do not submit your application for Professional Engineer licensure to the California Board until you have passed the NCEES Principles and Practice Exam in the appropriate discipline (except for applicants requesting to waive the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam). See the following links for additional information:



    In order to expedite your approval, ensure that your Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam is verified in your MyNCEES account before registering.

    To learn if your FE exam has been verified, look on the right side of your MyNCEES dashboard. There will be a link called Exam Verification. Review the Verified Exams section. If your FE exam has not been verified, click “Request Verification” at the top of the page and follow the steps to make the request to the state board where you took and passed your exam.

    Your exam type and discipline cannot be changed after registering.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Do not submit your application for Structural Engineer licensure to the California Board until you have passed the NCEES PE Structural Exam and satisfied the following requirements:

     ·  Hold an unexpired, valid California license as a Civil Engineer

    ·   Satisfied the work experience requirements in Title 16, California Code of Regulations section 426.10(b).

    For information on the exams acceptable for Structural Engineer licensure view the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Regarding the Structural Engineer (SE) Exam. If you have not passed an accepted exam, create and/or login to your MyNCEES account and register.

    Once you have passed an acceptable exam scenario and have the required qualifying experience, submit your application for licensure. There is no final filing date. Applications can be submitted and will be accepted on a continuous basis. View the Structural Engineer Application webpage for additional information.

    The California board does not require FS examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The process for approval to take the professional surveying exams has changed recently for California examinees; review the information here before registering:


    In order to expedite your approval for this exam, ensure that your Fundamentals of Surveying (FS) exam is verified in your MyNCEES account before registering.

    To learn if your FS exam has been verified, look on the right side of your MyNCEES dashboard. There will be a link called Exam Verification. Review the Verified Exams section. If your FS has not been verified, click “Request Verification” at the top of the page and follow the steps to make the request to the state board where you took and passed your exam.

    Application to the California board is not required prior to examination. Visit https://www.bpelsg.ca.gov/applicants/index.shtml for licensure application instructions once you have passed the exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam scheduling

    Examinees register and schedule appointments through their MyNCEES accounts. During the registration process, examinees select their exam location. Next, they are presented with a list of available exam dates. If examinees are not happy with the choices, they can browse through the available dates at other NCEES-approved test centers.

  • Exam results

    Exam results are typically available within 7–10 business days. You will receive an email notification from NCEES with instructions to view your exam results in your MyNCEES account. Results will include a link to your licensing board for additional state-specific information or instructions. All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    Refer to the section on computer-based exams in the NCEES Examinee Guide for information about cancellations, refunds, rescheduling, and discipline changes.

  • Exam registration and authorization

    The California board does not require FE examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    After passing the exam, examinees may apply directly to the California board to obtain certification as an engineer-in-training (EIT).

    The process for approval to take the Professional Engineering exams has changed recently for California examinees; review the information here before registering:


    In order to expedite your approval, ensure that your Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam is verified in your MyNCEES account before registering.

    To learn if your FE exam has been verified, look on the right side of your MyNCEES dashboard. There will be a link called Exam Verification. Review the Verified Exams section. If your FE exam has not been verified, click “Request Verification” at the top of the page and follow the steps to make the request to the state board where you took and passed your exam.

    Application to the California board is not required prior to examination for NCEES exams (except for Structural Engineer or those requesting to waive the Fundamental of Engineering exam). Visit https://www.bpelsg.ca.gov/applicants/index.shtml for licensure application instructions once you have passed the exam.

    All candidates wishing to register for the exams will need to do so prior to NCEES’s registration deadline (see deadline below).

    OCTOBER 21-22, 2021 EXAMS

    The deadline to register with NCEES for this exam will be at 3:00 p.m. eastern time on August 26, 2021.

    Please read here for important information on the date your exam will be given, as well as important exam site procedures: https://ncees.org/october-2021-exam-administration-updates/

    Your exam type, discipline, module, and/or site cannot be changed after the NCEES registration deadline.

    Once you pass the NCEES examination, complete and submit the Board Notification Form.

    Do not submit your application for Structural Engineer licensure to the California Board until you have passed the NCEES PE Structural Exam and satisfied the following requirements:

     ·  Hold an unexpired, valid California license as a Civil Engineer

    ·   Satisfied the work experience requirements in Title 16, California Code of Regulations section 426.10(b).

    For information on the exams acceptable for Structural Engineer licensure view the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Regarding the Structural Engineer (SE) Exam. If you have not passed an accepted exam, create and/or login to your MyNCEES account and register.

    Once you have passed an acceptable exam scenario and have the required qualifying experience, submit your application for licensure. There is no final filing date. Applications can be submitted and will be accepted on a continuous basis. View the Structural Engineer Application webpage for additional information.

    The California board does not require FS examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The process for approval to take the professional surveying exams has changed recently for California examinees; review the information here before registering:


    In order to expedite your approval for this exam, ensure that your Fundamentals of Surveying (FS) exam is verified in your MyNCEES account before registering.

    To learn if your FS exam has been verified, look on the right side of your MyNCEES dashboard. There will be a link called Exam Verification. Review the Verified Exams section. If your FS has not been verified, click “Request Verification” at the top of the page and follow the steps to make the request to the state board where you took and passed your exam.

    Application to the California board is not required prior to examination. Visit https://www.bpelsg.ca.gov/applicants/index.shtml for licensure application instructions once you have passed the exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam sites and fees
    Exam Locations

    Visit https://account.ncees.org/sites

    Registration Fees
    Registration Fee
    FE (CBT)
    PE (CBT)
  • Exam results

    When results have been released to the board (typically 8–10 weeks after the exam) and validated, NCEES will send an email informing you that your exam result can be accessed through your MyNCEES account.

    All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam. You will not receive a diagnostic report if you pass the examination.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    You may cancel your exam registration through your MyNCEES account any time before the NCEES registration deadline. Refunds will include exam fees paid to NCEES during the registration process, minus a $50 processing fee.

    Funds may not be transferred to a later exam administration date. After the NCEES registration deadline, registrations may not be canceled and fees will not be refunded.

    If, on the day of the exam, you are unable to attend for one of the following reasons, you may submit documentation to request a refund of your fees (less the $50 processing fee). Documentation must be submitted to NCEES within 30 days of the exam date.

    • Illness, either yourself or immediate family member who requires your care
    • Death of an immediate family member
    • Disabling traffic accident
    • Court appearance or jury duty
    • Military duty

Colorado Requirements and Registration Details

  • Exam registration and authorization

    By scheduling and taking the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) examination, you attest under penalty of perjury as defined in §18-8-503, Colorado Revised Statute (C.R.S), that you have obtained the prerequisite education and/or experience necessary PRIOR to taking the examination pursuant to section 12-120-211, C.R.S., and sections 1.4 (A) through (H) of the Colorado Board Rules located at the Colorado Board’s Laws, Rules, and Policies webpage.


    This includes but is not limited to understanding the requirements and credit awarded specific to Colorado statute and rule for: Advanced Degrees; Recent Experience; and, Foreign Experience.


    Falsifying this information is a violation of section 12-120-206 (1)(a), C.R.S. and may result in the denial of your application for enrollment in Colorado.


    If you do not know if you qualify to take the examination you must STOP NOW and review the  Colorado requirements for enrollment as an Engineer Intern.


    After passing the FE examination to apply for enrollment as a Colorado Engineer Intern, visit the Colorado Online Services, create an account, and follow the prompts to complete the EI application. 


    Although the Colorado Board does not provide pre-review of applications, you may contact the Colorado Office of Licensing at [email protected]  or 303-894-7800 for other questions.

    By scheduling and taking the Principles and Practices of Engineering (PE) examination, you attest under penalty of perjury as defined in §18-8-503, Colorado Revised Statute (C.R.S), that you have obtained the prerequisite education and/or experience and Colorado Engineer Intern enrollment necessary PRIOR to taking the examination(s), pursuant to section 12-120-213, C.R.S., sections1.4 (A) through (H) of the Colorado Board Rules located at the Colorado Board’s Laws, Rules, and Policies webpage

    This includes but is not limited to understanding the requirements and credit awarded specific to Colorado statute and rule for: Advanced Degrees; Recent Experience; and, Foreign Experience. 

    Those qualifying with 20 years of experience pursuant to section 12-120-213(2)(b)(IV), C.R.S. requires additional approval through the Colorado Board Office of Licensing after scheduling your examination through NCEES at [email protected]

    Falsifying this information is a violation of section 12-120-206 (1)(a), C.R.S. and may result in the denial of your application for licensure in Colorado.

    To be automatically approved within this registration system, you must have passed the FE exam (or requested and qualified for a waiver) and have that information available in your account as follows:

    • If you took the FE exam from October 2010 through the present, your passing results will show in your exam history. You will be automatically approved. 
    • If you took the FE exam prior to October 2010, you must request for your FE exam to be verified in your account. To accomplish this, look on the right side of your dashboard when you log in, where there will be a link to Exam Verification. Click on Request Verification at the top of the page and follow the steps to make the request to your state board where you took and passed the exam. Keep in mind that some state boards require ample time to process the verification, and plan accordingly.
    • If you are waiving the FE exam, you must first apply for the waiver with the Colorado board. Once approved for the waiver, request FE verification through your account and it will be entered as such, and you will then be approved for the exam.

    If you do not know if you qualify to take the PE examination you must STOP NOW and review the Colorado requirements for licensure as a Professional Engineer

    After passing the PE examination, return to your NCEES record and follow the prompts to submit your education and experience information. NCEES will review and evaluate your engineering experience to ensure it is progressive engineering. NCEES does not approve you for Colorado licensure. 

    It is your responsibility to obtain enough qualifying education and progressive engineering experience to qualify for licensure in Colorado. 

    Once you have verified enough education and progressive engineering experience required by Colorado statute and rule, you will apply for licensure in Colorado by creating an account within the Colorado Online Services website, and follow the prompts to complete the application for licensure as a Professional Engineer.

    You will also need to make a request to NCEES to transmit your NCEES Record to Colorado to complete your application. 

    If you do not have enough education or experience when you apply with the Colorado Board, you will be referred back to NCEES to submit additional experience for NCEES review

    Although the Colorado Board does not provide pre-review of applications, you may contact the Colorado Office of Licensing at [email protected]  or 303-894-7800 for other questions.

    By scheduling and taking the Principles and Practices of Engineering (PE) examination, you attest under penalty of perjury as defined in §18-8-503, Colorado Revised Statute (C.R.S), that you have obtained the prerequisite education and/or experience and Colorado Engineer Intern enrollment necessary PRIOR to taking the examination(s), pursuant to section 12-120-213, C.R.S., sections1.4 (A) through (H) of the Colorado Board Rules located at the Colorado Board’s Laws, Rules, and Policies webpage.

    This includes but is not limited to understanding the requirements and credit awarded specific to Colorado statute and rule for: Advanced Degrees; Recent Experience; and, Foreign Experience.

    Those qualifying with 20 years of experience pursuant to section 12-120-213(2)(b)(IV), C.R.S. requires additional approval through the Colorado Board Office of Licensing after scheduling your examination through NCEES at [email protected].

    Falsifying this information is a violation of section 12-120-206 (1)(a), C.R.S. and may result in the denial of your application for licensure in Colorado.

    To be automatically approved within this registration system, you must have passed the FE exam (or requested and qualified for a waiver) and have that information verified and available in your account as follows:

    • If you took the FE exam from October 2010 through the present, your passing results will show in your exam history. You will be automatically approved.
    • If you took the FE exam prior to October 2010, you must request for your FE exam to be verified in your account. To accomplish this, look on the right side of your dashboard when you log in, where there will be a link to Exam Verification. Click on Request Verification at the top of the page and follow the steps to make the request to your state board where you took and passed the exam. Keep in mind that some state boards require ample time to process the verification, and plan accordingly.
    • If you are waiving the FE exam, you must first apply for the waiver with the Colorado board. Once approved for the waiver, request FE verification through your account and it will be entered as such, and you will then be approved for the exam

    If you do not know if you qualify to take the PE examination you must STOP NOW and review the Colorado requirements for licensure as a Professional Engineer.

    After passing the PE examination, return to your NCEES record and follow the prompts to submit your education and experience information. NCEES will review and evaluate your engineering experience to ensure it is progressive engineering. NCEES does not approve you for Colorado licensure.

    It is your responsibility to obtain enough qualifying education and progressive engineering experience to qualify for licensure in Colorado.

    Once you have verified enough education and progressive engineering experience required by Colorado statute and rule, you will apply for licensure in Colorado by creating an account within the Colorado Online Services website, and follow the prompts to complete the application for licensure as a Professional Engineer.

    You will also need to make a request to NCEES to transmit your NCEES Record to Colorado to complete your application.

    If you do not have enough education or experience when you apply with the Colorado Board, you will be referred back to NCEES to submit additional experience for NCEES review.

    Although the Colorado Board does not provide pre-review of applications, you may contact the Colorado Office of Licensing at [email protected] or 303-894-7800 for other questions.

    By scheduling and taking the Fundamentals of Surveying (FS) examination, you attest under penalty of perjury as defined in §18-8-503, Colorado Revised Statute (C.R.S), that you have obtained the prerequisite education and/or experience necessary PRIOR to taking the examination pursuant to section 12-120-410, C.R.S., sections 1.4 (A) through (H) of the Colorado Board Rules located at the Colorado Board’s Laws, Rules, and Policies webpage


    This includes but is not limited to understanding the requirements and credit awarded specific to Colorado statute and rule for: Recent Experience; Foreign Experience; and, Experience obtained under a licensed land surveyor.


    Falsifying this information is also a violation of section 12-120-306 (1)(a), C.R.S. and may result in the denial of your application for enrollment in Colorado.


    If you do not know if you qualify to take the examination you must STOP NOW and review the  Colorado requirements for enrollment as a Land Surveyor Intern.


    After passing the FS examination to apply for enrollment as a Colorado Land Surveyor Intern, visit the Colorado Online Services, create an account, and follow the prompts to complete the LSI application. 


    Although the Colorado Board does not provide pre-review of applications, you may contact the Colorado Office of Licensing at [email protected]  or 303-894-7800 for other questions. 

    By scheduling and taking the Principles and Practices of Surveying (PS) examination, you attest under penalty of perjury as defined in §18-8-503, Colorado Revised Statute (C.R.S), that you have obtained the prerequisite education and/or experience and Colorado Land Surveyor Intern enrollment necessary PRIOR to taking the examination, pursuant to section 12-120-313, C.R.S., sections 1.4 (A) through (H) of the Colorado Board Rules located at the Colorado Board’s Laws, Rules, and Policies webpage.


    This includes but is not limited to understanding the requirements and credit awarded specific to Colorado statute and rule for: Recent Experience; Foreign Experience; and, Experience obtained under a licensed land surveyor.


    Falsifying this information is a violation of section 12-120-306 (1)(a), C.R.S. and may result in the denial of your application for licensure in Colorado.


    If you do not know if you qualify to take the examination you must STOP NOW and review the  Colorado requirements for licensure as a Professional Land Surveyor.


    After passing the PS examination administered by NCEES, return to your NCEES record and follow the prompts to submit your education and experience information. NCEES will review and evaluate your land surveying experience to ensure it is progressive land surveying. NCEES does not approve you for Colorado licensure.

    It is your responsibility to obtain enough qualifying education and

    progressive land surveying experience to qualify for licensure in Colorado.


    Once you have successfully verified enough education and progressive land surveying experience required by Colorado statute and rule, you will apply for licensure in Colorado by creating an account within the Colorado Online Services website, and follow the prompts to complete the application for licensure as a Professional Land Surveyor, and you will be approved to take the Colorado State Specific Examination.

    You will also need to make a request to NCEES to transmit your NCEES Record to Colorado to complete your application.


    If you do not have enough education or experience when you apply with the Colorado Board, you will be referred back to NCEES to submit additional experience for NCEES review.


    Although the Colorado Board does not provide pre-review of applications, you may contact the Colorado Office of Licensing at [email protected]  or 303-894-7800 for other questions


  • Exam scheduling

    Examinees register and schedule appointments through their MyNCEES accounts. During the registration process, examinees select their exam location. Next, they are presented with a list of available exam dates. If examinees are not happy with the choices, they can browse through the available dates at other NCEES-approved test centers.

  • Exam results

    Exam results are typically available within 7–10 business days. You will receive an email notification from NCEES with instructions to view your exam results in your MyNCEES account. Results will include a link to your licensing board for additional state-specific information or instructions. All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    Refer to the section on computer-based exams in the NCEES Examinee Guide for information about cancellations, refunds, rescheduling, and discipline changes.

  • Exam registration and authorization

    By scheduling and taking the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) examination, you attest under penalty of perjury as defined in §18-8-503, Colorado Revised Statute (C.R.S), that you have obtained the prerequisite education and/or experience necessary PRIOR to taking the examination pursuant to section 12-120-211, C.R.S., and sections 1.4 (A) through (H) of the Colorado Board Rules located at the Colorado Board’s Laws, Rules, and Policies webpage.


    This includes but is not limited to understanding the requirements and credit awarded specific to Colorado statute and rule for: Advanced Degrees; Recent Experience; and, Foreign Experience.


    Falsifying this information is a violation of section 12-120-206 (1)(a), C.R.S. and may result in the denial of your application for enrollment in Colorado.


    If you do not know if you qualify to take the examination you must STOP NOW and review the  Colorado requirements for enrollment as an Engineer Intern.


    After passing the FE examination to apply for enrollment as a Colorado Engineer Intern, visit the Colorado Online Services, create an account, and follow the prompts to complete the EI application. 


    Although the Colorado Board does not provide pre-review of applications, you may contact the Colorado Office of Licensing at [email protected]  or 303-894-7800 for other questions.

    By scheduling and taking the Principles and Practices of Engineering (PE) examination, you attest under penalty of perjury as defined in §18-8-503, Colorado Revised Statute (C.R.S), that you have obtained the prerequisite education and/or experience and Colorado Engineer Intern enrollment necessary PRIOR to taking the examination(s), pursuant to section 12-120-213, C.R.S., sections1.4 (A) through (H) of the Colorado Board Rules located at the Colorado Board’s Laws, Rules, and Policies webpage

    This includes but is not limited to understanding the requirements and credit awarded specific to Colorado statute and rule for: Advanced Degrees; Recent Experience; and, Foreign Experience.

    Those qualifying with 20 years of experience pursuant to section 12-120-213(2)(b)(IV), C.R.S. requires additional approval through the Colorado Board Office of Licensing after scheduling your examination through NCEES at [email protected].

    Falsifying this information is a violation of section 12-120-206 (1)(a), C.R.S. and may result in the denial of your application for licensure in Colorado.

    To be automatically approved within this registration system, you must have passed the FE exam (or requested and qualified for a waiver) and have that information verified and available in your account as follows:

    • If you took the FE exam from October 2010 through the present, your passing results will show in your exam history. You will be automatically approved.
    • If you took the FE exam prior to October 2010, you must request for your FE exam to be verified in your account. To accomplish this, look on the right side of your dashboard when you log in, where there will be a link to Exam Verification. Click on Request Verification at the top of the page and follow the steps to make the request to your state board where you took and passed the exam. Keep in mind that some state boards require ample time to process the verification, and plan accordingly.
    • If you are waiving the FE exam, you must first apply for the waiver with the Colorado board. Once approved for the waiver, request FE verification through your account and it will be entered as such, and you will then be approved for the exam

    If you do not know if you qualify to take the PE examination you must STOP NOW and review the Colorado requirements for licensure as a Professional Engineer.

    After passing the PE examination, return to your NCEES record and follow the prompts to submit your education and experience information. NCEES will review and evaluate your engineering experience to ensure it is progressive engineering. NCEES does not approve you for Colorado licensure.

    It is your responsibility to obtain enough qualifying education and progressive engineering experience to qualify for licensure in Colorado.

    Once you have verified enough education and progressive engineering experience required by Colorado statute and rule, you will apply for licensure in Colorado by creating an account within the Colorado Online Services website, and follow the prompts to complete the application for licensure as a Professional Engineer.

    You will also need to make a request to NCEES to transmit your NCEES Record to Colorado to complete your application.

    If you do not have enough education or experience when you apply with the Colorado Board, you will be referred back to NCEES to submit additional experience for NCEES review.

    Although the Colorado Board does not provide pre-review of applications, you may contact the Colorado Office of Licensing at [email protected] or 303-894-7800 for other questions.

    Register online with NCEES (see deadline below) to reserve your seat for the exam.

    OCTOBER 21-22, 2021 EXAMS

    The deadline for registration for the October 2021 exam is at 3:00 p.m. eastern time on August 26, 2021.

    Your exam type, discipline, module, and/or site cannot be changed after the NCEES registration deadline.

    By scheduling and taking the Principles and Practices of Engineering (PE) examination, you attest under penalty of perjury as defined in §18-8-503, Colorado Revised Statute (C.R.S), that you have obtained the prerequisite education and/or experience and Colorado Engineer Intern enrollment necessary PRIOR to taking the examination(s), pursuant to section 12-120-213, C.R.S., sections1.4 (A) through (H) of the Colorado Board Rules located at the Colorado Board’s Laws, Rules, and Policies webpage.

    This includes but is not limited to understanding the requirements and credit awarded specific to Colorado statute and rule for: Advanced Degrees; Recent Experience; and, Foreign Experience.

    Those qualifying with 20 years of experience pursuant to section 12-120-213(2)(b)(IV), C.R.S. requires additional approval through the Colorado Board Office of Licensing after scheduling your examination through NCEES at [email protected].

    Falsifying this information is a violation of section 12-120-206 (1)(a), C.R.S. and may result in the denial of your application for licensure in Colorado.

    To be automatically approved within this registration system, you must have passed the FE exam (or requested and qualified for a waiver) and have that information verified and available in your account as follows:

    • If you took the FE exam from October 2010 through the present, your passing results will show in your exam history. You will be automatically approved.
    • If you took the FE exam prior to October 2010, you must request for your FE exam to be verified in your account. To accomplish this, look on the right side of your dashboard when you log in, where there will be a link to Exam Verification. Click on Request Verification at the top of the page and follow the steps to make the request to your state board where you took and passed the exam. Keep in mind that some state boards require ample time to process the verification, and plan accordingly.
    • If you are waiving the FE exam, you must first apply for the waiver with the Colorado board. Once approved for the waiver, request FE verification through your account and it will be entered as such, and you will then be approved for the exam

    If you do not know if you qualify to take the PE examination you must STOP NOW and review the Colorado requirements for licensure as a Professional Engineer.

    After passing the PE examination, return to your NCEES record and follow the prompts to submit your education and experience information. NCEES will review and evaluate your engineering experience to ensure it is progressive engineering. NCEES does not approve you for Colorado licensure.

    It is your responsibility to obtain enough qualifying education and progressive engineering experience to qualify for licensure in Colorado.

    Once you have verified enough education and progressive engineering experience required by Colorado statute and rule, you will apply for licensure in Colorado by creating an account within the Colorado Online Services website, and follow the prompts to complete the application for licensure as a Professional Engineer.

    You will also need to make a request to NCEES to transmit your NCEES Record to Colorado to complete your application.

    If you do not have enough education or experience when you apply with the Colorado Board, you will be referred back to NCEES to submit additional experience for NCEES review.

    Although the Colorado Board does not provide pre-review of applications, you may contact the Colorado Office of Licensing at [email protected] or 303-894-7800 for other questions.

    By scheduling and taking the Fundamentals of Surveying (FS) examination, you attest under penalty of perjury as defined in §18-8-503, Colorado Revised Statute (C.R.S), that you have obtained the prerequisite education and/or experience necessary PRIOR to taking the examination pursuant to section 12-120-410, C.R.S., sections 1.4 (A) through (H) of the Colorado Board Rules located at the Colorado Board’s Laws, Rules, and Policies webpage


    This includes but is not limited to understanding the requirements and credit awarded specific to Colorado statute and rule for: Recent Experience; Foreign Experience; and, Experience obtained under a licensed land surveyor.


    Falsifying this information is also a violation of section 12-120-306 (1)(a), C.R.S. and may result in the denial of your application for enrollment in Colorado.


    If you do not know if you qualify to take the examination you must STOP NOW and review the  Colorado requirements for enrollment as a Land Surveyor Intern.


    After passing the FS examination to apply for enrollment as a Colorado Land Surveyor Intern, visit the Colorado Online Services, create an account, and follow the prompts to complete the LSI application. 


    Although the Colorado Board does not provide pre-review of applications, you may contact the Colorado Office of Licensing at [email protected]  or 303-894-7800 for other questions. 

    By scheduling and taking the Principles and Practices of Surveying (PS) examination, you attest under penalty of perjury as defined in §18-8-503, Colorado Revised Statute (C.R.S), that you have obtained the prerequisite education and/or experience and Colorado Land Surveyor Intern enrollment necessary PRIOR to taking the examination, pursuant to section 12-120-313, C.R.S., sections 1.4 (A) through (H) of the Colorado Board Rules located at the Colorado Board’s Laws, Rules, and Policies webpage.


    This includes but is not limited to understanding the requirements and credit awarded specific to Colorado statute and rule for: Recent Experience; Foreign Experience; and, Experience obtained under a licensed land surveyor.


    Falsifying this information is a violation of section 12-120-306 (1)(a), C.R.S. and may result in the denial of your application for licensure in Colorado.


    If you do not know if you qualify to take the examination you must STOP NOW and review the  Colorado requirements for licensure as a Professional Land Surveyor.


    After passing the PS examination administered by NCEES, return to your NCEES record and follow the prompts to submit your education and experience information. NCEES will review and evaluate your land surveying experience to ensure it is progressive land surveying. NCEES does not approve you for Colorado licensure.

    It is your responsibility to obtain enough qualifying education and

    progressive land surveying experience to qualify for licensure in Colorado.


    Once you have successfully verified enough education and progressive land surveying experience required by Colorado statute and rule, you will apply for licensure in Colorado by creating an account within the Colorado Online Services website, and follow the prompts to complete the application for licensure as a Professional Land Surveyor, and you will be approved to take the Colorado State Specific Examination.

    You will also need to make a request to NCEES to transmit your NCEES Record to Colorado to complete your application.


    If you do not have enough education or experience when you apply with the Colorado Board, you will be referred back to NCEES to submit additional experience for NCEES review.


    Although the Colorado Board does not provide pre-review of applications, you may contact the Colorado Office of Licensing at [email protected]  or 303-894-7800 for other questions


  • Exam sites and fees
    Exam Locations

    Visit https://account.ncees.org/sites

    Registration Fees
    Registration Fee
    FE (CBT)
    PE (CBT)
  • Exam results

    When results have been released to the board (typically 8–10 weeks after the exam) and validated, NCEES will send an email informing you that your exam result can be accessed through your MyNCEES account.

    All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam. You will not receive a diagnostic report if you pass the examination.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    You may cancel your exam registration through your MyNCEES account any time before the NCEES registration deadline. Refunds will include exam fees paid to NCEES during the registration process, minus a $50 processing fee.

    Funds may not be transferred to a later exam administration date. After the NCEES registration deadline, registrations may not be canceled and fees will not be refunded.

    If, on the day of the exam, you are unable to attend for one of the following reasons, you may submit documentation to request a refund of your fees (less the $50 processing fee). Documentation must be submitted to NCEES within 30 days of the exam date.

    • Illness, either yourself or immediate family member who requires your care
    • Death of an immediate family member
    • Disabling traffic accident
    • Court appearance or jury duty
    • Military duty

Connecticut Requirements and Registration Details

  • Exam registration and authorization
    The Connecticut board does not require examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Upon the successful passing of the FE exam and graduation from an accredited undergraduate degree in engineering; you may complete an application for registration to certify you as an Engineer-In-Training. Application forms can be downloaded at: www.ct.gov/dcp or http://www.ct.gov/dcp/cwp/view.asp?a=1622&q=446468

    Please note that Connecticut does not complete verifications for successfully passing the FE exam to other state boards unless an application has been completed for registration as an Engineer-In-Training.

    Examinees must first apply to the Connecticut Board for approval to sit for the exam in Connecticut. Visit the board’s website for information on applications and instructions on the approval process.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Examinees must first apply to the Connecticut Board for approval to sit for the exam in Connecticut. Visit the board’s website for information on applications and instructions on the approval process.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    The Connecticut board does not require examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Upon the successful passing of the FS exam and required years of land surveying experience; you may complete an application for registration to certify you as a Surveyor-In-Training. Application forms can be downloaded at: www.ct.gov/dcp or http://www.ct.gov/dcp/cwp/view.asp?a=1622&q=446468

    Please note that Connecticut does not complete verifications for successfully passing the FS exam to other state boards unless an application has been completed for registration as an Surveyor-In-Training.

    The Connecticut Board requires examinees to first submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam scheduling

    Examinees register and schedule appointments through their MyNCEES accounts. During the registration process, examinees select their exam location. Next, they are presented with a list of available exam dates. If examinees are not happy with the choices, they can browse through the available dates at other NCEES-approved test centers.

  • Exam results

    Exam results are typically available within 7–10 business days. You will receive an email notification from NCEES with instructions to view your exam results in your MyNCEES account. Results will include a link to your licensing board for additional state-specific information or instructions. All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    Refer to the section on computer-based exams in the NCEES Examinee Guide for information about cancellations, refunds, rescheduling, and discipline changes.

  • Exam registration and authorization
    The Connecticut board does not require examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Upon the successful passing of the FE exam and graduation from an accredited undergraduate degree in engineering; you may complete an application for registration to certify you as an Engineer-In-Training. Application forms can be downloaded at: www.ct.gov/dcp or http://www.ct.gov/dcp/cwp/view.asp?a=1622&q=446468

    Please note that Connecticut does not complete verifications for successfully passing the FE exam to other state boards unless an application has been completed for registration as an Engineer-In-Training.

    Examinees must first apply to the Connecticut Board for approval to sit for the exam in Connecticut. Visit the board’s website for information on applications and instructions on the approval process. Connecticut’s deadlines for approval applications and NCEES registration deadlines are below. After the board has notified you of your approval, register online with NCEES to reserve your seat for the exam.

    OCTOBER 21-22, 2021 EXAMS

    The application deadline to the board will be July 1, 2021 for the October 2021 exams. The deadline to register for this exam will be at 3:00 p.m. eastern time on August 26, 2021.

    Please read here for important information on the date your exam will be given, as well as important exam site procedures: https://ncees.org/october-2021-exam-administration-updates/

    Your exam type, discipline, module, and/or site cannot be changed after the NCEES registration deadline.

    Examinees must first apply to the Connecticut Board for approval to sit for the exam in Connecticut. Visit the board’s website for information on applications and instructions on the approval process.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    The Connecticut board does not require examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Upon the successful passing of the FS exam and required years of land surveying experience; you may complete an application for registration to certify you as a Surveyor-In-Training. Application forms can be downloaded at: www.ct.gov/dcp or http://www.ct.gov/dcp/cwp/view.asp?a=1622&q=446468

    Please note that Connecticut does not complete verifications for successfully passing the FS exam to other state boards unless an application has been completed for registration as an Surveyor-In-Training.

    The Connecticut Board requires examinees to first submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam sites and fees
    Exam Locations

    Visit https://account.ncees.org/sites

    Registration Fees
    Registration Fee
    FE (CBT)
    PE (CBT)
  • Exam results

    When results have been released to the board (typically 8–10 weeks after the exam) and validated, NCEES will send an email informing you that your exam result can be accessed through your MyNCEES account.

    All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam. You will not receive a diagnostic report if you pass the examination.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    You may cancel your exam registration through your MyNCEES account any time before the NCEES registration deadline. Refunds will include exam fees paid to NCEES during the registration process, minus a $50 processing fee.

    Funds may not be transferred to a later exam administration date. After the NCEES registration deadline, registrations may not be canceled and fees will not be refunded.

    If, on the day of the exam, you are unable to attend for one of the following reasons, you may submit documentation to request a refund of your fees (less the $50 processing fee). Documentation must be submitted to NCEES within 30 days of the exam date.

    • Illness, either yourself or immediate family member who requires your care
    • Death of an immediate family member
    • Disabling traffic accident
    • Court appearance or jury duty
    • Military duty

Delaware Requirements and Registration Details

  • Exam registration and authorization

    The Delaware board requires any candidates that do not have an ABET-accredited engineering degree (or senior status in an ABET-accredited program) to apply on their website for FE exam approval. If you do not meet this qualification or have questions about the FE exam approval process, do not register for the exam and please review the following website for further instructions:  https://dape.org/FundamentalEngineers/howToApply

    Examinees who are categorized as “pending approval” in their MyNCEES account for more than 24 hours should contact the Delaware state board for further instructions.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    BEFORE you register for the PE exam on the NCEES website through the Delaware board, you must complete one of the two options below:

    1. Candidates that have met their education and experience requirements can submit an application for Exam with the Delaware board. After the Delaware board has notified you of your approval, register for a computer-based exam online with NCEES. The Delaware board will then approve your NCEES registration, and you will be able to schedule the exam at a Pearson VUE test center.

    2. Candidates that have met their education requirements but have not yet met their experience requirements must apply for Engineer Intern Certification with the Delaware board. Candidates that are interested in taking the exam prior to the completion of your work experience requirement, also known as "Decoupling," should contact the Delaware board for further information. Once you have been certified as an Engineer Intern, you may register for a computer-based exam online with NCEES. The Delaware board will then approve your NCEES registration, and you will be able to schedule the exam at a Pearson VUE test center. After successful passage of the exam AND completion of experience requirements, these candidates may submit an application for initial licensure.

    If you do not meet these qualifications or have questions about the exam approval process, do not register for the exam and please contact the Delaware board.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period. Further, once references and experience have been verified and experience has been approved by the Delaware board, candidates must pass exam within 5 years or 4 attempts; After that time, candidate must reapply with the Delaware board.

    To be approved for the SE exam through the Delaware board, you must have completed one of the two options below:

    • Candidates that have met their education and experience requirements can submit an application for exam with the Delaware board. After the Delaware board has notified you of your approval, register for a computer-based exam online with NCEES. The Delaware board will then approve your NCEES registration, and you will be able to schedule the exam at a Pearson VUE test center.
    • Candidates that have met their education requirements but have not yet met their experience requirements must apply for Engineer Intern Certification with the Delaware board. Candidates that are interested in taking the exam prior to the completion of your work experience requirement, also known as "Decoupling," should contact the Delaware Board for further information. After the Delaware board has notified you of your approval, register online with NCEES to reserve your seat for the exam. After successful passage of the exam AND completion of experience requirements, these candidates may submit an application for Initial licensure.

    If you do not meet these qualifications or have questions about the exam approval process, please contact the Delaware board.

    The Delaware board does not require FS examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Delaware board requires PS examinees to first submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam scheduling

    Examinees register and schedule appointments through their MyNCEES accounts. During the registration process, examinees select their exam location. Next, they are presented with a list of available exam dates. If examinees are not happy with the choices, they can browse through the available dates at other NCEES-approved test centers.

  • Exam results

    Exam results are typically available within 7–10 business days. You will receive an email notification from NCEES with instructions to view your exam results in your MyNCEES account. Results will include a link to your licensing board for additional state-specific information or instructions. All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    Refer to the section on computer-based exams in the NCEES Examinee Guide for information about cancellations, refunds, rescheduling, and discipline changes.

  • Exam registration and authorization

    The Delaware board requires any candidates that do not have an ABET-accredited engineering degree (or senior status in an ABET-accredited program) to apply on their website for FE exam approval. If you do not meet this qualification or have questions about the FE exam approval process, do not register for the exam and please review the following website for further instructions:  https://dape.org/FundamentalEngineers/howToApply

    Examinees who are categorized as “pending approval” in their MyNCEES account for more than 24 hours should contact the Delaware state board for further instructions.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    To be approved for the PE exam through the Delaware board, you must have completed one of the two options below:

    • Candidates that have met their education and experience requirements can submit an application for exam with the Delaware board. After the Delaware board has notified you of your approval, register online with NCEES (see deadline below) to reserve your seat for the exam.
    • Candidates that have met their education requirements but have not yet met their experience requirements must apply for Engineer Intern Certification with the Delaware board. Candidates that are interested in taking the exam prior to the completion of your work experience requirement, also known as "Decoupling," should contact the Delaware Board for further information. After the Delaware board has notified you of your approval, register online with NCEES (see deadline below) to reserve your seat for the exam. After successful passage of the exam AND completion of experience requirements, these candidates may submit an application for Initial licensure.

    If you do not meet these qualifications or have questions about the exam approval process, please contact the Delaware board.

    OCTOBER 21-22, 2021 EXAMS

    The deadline to register with NCEES for this exam will be at 3:00 p.m. eastern time on August 26, 2021.

    Please read here for important information on the date your exam will be given, as well as important exam site procedures: https://ncees.org/october-2021-exam-administration-updates/

    Your exam type, discipline, module, and/or site cannot be changed after the NCEES registration deadline.

    To be approved for the SE exam through the Delaware board, you must have completed one of the two options below:

    • Candidates that have met their education and experience requirements can submit an application for exam with the Delaware board. After the Delaware board has notified you of your approval, register for a computer-based exam online with NCEES. The Delaware board will then approve your NCEES registration, and you will be able to schedule the exam at a Pearson VUE test center.
    • Candidates that have met their education requirements but have not yet met their experience requirements must apply for Engineer Intern Certification with the Delaware board. Candidates that are interested in taking the exam prior to the completion of your work experience requirement, also known as "Decoupling," should contact the Delaware Board for further information. After the Delaware board has notified you of your approval, register online with NCEES to reserve your seat for the exam. After successful passage of the exam AND completion of experience requirements, these candidates may submit an application for Initial licensure.

    If you do not meet these qualifications or have questions about the exam approval process, please contact the Delaware board.

    The Delaware board does not require FS examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Delaware board requires PS examinees to first submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam sites and fees
    Exam Locations

    Visit https://account.ncees.org/sites

    Registration Fees
    Registration Fee
    FE (CBT)
    PE (CBT)
  • Exam results

    When results have been released to the board (typically 8–10 weeks after the exam) and validated, NCEES will send an email informing you that your exam result can be accessed through your MyNCEES account.

    All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam. You will not receive a diagnostic report if you pass the examination.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    You may cancel your exam registration through your MyNCEES account any time before the NCEES registration deadline. Refunds will include exam fees paid to NCEES during the registration process, minus a $50 processing fee.

    Funds may not be transferred to a later exam administration date. After the NCEES registration deadline, registrations may not be canceled and fees will not be refunded.

    If, on the day of the exam, you are unable to attend for one of the following reasons, you may submit documentation to request a refund of your fees (less the $50 processing fee). Documentation must be submitted to NCEES within 30 days of the exam date.

    • Illness, either yourself or immediate family member who requires your care
    • Death of an immediate family member
    • Disabling traffic accident
    • Court appearance or jury duty
    • Military duty

Florida Requirements and Registration Details

  • Exam registration and authorization

    The Florida engineering board does not require examinees to submit an application prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an FE exam. Examinees may register for their exams by creating a MyNCEES account.

    In order to receive an Engineer Intern (EI) Certificate, examinees must submit an Application for Engineer Intern Certification after passing the exam. The application can be found on the board website here: fbpe.org/engineer-interns/.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Florida engineering board does not require examinees to submit an application prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling a PE exam. Examinees may register for their exams by creating a MyNCEES account, and meeting the following requirement:

    You must have passed the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam and have the exam verified in your MyNCEES account. To expedite your approval for the PE exam, ensure that your (FE) exam results are verified in your MyNCEES account before registering. To see if your exam has been verified, look on the right side of your dashboard when you log in, where there will be a link to Exam Verification. Click on this and review the section for Verified Exams to see if your FE exam is listed. If it has not been verified, click on Request Verification at the top of the page and follow the steps to make the request the state board where you took and passed the exam.

    In order to receive a Professional Engineers (PE) License, examinees must submit an Application for Licensure as a Professional Engineer after passing the exam. The application can be found on the board website here: fbpe.org/professional-engineers/.

    If a Florida licensed PE wishes to take an exam for an additional discipline, he or she should register first with NCEES then submit an application for additional discipline to FBPE after passing the additional exam. The application can be found on the board website here: fbpe.org/professional-engineers/.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Florida engineering board does not require examinees to submit an application prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling a SE exam. Examinees may register for their exams by creating a MyNCEES account, and meeting the following requirement:

    You must have passed the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam and have the exam verified in your MyNCEES account. To expedite your approval for the SE exam, ensure that your (FE) exam results are verified in your MyNCEES account before registering. To see if your exam has been verified, look on the right side of your dashboard when you log in, where there will be a link to Exam Verification. Click on this and review the section for Verified Exams to see if your FE exam is listed. If it has not been verified, click on Request Verification at the top of the page and follow the steps to make the request the state board where you took and passed the exam.

    In order to receive a Professional Engineers (PE) License, examinees must submit an Application for Licensure as a Professional Engineer after passing the exam. The application can be found on the board website here: fbpe.org/professional-engineers/.

    If a Florida licensed PE wishes to take an exam for an additional discipline, he or she should register first with NCEES then submit an application for additional discipline to FBPE after passing the additional exam. The application can be found on the board website here: fbpe.org/professional-engineers/.

    NOTE: Examinees must pass both parts of the SE exam (vertical and lateral) before applying for a license in Florida.

    The Florida board requires examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Florida board requires examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam scheduling

    Examinees register and schedule appointments through their MyNCEES accounts. During the registration process, examinees select their exam location. Next, they are presented with a list of available exam dates. If examinees are not happy with the choices, they can browse through the available dates at other NCEES-approved test centers.

  • Exam results

    Exam results are typically available within 7–10 business days. You will receive an email notification from NCEES with instructions to view your exam results in your MyNCEES account. Results will include a link to your licensing board for additional state-specific information or instructions. All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    Refer to the section on computer-based exams in the NCEES Examinee Guide for information about cancellations, refunds, rescheduling, and discipline changes.

  • Exam registration and authorization

    The Florida engineering board does not require examinees to submit an application prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an FE exam. Examinees may register for their exams by creating a MyNCEES account.

    In order to receive an Engineer Intern (EI) Certificate, examinees must submit an Application for Engineer Intern Certification after passing the exam. The application can be found on the board website here: fbpe.org/engineer-interns/.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Florida engineering board does not require examinees to submit an application prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling a PE exam. Examinees may register for their exams by creating a MyNCEES account, and meeting the following requirement:

    You must have passed the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam and have the exam verified in your MyNCEES account. To expedite your approval for the PE exam, ensure that your (FE) exam results are verified in your MyNCEES account before registering. To see if your exam has been verified, look on the right side of your dashboard when you log in, where there will be a link to Exam Verification. Click on this and review the section for Verified Exams to see if your FE exam is listed. If it has not been verified, click on Request Verification at the top of the page and follow the steps to make the request the state board where you took and passed the exam.

    Register online with NCEES (see deadline below) to reserve your seat for the exam.

    In order to receive a Professional Engineers (PE) License, examinees must submit an Application for Licensure as a Professional Engineer after passing the exam. The application can be found on the board website here: fbpe.org/professional-engineers/.

    If a Florida licensed PE wishes to take an exam for an additional discipline, he or she should register first with NCEES then submit an application for additional discipline to FBPE after passing the additional exam. The application can be found on the board website here: fbpe.org/professional-engineers/.

    OCTOBER 21-22, 2021 EXAMS

    The deadline to register with NCEES for this exam will be at 3:00 p.m. eastern time on August 26, 2021.

    Please read here for important information on the date your exam will be given, as well as important exam site procedures: https://ncees.org/october-2021-exam-administration-updates/

    Your exam type, discipline, module, and/or site cannot be changed after the NCEES registration deadline.

    The Florida engineering board does not require examinees to submit an application prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling a SE exam. Examinees may register for their exams by creating a MyNCEES account, and meeting the following requirement:

    You must have passed the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam and have the exam verified in your MyNCEES account. To expedite your approval for the SE exam, ensure that your (FE) exam results are verified in your MyNCEES account before registering. To see if your exam has been verified, look on the right side of your dashboard when you log in, where there will be a link to Exam Verification. Click on this and review the section for Verified Exams to see if your FE exam is listed. If it has not been verified, click on Request Verification at the top of the page and follow the steps to make the request the state board where you took and passed the exam.

    In order to receive a Professional Engineers (PE) License, examinees must submit an Application for Licensure as a Professional Engineer after passing the exam. The application can be found on the board website here: fbpe.org/professional-engineers/.

    If a Florida licensed PE wishes to take an exam for an additional discipline, he or she should register first with NCEES then submit an application for additional discipline to FBPE after passing the additional exam. The application can be found on the board website here: fbpe.org/professional-engineers/.

    NOTE: Examinees must pass both parts of the SE exam (vertical and lateral) before applying for a license in Florida.

    The Florida board requires examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Florida board requires examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam sites and fees
    Exam Locations

    Visit https://account.ncees.org/sites

    Registration Fees
    Registration Fee
    FE (CBT)
    PE (CBT)
  • Exam results

    When results have been released to the board (typically 8–10 weeks after the exam) and validated, NCEES will send an email informing you that your exam result can be accessed through your MyNCEES account.

    All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam. You will not receive a diagnostic report if you pass the examination.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    You may cancel your exam registration through your MyNCEES account any time before the NCEES registration deadline. Refunds will include exam fees paid to NCEES during the registration process, minus a $50 processing fee.

    Funds may not be transferred to a later exam administration date. After the NCEES registration deadline, registrations may not be canceled and fees will not be refunded.

    If, on the day of the exam, you are unable to attend for one of the following reasons, you may submit documentation to request a refund of your fees (less the $50 processing fee). Documentation must be submitted to NCEES within 30 days of the exam date.

    • Illness, either yourself or immediate family member who requires your care
    • Death of an immediate family member
    • Disabling traffic accident
    • Court appearance or jury duty
    • Military duty

Georgia Requirements and Registration Details

  • Exam registration and authorization

    The Georgia Board does not require FE examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Applicants need to complete the Georgia board’s application found at https://gapelsb.evokeplatform.com/., wait for approval, and then register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Applicants need to complete the Georgia board’s application found at https://gapelsb.evokeplatform.com/, wait for approval, and then register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    In light of the changes made to the licensing law for land surveyors, The Georgia Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Board has voted to allow applicants to take the Fundamentals of Surveying exam at any time with no requirements.  There is no pre-approval required.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    In light of the changes made to the licensing law for land surveyors, The Georgia Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Board has voted to allow applicants to take the Principles and Practices of Surveying exam at any time with no requirements.  There is no pre-approval required.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam scheduling

    Examinees register and schedule appointments through their MyNCEES accounts. During the registration process, examinees select their exam location. Next, they are presented with a list of available exam dates. If examinees are not happy with the choices, they can browse through the available dates at other NCEES-approved test centers.

  • Exam results

    Exam results are typically available within 7–10 business days. You will receive an email notification from NCEES with instructions to view your exam results in your MyNCEES account. Results will include a link to your licensing board for additional state-specific information or instructions. All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    Refer to the section on computer-based exams in the NCEES Examinee Guide for information about cancellations, refunds, rescheduling, and discipline changes.

  • Exam registration and authorization

    The Georgia Board does not require FE examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    First-time applicants

    First-time applicants need to complete the Georgia board’s application found on the board’s website by the application deadline (see deadlines below), wait for the board to communicate your approval, and then register with NCEES by the registration deadline (see below).

    Repeat applicants

    Repeat applicants who have been previously approved by the Georgia board are considered eligible to sit for an exam for four consecutive exam administrations. After the fourth administration, you must re-apply in accordance with Georgia Board Policy 06-02 and 07-01. If eligible, repeat applicants do need to register with NCEES each exam.

    OCTOBER 21-22, 2021 EXAMS

    The deadline for approval applications to the board will be June 1, 2021. The deadline to register with NCEES for this exam will be at 3:00 p.m. eastern time on August 26, 2021.

    Please read here for important information on the date your exam will be given, as well as important exam site procedures: https://ncees.org/october-2021-exam-administration-updates/

    Your exam type, discipline, module, and/or site cannot be changed after the NCEES registration deadline.

    Applicants need to complete the Georgia board’s application found at https://gapelsb.evokeplatform.com/, wait for approval, and then register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    In light of the changes made to the licensing law for land surveyors, The Georgia Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Board has voted to allow applicants to take the Fundamentals of Surveying exam at any time with no requirements.  There is no pre-approval required.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    In light of the changes made to the licensing law for land surveyors, The Georgia Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Board has voted to allow applicants to take the Principles and Practices of Surveying exam at any time with no requirements.  There is no pre-approval required.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam sites and fees
    Exam Locations

    Visit https://account.ncees.org/sites

    Registration Fees
    Registration Fee
    FE (CBT)
    PE (CBT)
  • Exam results

    When results have been released to the board (typically 8–10 weeks after the exam) and validated, NCEES will send an email informing you that your exam result can be accessed through your MyNCEES account.

    All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam. You will not receive a diagnostic report if you pass the examination.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    You may cancel your exam registration through your MyNCEES account any time before the NCEES registration deadline. Refunds will include exam fees paid to NCEES during the registration process, minus a $50 processing fee.

    Funds may not be transferred to a later exam administration date. After the NCEES registration deadline, registrations may not be canceled and fees will not be refunded.

    If, on the day of the exam, you are unable to attend for one of the following reasons, you may submit documentation to request a refund of your fees (less the $50 processing fee). Documentation must be submitted to NCEES within 30 days of the exam date.

    • Illness, either yourself or immediate family member who requires your care
    • Death of an immediate family member
    • Disabling traffic accident
    • Court appearance or jury duty
    • Military duty

Hawaii Requirements and Registration Details

  • Exam registration and authorization

    The Hawaii board does not require FE examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Examinees must first apply to the Hawaii board for approval to sit for the exam in Hawaii. Visit the board’s website for instructions on the approval process. (Note to repeat examinees: The board requires that repeat examinees provide evidence of continuing efforts to complete the licensure process within the previous two years to be eligible to take an exam in Hawaii.)

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Examinees must first apply to the Hawaii board for approval to sit for the exam in Hawaii. Visit the board’s website for instructions on the approval process. (Note to repeat examinees: The board requires that repeat examinees provide evidence of continuing efforts to complete the licensure process within the previous two years to be eligible to take an exam in Hawaii.)

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    The Hawaii board does not require FS examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Hawaii board requires PS examinees to first submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Note to repeat examinees: The board requires that repeat examinees provide evidence of continuing efforts to complete the licensure process within the previous one year to be eligible to take an exam in Hawaii.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam scheduling

    Examinees register and schedule appointments through their MyNCEES accounts. During the registration process, examinees select their exam location. Next, they are presented with a list of available exam dates. If examinees are not happy with the choices, they can browse through the available dates at other NCEES-approved test centers.

  • Exam results

    Exam results are typically available within 7–10 business days. You will receive an email notification from NCEES with instructions to view your exam results in your MyNCEES account. Results will include a link to your licensing board for additional state-specific information or instructions. All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    Refer to the section on computer-based exams in the NCEES Examinee Guide for information about cancellations, refunds, rescheduling, and discipline changes.

  • Exam registration and authorization

    The Hawaii board does not require FE examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Examinees must first apply to the Hawaii board for approval to sit for the exam in Hawaii. Applications must be filed no later than ninety calendar days prior to the date of the exam. Visit the board’s website for instructions on the approval process.

    (Note to repeat examinees: The board requires that repeat examinees provide evidence of continuing efforts to complete the licensure process within the previous two years to be eligible to take an exam in Hawaii.)

    After the board has notified you of your approval, register online with NCEES (see deadlines below) to reserve your seat for the exam.

    OCTOBER 21-22, 2021 EXAMS

    The deadline to register with NCEES for this exam will be at 3:00 p.m. eastern time on August 26, 2021.

    Please read here for important information on the date your exam will be given, as well as important exam site procedures: https://ncees.org/october-2021-exam-administration-updates/

    Your exam type, discipline, module, and/or site cannot be changed after the NCEES registration deadline.

    Examinees must first apply to the Hawaii board for approval to sit for the exam in Hawaii. Visit the board’s website for instructions on the approval process. (Note to repeat examinees: The board requires that repeat examinees provide evidence of continuing efforts to complete the licensure process within the previous two years to be eligible to take an exam in Hawaii.)

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    The Hawaii board does not require FS examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Hawaii board requires PS examinees to first submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Note to repeat examinees: The board requires that repeat examinees provide evidence of continuing efforts to complete the licensure process within the previous one year to be eligible to take an exam in Hawaii.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam sites and fees
    Exam Locations

    Visit https://account.ncees.org/sites

    Registration Fees
    Registration Fee
    FE (CBT)
    PE (CBT)
  • Exam results

    When results have been released to the board (typically 8–10 weeks after the exam) and validated, NCEES will send an email informing you that your exam result can be accessed through your MyNCEES account.

    All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam. You will not receive a diagnostic report if you pass the examination.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    You may cancel your exam registration through your MyNCEES account any time before the NCEES registration deadline. Refunds will include exam fees paid to NCEES during the registration process, minus a $50 processing fee.

    Funds may not be transferred to a later exam administration date. After the NCEES registration deadline, registrations may not be canceled and fees will not be refunded.

    If, on the day of the exam, you are unable to attend for one of the following reasons, you may submit documentation to request a refund of your fees (less the $50 processing fee). Documentation must be submitted to NCEES within 30 days of the exam date.

    • Illness, either yourself or immediate family member who requires your care
    • Death of an immediate family member
    • Disabling traffic accident
    • Court appearance or jury duty
    • Military duty

Idaho Requirements and Registration Details

  • Exam registration and authorization

    The Idaho board does not require FE examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Beginning July 1, 2018, applications for initial licensure are submitted after passing the NCEES Fundamentals (FE) examination and Professional (PE and/or SE) examination. Once both examinations are passed and the qualifying education and experience are met, then applications for licensure may be submitted to the Board. 

    Applicants must still meet the Idaho board residency requirement to apply for initial licensure.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Beginning July 1, 2018, applications for initial licensure are submitted after passing the NCEES Fundamentals (FE) examination and Professional (PE and/or SE) examination. Once both examinations are passed and the qualifying education and experience are met, then applications for licensure may be submitted to the Board.

    Applicants must still meet the Idaho board residency requirement to apply for initial licensure.

    The Idaho board does not require FS examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Beginning July 1, 2018, applications for initial licensure are submitted after passing the NCEES Fundamentals (FS) examination and Professional (PS) examination. Once both examinations are passed and the qualifying education and experience are met, then applications for licensure may be submitted to the Board.

    Applicants must still meet the Idaho board residency requirement to apply for initial licensure.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam scheduling

    Examinees register and schedule appointments through their MyNCEES accounts. During the registration process, examinees select their exam location. Next, they are presented with a list of available exam dates. If examinees are not happy with the choices, they can browse through the available dates at other NCEES-approved test centers.

  • Exam results

    Exam results are typically available within 7–10 business days. You will receive an email notification from NCEES with instructions to view your exam results in your MyNCEES account. Results will include a link to your licensing board for additional state-specific information or instructions. All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    Refer to the section on computer-based exams in the NCEES Examinee Guide for information about cancellations, refunds, rescheduling, and discipline changes.

  • Exam registration and authorization

    The Idaho board does not require FE examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Beginning July 1, 2018, applications for initial licensure are submitted after passing the NCEES Fundamentals (FE) examination and Professional (PE and/or SE) examination. Once both examinations are passed and the qualifying education and experience are met, then applications for licensure may be submitted to the Board. 

    Applicants must still meet the Idaho board residency requirement to apply for initial licensure.

    For the upcoming exam administration, register online with NCEES (see deadline below) to reserve your seat for the exam.

    OCTOBER 21-22, 2021 EXAMS

    The deadline to register with NCEES for this exam will be at 3:00 p.m. eastern time on August 26, 2021.

    Please read here for important information on the date your exam will be given, as well as important exam site procedures: https://ncees.org/october-2021-exam-administration-updates/

    Your exam type, discipline, module, and/or site cannot be changed after the NCEES registration deadline.

    Beginning July 1, 2018, applications for initial licensure are submitted after passing the NCEES Fundamentals (FE) examination and Professional (PE and/or SE) examination. Once both examinations are passed and the qualifying education and experience are met, then applications for licensure may be submitted to the Board.

    Applicants must still meet the Idaho board residency requirement to apply for initial licensure.

    The Idaho board does not require FS examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Beginning July 1, 2018, applications for initial licensure are submitted after passing the NCEES Fundamentals (FS) examination and Professional (PS) examination. Once both examinations are passed and the qualifying education and experience are met, then applications for licensure may be submitted to the Board.

    Applicants must still meet the Idaho board residency requirement to apply for initial licensure.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam sites and fees
    Exam Locations

    Visit https://account.ncees.org/sites

    Registration Fees
    Registration Fee
    FE (CBT)
    PE (CBT)
  • Exam results

    When results have been released to the board (typically 8–10 weeks after the exam) and validated, NCEES will send an email informing you that your exam result can be accessed through your MyNCEES account.

    All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam. You will not receive a diagnostic report if you pass the examination.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    You may cancel your exam registration through your MyNCEES account any time before the NCEES registration deadline. Refunds will include exam fees paid to NCEES during the registration process, minus a $50 processing fee.

    Funds may not be transferred to a later exam administration date. After the NCEES registration deadline, registrations may not be canceled and fees will not be refunded.

    If, on the day of the exam, you are unable to attend for one of the following reasons, you may submit documentation to request a refund of your fees (less the $50 processing fee). Documentation must be submitted to NCEES within 30 days of the exam date.

    • Illness, either yourself or immediate family member who requires your care
    • Death of an immediate family member
    • Disabling traffic accident
    • Court appearance or jury duty
    • Military duty

Illinois Requirements and Registration Details

  • Exam registration and authorization

    Application to The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (Department) is not required prior to registering for the examination.

    • Any candidate with an approved Baccalaureate degree (or those in the final year of said program) specified in Section 1270.14 and any candidate whose Baccalaureate degree meets the non-approved program requirements specified in Section 1270.15 mayregister with NCEES and be approved to sit for the FS exam.
    • The Statute, Rules, education, experience, and examination requirements for Illinois PLS profession are available here: https://idfpr.illinois.gov/profs/landsurv.html

    The Illinois jurisdiction requires all examinees attest to the following statements before they can proceed with registering and scheduling an exam:

    1. I acknowledge I have read and understand the Illinois Statute and Rules, and specifically the minimum qualifications to be eligible for enrollment as a Surveyor Intern in Illinois.  
    2. I acknowledge I am a graduate of (or in my final year in) an approved program or have a conferred baccalaureate degree meeting the non-approved education requirement.
    3. I acknowledge and understand that passing this NCEES examination does not, by itself, guarantee future enrollment as an intern or licensure

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Application to The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (Department) is not required prior to registering for the examination.

    • Any candidate possessing an approved Baccalaureate degree specified in Section 1270.14 and any candidate whose conferred Baccalaureate degree meets the non-approved program requirements specified in Section 1270.15 may register with NCEES and be approved to sit for the PS exam.
    • The Statute, Rules, education, experience, and examination requirements for Illinois PLS profession are available here: https://idfpr.illinois.gov/profs/landsurv.html


    The following items are required to be submitted to NCEES through your NCEES dashboard prior to being approved for PS exam registration:

    Transcripts: Official college transcript(s) for your conferred Baccalaureate degree must be sent directly from your institution to NCEES or be included with your NCEES credential evaluation.

    FS exam Verification: Verification of passage of the FS exam must be listed in your NCEES Account.
    • If you took the FS exam from October 2010 through the present, your passing results should be listed in the exam history of your NCEES dashboard.
    • If you do not see your FS exam verified in your NCEES account and passed the exam in another state, you must request for your FE exam to be verified in your NCEES dashboard from the state board where you took and passed the exam.

    The Illinois jurisdiction requires all examinees attest to the following statements before they can proceed with registering and scheduling an exam:

    1. I acknowledge I have read and understand the Illinois Statute and Rules, and specifically the minimum qualifications to be eligible for licensure as a Professional Land Surveyor in Illinois.  
    2. I acknowledge I am a graduate of an approved program or have a conferred baccalaureate degree meeting the non-approved education requirement.
    3. I acknowledge and understand that passing this NCEES examination does not, by itself, guarantee future licensure as a Professional Land Surveyor in Illinois or any other jurisdiction.  
    4. I acknowledge that I am aware that I must additionally take and pass the Illinois Jurisdictional examination to be licensed in Illinois.


    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Application to The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (Department) is not required prior to registering for the examination. Please note that the FE exam is used in Illinois for both the Professional and Structural Engineer professions.  Each has separate education requirements.  Candidates are advised to be aware of the requirements for the profession you wish to ultimately apply for.

    Candidates for the Professional Engineer Intern (EI):
    Any candidate with a Baccalaureate degree (or those in the final year of said program) meeting the requirements of Section 1380.210 and any candidate whose Baccalaureate degree meets the NCEES Engineering Education standard as specified in Section 1380.220 may register with NCEES and be approved to sit for the FE exam.
    o The Statute, Rules, education, experience, and examination requirements for Illinois PE profession are available here:  https://idfpr.illinois.gov/profs/profengineer.html

    • Candidates for the Structural Engineer Intern (SEI):
    Any candidate with a Baccalaureate degree (or those in the final year of said program) meeting the requirements of Section 1480.110 or any candidate whose Baccalaureate degree meets the non-approved program requirement as specified in Section 1480.120may register with NCEES and be approved to sit for the FE exam.  
    o The Statute, Rules, education, experience, and examination requirements for Illinois SE profession are available here:  https://idfpr.illinois.gov/profs/se.html

    The Illinois jurisdiction requires all examinees attest to the following statements before they can proceed with registering and scheduling an exam:

    1. I acknowledge I have read and understand the Illinois Statute and Rules, and specifically the minimum qualifications to be eligible for enrollment as an Engineer Intern or Structural Engineer Intern in Illinois.  
    2. I acknowledge I am a graduate of (or in my final year in) an approved program or have a conferred Baccalaureate degree meeting the non-approved education requirement specifiedin the respective Section of the Rules for the administration of the Act for which I am applying under.
    3. I acknowledge and understand that passing this NCEES examination does not, by itself, guarantee future enrollment as an intern or licensure.


    Application to The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (Department) is not required prior to registering for the examination.

    • Any candidate possessing an EAC/ABET Baccalaureate engineering degree or whose Baccalaureate degree meets the NCEES Engineering Education standard as specified in Section 1380.220 may register with NCEES and be approved to sit for the PE exam.  
    • The Statute, Rules, education, experience, and examination requirements for Illinois PE profession are available here:  https://idfpr.illinois.gov/profs/profengineer.html
    • PE Civil/Structural exam candidates:
    Beginning with the April 2024 administration, the NCEES Civil/Structural discipline of the Principles and Practice of engineering examination will no longer be accepted for satisfying the PE examination requirement in Illinois.

    The following items are required to be submitted to NCEES through your NCEES dashboardprior to being approved for PE exam registration:

    • Transcripts: Official college transcript(s) for your conferred Baccalaureate degree must be sent directly from your institution to NCEES or be included with your NCEES credential evaluation. 
    • FE exam Verification: Verification of passage of the FE exam must be listed in your NCEES Account. 
    • If you took the FE exam from October 2010 through the present, your passing results shouldbe listed in the exam history of your NCEES dashboard.
    • If you do not see your FE exam verified in your NCEES dashboard and passed the exam in another state, you must request for your FE exam to be verified in your NCEES dashboardfrom the state board where you took and passed the exam. 
    • If you took the FE exam in Illinois prior to October 2010, please contact our office at [email protected] and use the subject line “FE exam verification for PE exam registration” so we can complete your PE exam registration approval process.  

    The Illinois jurisdiction requires all examinees attest to the following statements before they can proceed with registering and scheduling an exam: 

    1. I acknowledge I have read and understand the Illinois Statute and Rules, and specifically the minimum qualifications to be eligible for licensure as a Professional Engineer in Illinois.  
    2. I acknowledge I am a graduate of an EAC/ABET Baccalaureate degree program or have a conferred Baccalaureate degree and meet the NCEES Engineering Education standard.
    3. I acknowledge and understand that passing this NCEES examination does not, by itself, guarantee future licensure in Illinois or any other state or jurisdiction.

    Application to The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (Department) is not required prior to registering for the examination.

    • Any candidate possessing a Baccalaureate degree in engineering meeting the requirements of Section 1480.110 for an approved program and any candidate whose conferred Baccalaureate degree meets the non-approved program requirement as specified in Section 1480.120 may register with NCEES and be approved to sit for the PE Structural examination.
    • The Statute, Rules, education, experience, and examination requirements for Illinois SE profession are available here: https://idfpr.illinois.gov/profs/se.html

    The following items are required to be submitted to NCEES through your NCEES dashboard-prior to being approved for SE exam registration:

    Transcripts: Official college transcript(s) for your conferred Baccalaureate degree must be sent directly from your institution to NCEES or be included with your NCEES credential evaluation.

    FE exam Verification: Verification of passage of the FE exam must be listed in your NCEES Account.
    • If you took the FE exam from October 2010 through the present, your passing results should be listed in the exam history of your NCEES dashboard.
    • If you took the FE exam in Illinois prior to October 2010, please contact our office at [email protected] and use the subject line “FE exam verification for SE exam registration” so we can complete your SE exam registration approval process.  
    • If you do not see your FE exam verified in your NCEES dashboard and passed the exam in another state, you must request for your FE exam to be verified in your NCEES dashboard from the state board where you took and passed the exam.

    The Illinois jurisdiction requires all examinees attest to the following statements before they can proceed with registering and scheduling an exam:

    1. I acknowledge I have read and understand the Illinois Statute and Rules, and specifically the minimum qualifications to be eligible for licensure as a Structural Engineer in Illinois.  
    2. I acknowledge I am a graduate of an approved Baccalaureate degree program or have a conferred Baccalaureate degree meeting requirements for a non-approved program specified in Section 1480.120 of the Rules for the administration of the Illinois SE Act.
    3. I acknowledge and understand that passing this NCEES examination does not, by itself, guarantee future licensure in Illinois or any other state or jurisdiction.

  • Exam scheduling

    Examinees register and schedule appointments through their MyNCEES accounts. During the registration process, examinees select their exam location. Next, they are presented with a list of available exam dates. If examinees are not happy with the choices, they can browse through the available dates at other NCEES-approved test centers.

  • Exam results

    Exam results are typically available within 7–10 business days. You will receive an email notification from NCEES with instructions to view your exam results in your MyNCEES account. Results will include a link to your licensing board for additional state-specific information or instructions. All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    Refer to the section on computer-based exams in the NCEES Examinee Guide for information about cancellations, refunds, rescheduling, and discipline changes.

  • Exam registration and authorization

    Application to The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (Department) is not required prior to registering for the examination.

    • Any candidate with an approved Baccalaureate degree (or those in the final year of said program) specified in Section 1270.14 and any candidate whose Baccalaureate degree meets the non-approved program requirements specified in Section 1270.15 mayregister with NCEES and be approved to sit for the FS exam.
    • The Statute, Rules, education, experience, and examination requirements for Illinois PLS profession are available here: https://idfpr.illinois.gov/profs/landsurv.html

    The Illinois jurisdiction requires all examinees attest to the following statements before they can proceed with registering and scheduling an exam:

    1. I acknowledge I have read and understand the Illinois Statute and Rules, and specifically the minimum qualifications to be eligible for enrollment as a Surveyor Intern in Illinois.  
    2. I acknowledge I am a graduate of (or in my final year in) an approved program or have a conferred baccalaureate degree meeting the non-approved education requirement.
    3. I acknowledge and understand that passing this NCEES examination does not, by itself, guarantee future enrollment as an intern or licensure

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Application to The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (Department) is not required prior to registering for the examination.

    • Any candidate possessing an approved Baccalaureate degree specified in Section 1270.14 and any candidate whose conferred Baccalaureate degree meets the non-approved program requirements specified in Section 1270.15 may register with NCEES and be approved to sit for the PS exam.
    • The Statute, Rules, education, experience, and examination requirements for Illinois PLS profession are available here: https://idfpr.illinois.gov/profs/landsurv.html


    The following items are required to be submitted to NCEES through your NCEES dashboard prior to being approved for PS exam registration:

    Transcripts: Official college transcript(s) for your conferred Baccalaureate degree must be sent directly from your institution to NCEES or be included with your NCEES credential evaluation.

    FS exam Verification: Verification of passage of the FS exam must be listed in your NCEES Account.
    • If you took the FS exam from October 2010 through the present, your passing results should be listed in the exam history of your NCEES dashboard.
    • If you do not see your FS exam verified in your NCEES account and passed the exam in another state, you must request for your FE exam to be verified in your NCEES dashboard from the state board where you took and passed the exam.

    The Illinois jurisdiction requires all examinees attest to the following statements before they can proceed with registering and scheduling an exam:

    1. I acknowledge I have read and understand the Illinois Statute and Rules, and specifically the minimum qualifications to be eligible for licensure as a Professional Land Surveyor in Illinois.  
    2. I acknowledge I am a graduate of an approved program or have a conferred baccalaureate degree meeting the non-approved education requirement.
    3. I acknowledge and understand that passing this NCEES examination does not, by itself, guarantee future licensure as a Professional Land Surveyor in Illinois or any other jurisdiction.  
    4. I acknowledge that I am aware that I must additionally take and pass the Illinois Jurisdictional examination to be licensed in Illinois.


    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Application to The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (Department) is not required prior to registering for the examination. Please note that the FE exam is used in Illinois for both the Professional and Structural Engineer professions.  Each has separate education requirements.  Candidates are advised to be aware of the requirements for the profession you wish to ultimately apply for.

    Candidates for the Professional Engineer Intern (EI):
    Any candidate with a Baccalaureate degree (or those in the final year of said program) meeting the requirements of Section 1380.210 and any candidate whose Baccalaureate degree meets the NCEES Engineering Education standard as specified in Section 1380.220 may register with NCEES and be approved to sit for the FE exam.
    o The Statute, Rules, education, experience, and examination requirements for Illinois PE profession are available here:  https://idfpr.illinois.gov/profs/profengineer.html

    • Candidates for the Structural Engineer Intern (SEI):
    Any candidate with a Baccalaureate degree (or those in the final year of said program) meeting the requirements of Section 1480.110 or any candidate whose Baccalaureate degree meets the non-approved program requirement as specified in Section 1480.120may register with NCEES and be approved to sit for the FE exam.  
    o The Statute, Rules, education, experience, and examination requirements for Illinois SE profession are available here:  https://idfpr.illinois.gov/profs/se.html

    The Illinois jurisdiction requires all examinees attest to the following statements before they can proceed with registering and scheduling an exam:

    1. I acknowledge I have read and understand the Illinois Statute and Rules, and specifically the minimum qualifications to be eligible for enrollment as an Engineer Intern or Structural Engineer Intern in Illinois.  
    2. I acknowledge I am a graduate of (or in my final year in) an approved program or have a conferred Baccalaureate degree meeting the non-approved education requirement specifiedin the respective Section of the Rules for the administration of the Act for which I am applying under.
    3. I acknowledge and understand that passing this NCEES examination does not, by itself, guarantee future enrollment as an intern or licensure.


    ·       Prior to November 1, 2021: Candidates wishing to register for any NCEES examination under the Illinois Jurisdiction must register with both NCEES and Continental Testing Services, Inc. (CTS), the test administrator for Illinois, to be fully registered.

    ·       Beginning November 1, 2021: Registration with CTS is no longer required. Candidates wishing to register for any NCEES examination under the Illinois Jurisdiction need only register with NCEES. Exam approval will be given from NCEES and the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (Department) based on your Baccalaureate degree.

    ·       Candidates with a U.S. EAC/ABET bachelor's degree (or those in the senior year of said program) and those individuals with a non-approved degree who are currently enrolled as an Illinois Engineer Intern are the only candidates authorized to directly register to sit for the PE exam.  

    ·       All other candidates must be approved by the Illinois PE Board prior to registering for the PE exam. All deficiencies noted by the Board must be corrected before you will be approved to sit for the exam. Candidates with a foreign bachelor’s degree must submit an NCEES evaluation as part of the application process and may be subject to passage of the TOEFL-iBT exam.

    ·       Important note for PE - Civil/Structural exam candidates:
    The Civil/Structural exam is accepted for the PE license as it is by definition, a PE exam.
    Passing the Civil/Structural exam does not allow you to perform Structural Engineering services in Illinois. That requires a separate SE license. Non-structural experience is required for licensure as a PE in Illinois.

    Application to The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (Department) is not required prior to registering for the examination.

    • Any candidate possessing a Baccalaureate degree in engineering meeting the requirements of Section 1480.110 for an approved program and any candidate whose conferred Baccalaureate degree meets the non-approved program requirement as specified in Section 1480.120 may register with NCEES and be approved to sit for the PE Structural examination.
    • The Statute, Rules, education, experience, and examination requirements for Illinois SE profession are available here: https://idfpr.illinois.gov/profs/se.html

    The following items are required to be submitted to NCEES through your NCEES dashboard-prior to being approved for SE exam registration:

    Transcripts: Official college transcript(s) for your conferred Baccalaureate degree must be sent directly from your institution to NCEES or be included with your NCEES credential evaluation.

    FE exam Verification: Verification of passage of the FE exam must be listed in your NCEES Account.
    • If you took the FE exam from October 2010 through the present, your passing results should be listed in the exam history of your NCEES dashboard.
    • If you took the FE exam in Illinois prior to October 2010, please contact our office at [email protected] and use the subject line “FE exam verification for SE exam registration” so we can complete your SE exam registration approval process.  
    • If you do not see your FE exam verified in your NCEES dashboard and passed the exam in another state, you must request for your FE exam to be verified in your NCEES dashboard from the state board where you took and passed the exam.

    The Illinois jurisdiction requires all examinees attest to the following statements before they can proceed with registering and scheduling an exam:

    1. I acknowledge I have read and understand the Illinois Statute and Rules, and specifically the minimum qualifications to be eligible for licensure as a Structural Engineer in Illinois.  
    2. I acknowledge I am a graduate of an approved Baccalaureate degree program or have a conferred Baccalaureate degree meeting requirements for a non-approved program specified in Section 1480.120 of the Rules for the administration of the Illinois SE Act.
    3. I acknowledge and understand that passing this NCEES examination does not, by itself, guarantee future licensure in Illinois or any other state or jurisdiction.

  • Exam sites and fees
    Exam Locations

    Visit https://account.ncees.org/sites

    Registration Fees
    Registration Fee
    FE (CBT)
    PE (CBT)
    Exam Locations

    Visit https://account.ncees.org/sites

    Registration Fees
    Registration Fee
    FE (CBT)
    PE (CBT)
  • Exam results

    When results have been released to the board (typically 8–10 weeks after the exam) and validated, NCEES will send an email informing you that your exam result can be accessed through your MyNCEES account.

    All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam. You will not receive a diagnostic report if you pass the examination.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    You may cancel your exam registration through your MyNCEES account any time before the NCEES registration deadline. Refunds will include exam fees paid to NCEES during the registration process, minus a $50 processing fee.

    Funds may not be transferred to a later exam administration date. After the NCEES registration deadline, registrations may not be canceled and fees will not be refunded.

    If, on the day of the exam, you are unable to attend for one of the following reasons, you may submit documentation to request a refund of your fees (less the $50 processing fee). Documentation must be submitted to NCEES within 30 days of the exam date.

    • Illness, either yourself or immediate family member who requires your care
    • Death of an immediate family member
    • Disabling traffic accident
    • Court appearance or jury duty
    • Military duty

Indiana Requirements and Registration Details

  • Exam registration and authorization

    The Indiana board does not require examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Applicants should visit the Indiana board’s website for instructions on how to apply for approval to sit for the exam.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Applicants should visit the Indiana board’s website for instructions on how to apply for approval to sit for the exam.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    The Indiana board does not require FS examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Indiana board requires PS examinees to first submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam scheduling

    Examinees register and schedule appointments through their MyNCEES accounts. During the registration process, examinees select their exam location. Next, they are presented with a list of available exam dates. If examinees are not happy with the choices, they can browse through the available dates at other NCEES-approved test centers.

  • Exam results

    Exam results are typically available within 7–10 business days. You will receive an email notification from NCEES with instructions to view your exam results in your MyNCEES account. Results will include a link to your licensing board for additional state-specific information or instructions. All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    Refer to the section on computer-based exams in the NCEES Examinee Guide for information about cancellations, refunds, rescheduling, and discipline changes.

  • Exam registration and authorization

    The Indiana board does not require examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Applicants should visit the Indiana board’s website for instructions on how to apply for approval to sit for the exam. The Indiana board’s deadlines for approval applications are January 2 for the April 2021 exams, and July 1 for the October 2021 exams.

    After the board has notified you of your approval, register online with NCEES (see deadlines below) to reserve your seat for the exam.

    OCTOBER 21-22, 2021 EXAMS

    The deadline to register with NCEES for this exam will be at 3:00 p.m. eastern time on August 26, 2021.

    Please read here for important information on the date your exam will be given, as well as important exam site procedures: https://ncees.org/october-2021-exam-administration-updates/

    Your exam type, discipline, module, and/or site cannot be changed after the NCEES registration deadline.

    Applicants should visit the Indiana board’s website for instructions on how to apply for approval to sit for the exam.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    The Indiana board does not require FS examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Indiana board requires PS examinees to first submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam sites and fees
    Exam Locations

    Visit https://account.ncees.org/sites

    Registration Fees
    Registration Fee
    FE (CBT)
    PE (CBT)
  • Exam results

    When results have been released to the board (typically 8–10 weeks after the exam) and validated, NCEES will send an email informing you that your exam result can be accessed through your MyNCEES account.

    All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam. You will not receive a diagnostic report if you pass the examination.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    You may cancel your exam registration through your MyNCEES account any time before the NCEES registration deadline. Refunds will include exam fees paid to NCEES during the registration process, minus a $50 processing fee.

    Funds may not be transferred to a later exam administration date. After the NCEES registration deadline, registrations may not be canceled and fees will not be refunded.

    If, on the day of the exam, you are unable to attend for one of the following reasons, you may submit documentation to request a refund of your fees (less the $50 processing fee). Documentation must be submitted to NCEES within 30 days of the exam date.

    • Illness, either yourself or immediate family member who requires your care
    • Death of an immediate family member
    • Disabling traffic accident
    • Court appearance or jury duty
    • Military duty

Iowa Requirements and Registration Details

  • Exam registration and authorization

    The Iowa board does not require FE examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Iowa Engineering and Land Surveying Examining Board (IA Board) no longer requires examinees to submit a pre-approval application or fee to the Board prior to registering for and scheduling to take the NCEES PE exam. However, the following items are required to be submitted to NCEES prior to PE exam registration:


    · Official college transcript(s) sent directly from your institution to NCEES. The IA Board requires that the transcript show you have earned a degree of four years or more in engineering from an Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology/Engineering Accreditation Commission (ABET/EAC) - or Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB)-accredited curriculum. Iowa does not accept engineering technology degrees, even if accredited. All examinees should visit www.abet.org or www.ceab.org to ensure their bachelor’s degree is from an ABET/EAC or CEAB-accredited program at their specific institution  

    · Verification of passage of the FE exam submitted directly from the state where you passed the exam. You can check to see if your FE exam has already been verified by looking at the right side of your dashboard when you log in and following the Exam Verification link. If you do not see your FE exam verified here, you must request for your FE exam to be verified in your account. To accomplish this, go to the right side of your dashboard when you log in, where there will be a link to click to Request Exam Verification and simply follow the steps to make the request to the state board where you took and passed the exam. Keep in mind that some state boards require ample time to process the verification, and plan accordingly.


    The IA Board recommends all examinees to visit the Board’s website at http://www.plb.iowa.gov to review the IA Engineering Rules and PE application information for initial licensure to guarantee they understand the minimum qualifications. After doing so, all IA PE exam applicants must attest to the following 5 statements before they can proceed with the registering for and scheduling an exam:

    1.    I am a graduate of a four-year Bachelor’s program in engineering from an ABET/EAC or CEAB-accredited engineering program;

    2.    I have passed the NCEES Fundamentals of Engineering examination;

    3.    I acknowledge and understand that passing this NCEES PE examination does not guarantee future licensure in any state or jurisdiction.

    4.    I acknowledge I have read and understood the IA Engineering Rules, and specifically the Examination and Licensure minimum qualifications criteria to be eligible for initial PE licensure in Iowa.

    5.    I understand that once I pass the NCEES PE exam, and have earned the necessary qualifying experience, I am required to apply directly to the IA Board to continue the initial licensure process by submitting the required application and fees, along with all documentation as required by the Board.




    The Iowa Engineering and Land Surveying Examining Board (IA Board) no longer requires examinees to submit a pre-approval application or fee to the Board prior to registering for and scheduling to take the NCEES PE exam. However, the following items are required to be submitted to NCEES prior to PE exam registration:

    · Official college transcript(s) sent directly from your institution to NCEES. The IA Board requires that the transcript show you have earned a degree of four years or more in engineering from an Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology/Engineering Accreditation Commission (ABET/EAC) - or Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB)-accredited curriculum. Iowa does not accept engineering technology degrees, even if accredited. All examinees should visit www.abet.org or www.ceab.org to ensure their bachelor’s degree is from an ABET/EAC or CEAB-accredited program at their specific institution  

    · Verification of passage of the FE exam submitted directly from the state where you passed the exam. You can check to see if your FE exam has already been verified by looking at the right side of your dashboard when you log in and following the Exam Verification link. If you do not see your FE exam verified here, you must request for your FE exam to be verified in your account. To accomplish this, go to the right side of your dashboard when you log in, where there will be a link to click to Request Exam Verification and simply follow the steps to make the request to the state board where you took and passed the exam. Keep in mind that some state boards require ample time to process the verification, and plan accordingly.

    The IA Board recommends all examinees to visit the Board’s website at http://www.plb.iowa.gov to review the IA Engineering Rules and PE application information for initial licensure to guarantee they understand the minimum qualifications. After doing so, all IA PE exam applicants must attest to the following 5 statements before they can proceed with the registering for and scheduling an exam:

    1.   I am a graduate of a four-year Bachelor’s program in engineering from an ABET/EAC or CEAB-accredited engineering program;

    2.   I have passed the NCEES Fundamentals of Engineering examination;

    3.   I acknowledge and understand that passing this NCEES PE examination does not guarantee future licensure in any state or jurisdiction.

    4.   I acknowledge I have read and understood the IA Engineering Rules, and specifically the Examination and Licensure minimum qualifications criteria to be eligible for initial PE licensure in Iowa.

    5.   I understand that once I pass the NCEES PE exam, and have earned the necessary qualifying experience, I am required to apply directly to the IA Board to continue the initial licensure process by submitting the required application and fees, along with all documentation as required by the Board.

    The Iowa board requires FS examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Iowa board requires PS examinees to first submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam scheduling

    Examinees register and schedule appointments through their MyNCEES accounts. During the registration process, examinees select their exam location. Next, they are presented with a list of available exam dates. If examinees are not happy with the choices, they can browse through the available dates at other NCEES-approved test centers.

  • Exam results

    Exam results are typically available within 7–10 business days. You will receive an email notification from NCEES with instructions to view your exam results in your MyNCEES account. Results will include a link to your licensing board for additional state-specific information or instructions. All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    Refer to the section on computer-based exams in the NCEES Examinee Guide for information about cancellations, refunds, rescheduling, and discipline changes.

  • Exam registration and authorization

    The Iowa board does not require FE examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    All exam applicants should contact the the Iowa board for instructions on obtaining approval. Iowa accepts applications year round, and once approved any applicant can register for an upcoming exam.

    After you have been notified of your approval, register online with NCEES (see deadlines below) to reserve your seat for the upcoming exam.

    OCTOBER 21-22, 2021 EXAMS

    The deadline to register with NCEES for this exam will be at 3:00 p.m. eastern time on August 26, 2021.

    Please read here for important information on the date your exam will be given, as well as important exam site procedures: https://ncees.org/october-2021-exam-administration-updates/

    Your exam type, discipline, module, and/or site cannot be changed after the NCEES registration deadline.

    The Iowa Engineering and Land Surveying Examining Board (IA Board) no longer requires examinees to submit a pre-approval application or fee to the Board prior to registering for and scheduling to take the NCEES PE exam. However, the following items are required to be submitted to NCEES prior to PE exam registration:

    · Official college transcript(s) sent directly from your institution to NCEES. The IA Board requires that the transcript show you have earned a degree of four years or more in engineering from an Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology/Engineering Accreditation Commission (ABET/EAC) - or Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB)-accredited curriculum. Iowa does not accept engineering technology degrees, even if accredited. All examinees should visit www.abet.org or www.ceab.org to ensure their bachelor’s degree is from an ABET/EAC or CEAB-accredited program at their specific institution  

    · Verification of passage of the FE exam submitted directly from the state where you passed the exam. You can check to see if your FE exam has already been verified by looking at the right side of your dashboard when you log in and following the Exam Verification link. If you do not see your FE exam verified here, you must request for your FE exam to be verified in your account. To accomplish this, go to the right side of your dashboard when you log in, where there will be a link to click to Request Exam Verification and simply follow the steps to make the request to the state board where you took and passed the exam. Keep in mind that some state boards require ample time to process the verification, and plan accordingly.

    The IA Board recommends all examinees to visit the Board’s website at http://www.plb.iowa.gov to review the IA Engineering Rules and PE application information for initial licensure to guarantee they understand the minimum qualifications. After doing so, all IA PE exam applicants must attest to the following 5 statements before they can proceed with the registering for and scheduling an exam:

    1.   I am a graduate of a four-year Bachelor’s program in engineering from an ABET/EAC or CEAB-accredited engineering program;

    2.   I have passed the NCEES Fundamentals of Engineering examination;

    3.   I acknowledge and understand that passing this NCEES PE examination does not guarantee future licensure in any state or jurisdiction.

    4.   I acknowledge I have read and understood the IA Engineering Rules, and specifically the Examination and Licensure minimum qualifications criteria to be eligible for initial PE licensure in Iowa.

    5.   I understand that once I pass the NCEES PE exam, and have earned the necessary qualifying experience, I am required to apply directly to the IA Board to continue the initial licensure process by submitting the required application and fees, along with all documentation as required by the Board.

    The Iowa board requires FS examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Iowa board requires PS examinees to first submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam sites and fees
    Exam Locations

    Visit https://account.ncees.org/sites

    Registration Fees
    Registration Fee
    FE (CBT)
    PE (CBT)
  • Exam results

    When results have been released to the board (typically 8–10 weeks after the exam) and validated, NCEES will send an email informing you that your exam result can be accessed through your MyNCEES account.

    All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam. You will not receive a diagnostic report if you pass the examination.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    You may cancel your exam registration through your MyNCEES account any time before the NCEES registration deadline. Refunds will include exam fees paid to NCEES during the registration process, minus a $50 processing fee.

    Funds may not be transferred to a later exam administration date. After the NCEES registration deadline, registrations may not be canceled and fees will not be refunded.

    If, on the day of the exam, you are unable to attend for one of the following reasons, you may submit documentation to request a refund of your fees (less the $50 processing fee). Documentation must be submitted to NCEES within 30 days of the exam date.

    • Illness, either yourself or immediate family member who requires your care
    • Death of an immediate family member
    • Disabling traffic accident
    • Court appearance or jury duty
    • Military duty

Kansas Requirements and Registration Details

  • Exam registration and authorization

    The Kansas board does not require FE examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Note: Approval applications are required beginning February 16, 2021.

    Examinees must first apply to the Kansas board for approval to sit for an exam. Visit the board’s website for instructions on the approval process.

    After the board has notified you of your approval, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Examinees must first apply to the Kansas board for approval to sit for an exam. Visit the board’s website for instructions on the approval process.

    After the board has notified you of your approval, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    The Kansas board requires FS examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Kansas board requires PS examinees to first submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam scheduling

    Examinees register and schedule appointments through their MyNCEES accounts. During the registration process, examinees select their exam location. Next, they are presented with a list of available exam dates. If examinees are not happy with the choices, they can browse through the available dates at other NCEES-approved test centers.

  • Exam results

    Exam results are typically available within 7–10 business days. You will receive an email notification from NCEES with instructions to view your exam results in your MyNCEES account. Results will include a link to your licensing board for additional state-specific information or instructions. All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    Refer to the section on computer-based exams in the NCEES Examinee Guide for information about cancellations, refunds, rescheduling, and discipline changes.

  • Exam registration and authorization

    The Kansas board does not require FE examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Examinees must first apply to the Kansas board for approval to sit for an exam. Visit the board’s website for instructions on the approval process. The board’s application deadlines are below. 

    After the board has notified you of your approval, register online with NCEES to reserve your seat for the exam.

    OCTOBER 21-22, 2021 EXAMS

    The application deadline to the board is June 15, 2021. The deadline to register with NCEES for this exam will be at 3:00 p.m. eastern time on August 26, 2021.

    Please read here for important information on the date your exam will be given, as well as important exam site procedures: https://ncees.org/october-2021-exam-administration-updates/

    Your exam type, discipline, module, and/or site cannot be changed after the NCEES registration deadline.

    Examinees must first apply to the Kansas board for approval to sit for an exam. Visit the board’s website for instructions on the approval process.

    After the board has notified you of your approval, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    The Kansas board requires FS examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Kansas board requires PS examinees to first submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam sites and fees
    Exam Locations

    Visit https://account.ncees.org/sites

    Registration Fees
    Registration Fee
    FE (CBT)
    PE (CBT)
  • Exam results

    When results have been released to the board (typically 8–10 weeks after the exam) and validated, NCEES will send an email informing you that your exam result can be accessed through your MyNCEES account.

    All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam. You will not receive a diagnostic report if you pass the examination.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    You may cancel your exam registration through your MyNCEES account any time before the NCEES registration deadline. Refunds will include exam fees paid to NCEES during the registration process, minus a $50 processing fee.

    Funds may not be transferred to a later exam administration date. After the NCEES registration deadline, registrations may not be canceled and fees will not be refunded.

    If, on the day of the exam, you are unable to attend for one of the following reasons, you may submit documentation to request a refund of your fees (less the $50 processing fee). Documentation must be submitted to NCEES within 30 days of the exam date.

    • Illness, either yourself or immediate family member who requires your care
    • Death of an immediate family member
    • Disabling traffic accident
    • Court appearance or jury duty
    • Military duty

Kentucky Requirements and Registration Details

  • Exam registration and authorization
    The Kentucky board does not require examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam. However, you must acknowledge the following statement:

    "I am a graduate of an EAC ABET accredited engineering program or have senior standing in such a program; or I have written approval from the Kentucky Board to register for this examination. I acknowledge and understand that passing this examination does not guarantee future licensure and that if I misrepresent my credentials in this acknowledgment, the Kentucky Board may refuse to license me."

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Kentucky board does not require examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES as long as the examinee has an EAC ABET-accredited degree and has passed the Fundamentals of Engineering examination; or has written approval from the Kentucky Board to register with NCEES for the exam. Before registering, examinees should visit the ABET website to ensure their bachelor’s degree is from an EAC ABET-accredited program at their institution. Examinees without EAC ABET-accredited degrees or prior written approval should contact [email protected] before registering with NCEES for the exam.

    You must also acknowledge the following statement:

    "I am a graduate of an EAC-ABET accredited engineering program and have passed the Fundamentals of Engineering examination; or I have written approval from the Kentucky Board to register for this examination. I acknowledge and understand that passing this examination does not guarantee future licensure and that if I misrepresent my credentials in this acknowledgment, the Kentucky Board may refuse to license me."

    The following items are required to be submitted to NCEES prior to PE exam registration:

    • Official college transcript(s) sent directly from your institution to NCEES. The Kentucky Board requires that the transcript show you have earned an EAC (engineering) ABET-accredited bachelor’s degree; or written approval from the Kentucky Board to register with NCEES for the exam. All examinees should visit the ABET website at www.abet.org to ensure their bachelor’s degree is from an EAC ABET-accredited program at their specific institution. Examinees without EAC ABET-accredited degrees or prior written approval should contact [email protected] for pre-approval procedures before beginning the NCEES PE Exam registration process.

    • Verification of passage of the FE exam submitted directly from the state where you passed the exam. You can check to see if your FE exam has already been verified by looking at the right side of your dashboard when you log in and following the Exam Verification link. If you do not see your FE exam verified here, you must request for your FE exam to be verified in your account. To accomplish this, go to the right side of your dashboard when you log in, where there will be a link to click to Request Exam Verification and simply follow the steps to make the request to the state board where you took and passed the exam. Keep in mind that some state boards require ample time to process the verification, and plan accordingly.

    Once you pass your exam, you will then apply directly to the Kentucky board to continue the licensure process and will submit any required application and documentation as required by the board.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Kentucky board does not require examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES as long as the examinee has an EAC ABET-accredited degree and has passed the Fundamentals of Engineering examination; or has written approval from the Kentucky Board to register with NCEES for the exam. Before registering, examinees should visit the ABET website to ensure their bachelor’s degree is from an EAC ABET-accredited program at their institution. Examinees without EAC ABET-accredited degrees or prior written approval should contact [email protected] before registering with NCEES for the exam.

    You must also acknowledge the following statement:

    "I am a graduate of an EAC ABET-accredited engineering program and have passed the Fundamentals of Engineering examination; or I have written approval from the Kentucky Board to register for this examination. I acknowledge and understand that passing this examination does not guarantee future licensure and that if I misrepresent my credentials in this acknowledgment, the Kentucky Board may refuse to license me."

    The following items are required to be submitted to NCEES prior to PE exam registration:

    • Official college transcript(s) sent directly from your institution to NCEES. The Kentucky Board requires that the transcript show you have earned an EAC (engineering) ABET-accredited bachelor’s degree; or written approval from the Kentucky Board to register with NCEES for the exam. All examinees should visit the ABET website at www.abet.org to ensure their bachelor’s degree is from an EAC ABET-accredited program at their specific institution. Examinees without EAC ABET-accredited degrees or prior written approval should contact [email protected] for pre-approval procedures before beginning the NCEES PE Exam registration process.

    • Verification of passage of the FE exam submitted directly from the state where you passed the exam. You can check to see if your FE exam has already been verified by looking at the right side of your dashboard when you log in and following the Exam Verification link. If you do not see your FE exam verified here, you must request for your FE exam to be verified in your account. To accomplish this, go to the right side of your dashboard when you log in, where there will be a link to click to Request Exam Verification and simply follow the steps to make the request to the state board where you took and passed the exam. Keep in mind that some state boards require ample time to process the verification, and plan accordingly.

    Once you pass your exam, you will then apply directly to the Kentucky board to continue the licensure process and will submit any required application and documentation as required by the board.

    The Kentucky board does not require examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam. However, you must acknowledge the following statement:

    "I have reviewed and meet the Kentucky education requirements listed on their website; or I have written approval from the Kentucky Board to register for this examination. I acknowledge and understand that passing this examination does not guarantee future licensure and that if I misrepresent my credentials in this acknowledgment, the Kentucky Board may refuse to license me."

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Kentucky board does not require PS examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam as long as the examinee has passed the Fundamentals of Surveying examination and meets the Kentucky education requirements listed on the board’s website. All others should contact [email protected] before registering with NCEES.

    You must also acknowledge the following statement:
    "I have reviewed and meet the Kentucky education requirements listed on their website and have passed the Fundamentals of Surveying examination; or I have written approval from the Kentucky Board to register for this examination. I acknowledge and understand that passing this examination does not guarantee future licensure and that if I misrepresent my credentials in this acknowledgment, the Kentucky Board may refuse to license me."

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam scheduling

    Examinees register and schedule appointments through their MyNCEES accounts. During the registration process, examinees select their exam location. Next, they are presented with a list of available exam dates. If examinees are not happy with the choices, they can browse through the available dates at other NCEES-approved test centers.

  • Exam results

    Exam results are typically available within 7–10 business days. You will receive an email notification from NCEES with instructions to view your exam results in your MyNCEES account. Results will include a link to your licensing board for additional state-specific information or instructions. All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    Refer to the section on computer-based exams in the NCEES Examinee Guide for information about cancellations, refunds, rescheduling, and discipline changes.

  • Exam registration and authorization
    The Kentucky board does not require examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam. However, you must acknowledge the following statement:

    "I am a graduate of an EAC ABET accredited engineering program or have senior standing in such a program; or I have written approval from the Kentucky Board to register for this examination. I acknowledge and understand that passing this examination does not guarantee future licensure and that if I misrepresent my credentials in this acknowledgment, the Kentucky Board may refuse to license me."

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Kentucky board does not require examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES (see deadlines below) as long as the examinee has an EAC ABET-accredited degree and has passed the Fundamentals of Engineering examination; or has written approval from the Kentucky Board to register with NCEES for the exam. Before registering, examinees should visit the ABET website to ensure their bachelor’s degree is from an EAC ABET-accredited program at their institution. Examinees without EAC ABET-accredited degrees or prior written approval should contact [email protected] before registering with NCEES for the exam.

    You must also acknowledge the following statement:

    "I am a graduate of an EAC ABET-accredited engineering program and have passed the Fundamentals of Engineering examination; or I have written approval from the Kentucky Board to register for this examination. I acknowledge and understand that passing this examination does not guarantee future licensure and that if I misrepresent my credentials in this acknowledgment, the Kentucky Board may refuse to license me."

    The following items are required to be submitted to NCEES prior to PE exam registration:

    • Official college transcript(s) sent directly from your institution to NCEES. The Kentucky Board requires that the transcript show you have earned an EAC (engineering) ABET-accredited bachelor’s degree; or written approval from the Kentucky Board to register with NCEES for the exam. All examinees should visit the ABET website at www.abet.org to ensure their bachelor’s degree is from an EAC ABET-accredited program at their specific institution. Examinees without EAC ABET-accredited degrees or prior written approval should contact [email protected] for pre-approval procedures before beginning the NCEES PE Exam registration process.


    • Verification of passage of the FE exam submitted directly from the state where you passed the exam. You can check to see if your FE exam has already been verified by looking at the right side of your dashboard when you log in and following the Exam Verification link. If you do not see your FE exam verified here, you must request for your FE exam to be verified in your account. To accomplish this, go to the right side of your dashboard when you log in, where there will be a link to click to Request Exam Verification and simply follow the steps to make the request to the state board where you took and passed the exam. Keep in mind that some state boards require ample time to process the verification, and plan accordingly.

    Your exam type, discipline, module, and/or site cannot be changed after the NCEES registration deadline.

    Once you pass your exam, you will then apply directly to the Kentucky board to continue the licensure process and will submit any required application and documentation as required by the board.

    The Kentucky board does not require examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES as long as the examinee has an EAC ABET-accredited degree and has passed the Fundamentals of Engineering examination; or has written approval from the Kentucky Board to register with NCEES for the exam. Before registering, examinees should visit the ABET website to ensure their bachelor’s degree is from an EAC ABET-accredited program at their institution. Examinees without EAC ABET-accredited degrees or prior written approval should contact [email protected] before registering with NCEES for the exam.

    You must also acknowledge the following statement:

    "I am a graduate of an EAC ABET-accredited engineering program and have passed the Fundamentals of Engineering examination; or I have written approval from the Kentucky Board to register for this examination. I acknowledge and understand that passing this examination does not guarantee future licensure and that if I misrepresent my credentials in this acknowledgment, the Kentucky Board may refuse to license me."

    The following items are required to be submitted to NCEES prior to PE exam registration:

    • Official college transcript(s) sent directly from your institution to NCEES. The Kentucky Board requires that the transcript show you have earned an EAC (engineering) ABET-accredited bachelor’s degree; or written approval from the Kentucky Board to register with NCEES for the exam. All examinees should visit the ABET website at www.abet.org to ensure their bachelor’s degree is from an EAC ABET-accredited program at their specific institution. Examinees without EAC ABET-accredited degrees or prior written approval should contact [email protected] for pre-approval procedures before beginning the NCEES PE Exam registration process.

    • Verification of passage of the FE exam submitted directly from the state where you passed the exam. You can check to see if your FE exam has already been verified by looking at the right side of your dashboard when you log in and following the Exam Verification link. If you do not see your FE exam verified here, you must request for your FE exam to be verified in your account. To accomplish this, go to the right side of your dashboard when you log in, where there will be a link to click to Request Exam Verification and simply follow the steps to make the request to the state board where you took and passed the exam. Keep in mind that some state boards require ample time to process the verification, and plan accordingly.

    Once you pass your exam, you will then apply directly to the Kentucky board to continue the licensure process and will submit any required application and documentation as required by the board.

    The Kentucky board does not require examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam. However, you must acknowledge the following statement:

    "I have reviewed and meet the Kentucky education requirements listed on their website; or I have written approval from the Kentucky Board to register for this examination. I acknowledge and understand that passing this examination does not guarantee future licensure and that if I misrepresent my credentials in this acknowledgment, the Kentucky Board may refuse to license me."

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Kentucky board does not require PS examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam as long as the examinee has passed the Fundamentals of Surveying examination and meets the Kentucky education requirements listed on the board’s website. All others should contact [email protected] before registering with NCEES.

    You must also acknowledge the following statement:
    "I have reviewed and meet the Kentucky education requirements listed on their website and have passed the Fundamentals of Surveying examination; or I have written approval from the Kentucky Board to register for this examination. I acknowledge and understand that passing this examination does not guarantee future licensure and that if I misrepresent my credentials in this acknowledgment, the Kentucky Board may refuse to license me."

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam sites and fees
    Exam Locations

    Visit https://account.ncees.org/sites

    Registration Fees
    Registration Fee
    FE (CBT)
    PE (CBT)
  • Exam results

    When results have been released to the board (typically 8–10 weeks after the exam) and validated, NCEES will send an email informing you that your exam result can be accessed through your MyNCEES account.

    All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam. You will not receive a diagnostic report if you pass the examination.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    You may cancel your exam registration through your MyNCEES account any time before the NCEES registration deadline. Refunds will include exam fees paid to NCEES during the registration process, minus a $50 processing fee.

    Funds may not be transferred to a later exam administration date. After the NCEES registration deadline, registrations may not be canceled and fees will not be refunded.

    If, on the day of the exam, you are unable to attend for one of the following reasons, you may submit documentation to request a refund of your fees (less the $50 processing fee). Documentation must be submitted to NCEES within 30 days of the exam date.

    • Illness, either yourself or immediate family member who requires your care
    • Death of an immediate family member
    • Disabling traffic accident
    • Court appearance or jury duty
    • Military duty

Louisiana Requirements and Registration Details

  • Exam registration and authorization

    The Louisiana board does not require FE examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Applicants for Louisiana planning to take a Principles and Practice of Engineering (PE) Exam must meet these requirements to register directly with NCEES:

    (1) Applicant has graduated with a BS degree from an EAC/ABET-accredited program and has submitted a transcript to NCEES.

    (2) Applicant has passed the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam.

    All other applicants must apply to the Louisiana Board for authorization to take the Principles and Practice of Engineering Exams. Applicants must complete an Application for Certification to ensure you have met the educational, FE examination requirements and when applicable, the experience requirement.

    You can check to see if your FE exam has already been verified by looking at the right side of your dashboard when you log in and following the Exam Verification link. If your FE exam has not been verified, you will need to submit a verification request to the board where you took and passed the FE exam. Please note that a verification response may take up to 30 days and plan accordingly.

    To qualify for the auto approval process, you must meet the above referenced requirements prior to registering directly through NCEES.

    After you have confirmed verification of your FE and your transcript, register online with NCEES to reserve your seat for the exam.

    Examinees who remain categorized as “pending board approval” in their My NCEES account after submitting a transcript and having their FE verified were not accepted for auto approval by NCEES. The NCEES “pending” status means that you need to submit an application to take the examination directly to the Board for authorization to take the exam.

    **Louisiana applicants need to acknowledge they have read LAPELS rule 1315:

    1315 (B) - Reexaminations

    B. After an individual has failed a principles and practice of engineering examination, principles and practice of land surveying examination or Louisiana laws of land surveying examination in any and all jurisdictions for the seventh time, he/she is no longer eligible for licensure.

    Passing the Principles and Practice of Engineering examination alone does not guarantee that you will receive a professional engineer license. You will still need to be of good character and reputation, as well as obtain the requisite progressive engineering experience.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Applicants for Louisiana planning to take a Structural Engineering (SE) Exam must meet these requirements to register directly with NCEES:

    (1) Applicant has graduated with a BS degree from an EAC/ABET-accredited program and has submitted a verified transcript to NCEES.

    (2) Applicant has passed the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam.

    All other applicants must apply to the Louisiana Board for authorization to take the Principles and Practice of Engineering Exams. Applicants must complete an Application for Certification to ensure you have met the educational, FE examination requirements and when applicable, the experience requirement.

    You can check to see if your FE exam has already been verified by looking at the right side of your dashboard when you log in and following the Exam Verification link. If your FE exam has not been verified, you will need to submit a verification request to the board where you took and passed the FE exam. Please note that a verification response may take up to 30 days, and plan accordingly.

    To qualify for the auto approval process, you must meet the above referenced requirements prior to registering directly through NCEES.

    After you have confirmed verification of your FE and your transcript, register online with NCEES to reserve your seat for the upcoming exam.

    Examinees who remain categorized as “pending board approval” in their My NCEES account after submitting a transcript and having their FE verified were not accepted for auto approval by NCEES. The NCEES “pending” status means that you need to submit an application to take the examination directly to the Board for authorization to take the exam.

    **Louisiana applicants need to acknowledge they have read LAPELS rule 1315:

    1315 (B) - Reexaminations

    B. After an individual has failed a principles and practice of engineering examination, principles and practice of land surveying examination or Louisiana laws of land surveying examination in any and all jurisdictions for the seventh time, he/she is no longer eligible for licensure.

    Passing the Principles and Practice of Engineering examination alone does not guarantee that you will receive a professional engineer license. You will still need to be of good character and reputation, as well as obtain the requisite progressive engineering experience.

    The Louisiana board does not require FS examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Louisiana board requires examinees to first submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam scheduling

    Examinees register and schedule appointments through their MyNCEES accounts. During the registration process, examinees select their exam location. Next, they are presented with a list of available exam dates. If examinees are not happy with the choices, they can browse through the available dates at other NCEES-approved test centers.

  • Exam results

    Exam results are typically available within 7–10 business days. You will receive an email notification from NCEES with instructions to view your exam results in your MyNCEES account. Results will include a link to your licensing board for additional state-specific information or instructions. All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    Refer to the section on computer-based exams in the NCEES Examinee Guide for information about cancellations, refunds, rescheduling, and discipline changes.

  • Exam registration and authorization

    The Louisiana board does not require FE examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Applicants for Louisiana planning to take a Principles and Practice of Engineering (PE) Exam must meet these requirements to register directly with NCEES:

    (1) Applicant has graduated with a BS degree from an EAC/ABET-accredited program and has submitted a verified transcript to NCEES.

    (2) Applicant has passed the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam.

    All other applicants must apply to the Louisiana Board for authorization to take the Principles and Practice of Engineering Exams. Applicants must complete an Application for Certification to ensure you have met the educational, FE examination requirements and when applicable, the experience requirement. Our deadlines to apply for the paper and pencil PE exams are shown below.

    You can check to see if your FE exam has already been verified by looking at the right side of your dashboard when you log in and following the Exam Verification link. If your FE exam has not been verified, you will need to submit a verification request to the board where you took and passed the FE exam. Please note that a verification response may take up to 30 days, and plan accordingly.

    To qualify for the auto approval process, you must meet the above referenced requirements prior to registering directly through NCEES.

    After you have confirmed verification of your FE and your transcript, register online with NCEES (deadline: 3:00 p.m. EDT on August 20, 2020) to reserve your seat for the upcoming exam. Your exam type, discipline, module, and/or site cannot be changed after the NCEES registration deadline. Please be aware that the Baton Rouge exam site fills up quickly.

    Examinees who remain categorized as “pending board approval” in their My NCEES account after submitting a transcript and having their FE verified were not accepted for auto approval by NCEES. The NCEES “pending” status means that you need to submit an application to take the examination directly to the Board for authorization to take the exam.

    **Louisiana applicants need to acknowledge they have read LAPELS rule 1315:

    1315 (B) - Reexaminations

    B. After an individual has failed a principles and practice of engineering examination, principles and practice of land surveying examination or Louisiana laws of land surveying examination in any and all jurisdictions for the seventh time, he/she is no longer eligible for licensure.

    Passing the Principles and Practice of Engineering examination alone does not guarantee that you will receive a professional engineer license. You will still need to be of good character and reputation, as well as obtain the requisite progressive engineering experience.

    OCTOBER 21-22, 2021 EXAMS

    The deadline for approval applications to the board will be June 1, 2021. The deadline to register with NCEES for this exam will be at 3:00 p.m. eastern time on August 26, 2021.

    Please read here for important information on the date your exam will be given, as well as important exam site procedures: https://ncees.org/october-2021-exam-administration-updates/

    Your exam type, discipline, module, and/or site cannot be changed after the NCEES registration deadline.

    Applicants for Louisiana planning to take a Structural Engineering (SE) Exam must meet these requirements to register directly with NCEES:

    (1) Applicant has graduated with a BS degree from an EAC/ABET-accredited program and has submitted a verified transcript to NCEES.

    (2) Applicant has passed the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam.

    All other applicants must apply to the Louisiana Board for authorization to take the Principles and Practice of Engineering Exams. Applicants must complete an Application for Certification to ensure you have met the educational, FE examination requirements and when applicable, the experience requirement.

    You can check to see if your FE exam has already been verified by looking at the right side of your dashboard when you log in and following the Exam Verification link. If your FE exam has not been verified, you will need to submit a verification request to the board where you took and passed the FE exam. Please note that a verification response may take up to 30 days, and plan accordingly.

    To qualify for the auto approval process, you must meet the above referenced requirements prior to registering directly through NCEES.

    After you have confirmed verification of your FE and your transcript, register online with NCEES to reserve your seat for the upcoming exam.

    Examinees who remain categorized as “pending board approval” in their My NCEES account after submitting a transcript and having their FE verified were not accepted for auto approval by NCEES. The NCEES “pending” status means that you need to submit an application to take the examination directly to the Board for authorization to take the exam.

    **Louisiana applicants need to acknowledge they have read LAPELS rule 1315:

    1315 (B) - Reexaminations

    B. After an individual has failed a principles and practice of engineering examination, principles and practice of land surveying examination or Louisiana laws of land surveying examination in any and all jurisdictions for the seventh time, he/she is no longer eligible for licensure.

    Passing the Principles and Practice of Engineering examination alone does not guarantee that you will receive a professional engineer license. You will still need to be of good character and reputation, as well as obtain the requisite progressive engineering experience.

    The Louisiana board does not require FS examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Louisiana board requires examinees to first submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam sites and fees
    Exam Locations

    Visit https://account.ncees.org/sites

    Registration Fees
    Registration Fee
    FE (CBT)
    PE (CBT)
  • Exam results

    When results have been released to the board (typically 8–10 weeks after the exam) and validated, NCEES will send an email informing you that your exam result can be accessed through your MyNCEES account.

    All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam. You will not receive a diagnostic report if you pass the examination.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    You may cancel your exam registration through your MyNCEES account any time before the NCEES registration deadline. Refunds will include exam fees paid to NCEES during the registration process, minus a $50 processing fee.

    Funds may not be transferred to a later exam administration date. After the NCEES registration deadline, registrations may not be canceled and fees will not be refunded.

    If, on the day of the exam, you are unable to attend for one of the following reasons, you may submit documentation to request a refund of your fees (less the $50 processing fee). Documentation must be submitted to NCEES within 30 days of the exam date.

    • Illness, either yourself or immediate family member who requires your care
    • Death of an immediate family member
    • Disabling traffic accident
    • Court appearance or jury duty
    • Military duty

Maine Requirements and Registration Details

  • Exam registration and authorization

    The Maine board does not require examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    PE exam candidates to the Maine PE Board can register with NCEES and sit for the PE exam prior to completing an application for licensure. Exam candidates must meet the following requirements:


    ·      PE exam candidates must have a qualifying four-year degree, which can be an ABET-accredited engineering or engineering technology degree or equivalent, an unaccredited engineering or engineering technology degree, or a related science degree. Please contact the board office at [email protected] with any questions about degrees.


    ·      Candidates must have a passing result on the NCEES FE exam recorded in their NCEES Record. To verify that the FE exam result is recorded, log into your MyNCEES Account and look at the right side of the dashboard. Click on the link for Exam Verification and review the Verified Exams. If the FE exam result is not listed, click on Request Verification at the top of the page and follow the steps to request verification from the state where you passed the exam.


    After receiving a passing result on the NCEES PE exam, Maine PE licensure candidates complete the application and pay the licensure fee for Initial Licensure.


    Once licensed, a Maine PE can register for and take any additional PE or SE exams without further application to the board. Additional exam results are noted in the NCEES Record.


    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    SE exam candidates to the Maine PE Board can register with NCEES and sit for the SE exam prior to completing an application for licensure. Exam candidates must meet the following requirements:

    • SE exam candidates must have a qualifying four-year degree, which can be an ABET-accredited engineering or engineering technology degree or equivalent, an unaccredited engineering or engineering technology degree, or a related science degree. Please contact the board office at [email protected] with any questions about degrees.
    • Candidates must have a passing result on the NCEES FE exam recorded in their NCEES Record. To verify that the FE exam result is recorded, log into your MyNCEES Account and look at the right side of the dashboard. Click on the link for Exam Verification and review the Verified Exams. If the FE exam result is not listed, click on Request Verification at the top of the page and follow the steps to request verification from the state where you passed the exam.

    After receiving a passing result on the NCEES PE exam, Maine PE licensure candidates complete the application and pay the licensure fee for Initial Licensure.

    The Maine board does not require FS examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Maine board requires PS examinees to first submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam scheduling

    Examinees register and schedule appointments through their MyNCEES accounts. During the registration process, examinees select their exam location. Next, they are presented with a list of available exam dates. If examinees are not happy with the choices, they can browse through the available dates at other NCEES-approved test centers.

  • Exam results

    Exam results are typically available within 7–10 business days. You will receive an email notification from NCEES with instructions to view your exam results in your MyNCEES account. Results will include a link to your licensing board for additional state-specific information or instructions. All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    Refer to the section on computer-based exams in the NCEES Examinee Guide for information about cancellations, refunds, rescheduling, and discipline changes.

  • Exam registration and authorization

    The Maine board does not require examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Examinees must first apply to the Maine board for approval to sit for the exam. Visit the board’s website for instructions on the approval process. The board’s posted deadlines for approval applications for the exams are below. After the board has notified you of your approval, register online with NCEES.

    OCTOBER 21-22, 2021 EXAMS

    The deadline for applications to the board will be June 15, 2021. The deadline to register with NCEES for this exam will be at 3:00 p.m. eastern time on August 26, 2021.

    Please read here for important information on the date your exam will be given, as well as important exam site procedures: https://ncees.org/october-2021-exam-administration-updates/

    Your exam type, discipline, module, and/or site cannot be changed after the NCEES registration deadline.

    SE exam candidates to the Maine PE Board can register with NCEES and sit for the SE exam prior to completing an application for licensure. Exam candidates must meet the following requirements:

    • SE exam candidates must have a qualifying four-year degree, which can be an ABET-accredited engineering or engineering technology degree or equivalent, an unaccredited engineering or engineering technology degree, or a related science degree. Please contact the board office at [email protected] with any questions about degrees.
    • Candidates must have a passing result on the NCEES FE exam recorded in their NCEES Record. To verify that the FE exam result is recorded, log into your MyNCEES Account and look at the right side of the dashboard. Click on the link for Exam Verification and review the Verified Exams. If the FE exam result is not listed, click on Request Verification at the top of the page and follow the steps to request verification from the state where you passed the exam.

    After receiving a passing result on the NCEES PE exam, Maine PE licensure candidates complete the application and pay the licensure fee for Initial Licensure.

    The Maine board does not require FS examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Maine board requires PS examinees to first submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam sites and fees
    Exam Locations

    Visit https://account.ncees.org/sites

    Registration Fees
    Registration Fee
    FE (CBT)
    PE (CBT)
  • Exam results

    When results have been released to the board (typically 8–10 weeks after the exam) and validated, NCEES will send an email informing you that your exam result can be accessed through your MyNCEES account.

    All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam. You will not receive a diagnostic report if you pass the examination.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    You may cancel your exam registration through your MyNCEES account any time before the NCEES registration deadline. Refunds will include exam fees paid to NCEES during the registration process, minus a $50 processing fee.

    Funds may not be transferred to a later exam administration date. After the NCEES registration deadline, registrations may not be canceled and fees will not be refunded.

    If, on the day of the exam, you are unable to attend for one of the following reasons, you may submit documentation to request a refund of your fees (less the $50 processing fee). Documentation must be submitted to NCEES within 30 days of the exam date.

    • Illness, either yourself or immediate family member who requires your care
    • Death of an immediate family member
    • Disabling traffic accident
    • Court appearance or jury duty
    • Military duty

Maryland Requirements and Registration Details

  • Exam registration and authorization

    The Maryland board does not require examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    After passing the FE Exam, the candidate can apply for an EIT certification without meeting any further requirements. For an EIT certificate application, go to: https://www.dllr.state.md.us/license/pe/peapplyeit.shtml

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    First-time applicants must apply with the Maryland board to take an NCEES exam. There are varying qualification standards, so applicants should visit the board’s website for more information. Once approved, applicants must register with NCEES.

    Repeat applicants must re-register directly with NCEES, up to three attempts.

    Applicants who have failed an exam three times must apply as a first-time applicant. Applicants will be required to update work experience and education, as well as demonstrate, to the Board, that they are taking adequate measures to correct their deficiencies. Please contact the Board for more information: [email protected]

    Licensed Professional Engineers who wish to take the PE in an additional discipline must download a paper application (Word). Completed applications should be emailed to the board ([email protected]). 

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    First-time applicants must apply with the Maryland board to take an NCEES exam. There are varying qualification standards, so applicants should visit the board’s website for more information. Once approved, applicants must register with NCEES.

    Repeat applicants must re-register directly with NCEES, up to three attempts.

    Applicants who have failed an exam three times
    must apply as a first-time applicant. Applicants will be required to update work experience and education, as well as demonstrate, to the Board, that they are taking adequate measures to correct their deficiencies. Please contact the Board for more information: [email protected]

    Licensed Professional Engineers who wish to take the PE in an additional discipline must download a paper application (Word). Completed applications should be emailed to: [email protected]  

    The Maryland board does not require examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Maryland board requires PS examinees to first submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam scheduling

    Examinees register and schedule appointments through their MyNCEES accounts. During the registration process, examinees select their exam location. Next, they are presented with a list of available exam dates. If examinees are not happy with the choices, they can browse through the available dates at other NCEES-approved test centers.

  • Exam results

    Exam results are typically available within 7–10 business days. You will receive an email notification from NCEES with instructions to view your exam results in your MyNCEES account. Results will include a link to your licensing board for additional state-specific information or instructions. All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    Refer to the section on computer-based exams in the NCEES Examinee Guide for information about cancellations, refunds, rescheduling, and discipline changes.

  • Exam registration and authorization

    The Maryland board does not require examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    After passing the FE Exam, the candidate can apply for an EIT certification without meeting any further requirements. For an EIT certificate application, go to: https://www.dllr.state.md.us/license/pe/peapplyeit.shtml

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    First-time applicants must apply with the Maryland board to take an NCEES exam. There are varying qualification standards, so applicants should visit the board’s website for more information. For current and future approval deadlines, visit http://www.dllr.state.md.us/license/pe/peexamsch.shtml. Once approved, applicants must schedule and pay a registration fee to NCEES (see deadlines below). If you have questions about the process, email the board: [email protected]

    Repeat applicants who have not failed the exam three times must register and pay a fee to NCEES (for current and future approval deadlines, visit http://www.dllr.state.md.us/license/pe/peexamsch.shtml).

    Applicants who have failed an exam three times must apply as a first-time applicant. Applicants will be required to update work experience and education, as well as demonstrate, to the Board, that they are taking adequate measures to correct their deficiencies. Please contact the Board for more information: [email protected]

    Licensed Professional Engineers who wish to take the PE in an additional discipline must download a paper application (Word). Completed applications should be emailed to: [email protected]  

    Failure to apply with the Maryland Board and/or register with NCEES will preclude all applicants from sitting for an exam.

    OCTOBER 21-22, 2021 EXAMS

    The deadline to register with NCEES for this exam will be at 3:00 p.m. eastern time on August 26, 2021.

    Please read here for important information on the date your exam will be given, as well as important exam site procedures: https://ncees.org/october-2021-exam-administration-updates/

    Your exam type, discipline, module, and/or site cannot be changed after the NCEES registration deadline.

    First-time applicants must apply with the Maryland board to take an NCEES exam. There are varying qualification standards, so applicants should visit the board’s website for more information. Once approved, applicants must register with NCEES.

    Repeat applicants must re-register directly with NCEES, up to three attempts.

    Applicants who have failed an exam three times
    must apply as a first-time applicant. Applicants will be required to update work experience and education, as well as demonstrate, to the Board, that they are taking adequate measures to correct their deficiencies. Please contact the Board for more information: [email protected]

    Licensed Professional Engineers who wish to take the PE in an additional discipline must download a paper application (Word). Completed applications should be emailed to: [email protected]  

    The Maryland board does not require examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Maryland board requires PS examinees to first submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam sites and fees
    Exam Locations

    Visit https://account.ncees.org/sites

    Registration Fees
    Registration Fee
    FE (CBT)
    PE (CBT)
  • Exam results

    When results have been released to the board (typically 8–10 weeks after the exam) and validated, NCEES will send an email informing you that your exam result can be accessed through your MyNCEES account.

    All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam. You will not receive a diagnostic report if you pass the examination.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    You may cancel your exam registration through your MyNCEES account any time before the NCEES registration deadline. Refunds will include exam fees paid to NCEES during the registration process, minus a $50 processing fee.

    Funds may not be transferred to a later exam administration date. After the NCEES registration deadline, registrations may not be canceled and fees will not be refunded.

    If, on the day of the exam, you are unable to attend for one of the following reasons, you may submit documentation to request a refund of your fees (less the $50 processing fee). Documentation must be submitted to NCEES within 30 days of the exam date.

    • Illness, either yourself or immediate family member who requires your care
    • Death of an immediate family member
    • Disabling traffic accident
    • Court appearance or jury duty
    • Military duty

Massachusetts Requirements and Registration Details

  • Exam registration and authorization
    The Massachusetts board requires FE examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Examinees must have approval from the Massachusetts board before registering with NCEES for the exam.

    First-time applicants can find more information on the PCS website. If your eligibility has expired (please read the MA Board Re-admittance to Examination Failure letter), contact the Massachusetts board.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Examinees must have approval from the Massachusetts board before registering with NCEES for the exam.

    First-time applicants can find more information on the PCS website. If your eligibility has expired (please read the MA Board Re-admittance to Examination Failure letter), contact the Massachusetts board.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    The Massachusetts board requires FS examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Massachusetts board requires PS examinees to first submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period..

  • Exam scheduling

    Examinees register and schedule appointments through their MyNCEES accounts. During the registration process, examinees select their exam location. Next, they are presented with a list of available exam dates. If examinees are not happy with the choices, they can browse through the available dates at other NCEES-approved test centers.

  • Exam results

    Exam results are typically available within 7–10 business days. You will receive an email notification from NCEES with instructions to view your exam results in your MyNCEES account. Results will include a link to your licensing board for additional state-specific information or instructions. All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    Refer to the section on computer-based exams in the NCEES Examinee Guide for information about cancellations, refunds, rescheduling, and discipline changes.

  • Exam registration and authorization
    The Massachusetts board requires FE examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Examinees must have approval from the Massachusetts board before you can register for your exam and pay your fees to PCS/Virtual Inc.

    First-time applicants can find more information on the PCS/Virtual Inc. website. If your eligibility has expired (please read the MA Board Re-admittance to Examination Failure letter), contact the Massachusetts board.

    After you have been approved by the Massachusetts board, you may register online with NCEES (see deadlines below). Board-approved applicants should then pay for the exam with PCS/Virtual Inc. by the scheduling deadline.

    OCTOBER 21-22, 2021 EXAMS

    The deadline to register with NCEES for this exam will be at 3:00 p.m. eastern time on August 26, 2021.

    Please read here for important information on the date your exam will be given, as well as important exam site procedures: https://ncees.org/october-2021-exam-administration-updates/

    Your exam type, discipline, module, and/or site cannot be changed after the NCEES registration deadline.

    Examinees must have approval from the Massachusetts board before registering with NCEES for the exam.

    First-time applicants can find more information on the PCS website. If your eligibility has expired (please read the MA Board Re-admittance to Examination Failure letter), contact the Massachusetts board.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    The Massachusetts board requires FS examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Massachusetts board requires PS examinees to first submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. Examinees should contact the board directly for details.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period..

  • Exam sites and fees
    Exam Locations

    Visit https://account.ncees.org/sites

    Registration Fees
    Registration Fee
    FE (CBT)
    PE (CBT)
  • Exam results

    When results have been released to the board (typically 8–10 weeks after the exam) and validated, NCEES will send an email informing you that your exam result can be accessed through your MyNCEES account.

    All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam. You will not receive a diagnostic report if you pass the examination.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    You may cancel your exam registration through your MyNCEES account any time before the NCEES registration deadline. Refunds will include exam fees paid to NCEES during the registration process, minus a $50 processing fee.

    Funds may not be transferred to a later exam administration date. After the NCEES registration deadline, registrations may not be canceled and fees will not be refunded.

    If, on the day of the exam, you are unable to attend for one of the following reasons, you may submit documentation to request a refund of your fees (less the $50 processing fee). Documentation must be submitted to NCEES within 30 days of the exam date.

    • Illness, either yourself or immediate family member who requires your care
    • Death of an immediate family member
    • Disabling traffic accident
    • Court appearance or jury duty
    • Military duty

Michigan Requirements and Registration Details

  • Exam registration and authorization

    The Michigan board does not require examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The state of Michigan recently amended Public Act 435 (Article 20) of the Occupational Code, to allow for direct registration for the engineering exam applicants. The Michigan board no longer requires examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES for the exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Once the applicant has completed their education, experience and examination requirements, they should apply directly to the board for licensure.

    The state of Michigan recently amended Public Act 435 (Article 20) of the Occupational Code, to allow for direct registration for the engineering exam applicants. The Michigan board no longer requires examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES for the exam.

    Once the applicant has completed their education, experience and examination requirements, they should apply directly to the board for licensure.

    The Michigan board does not require examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board before registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Michigan board does not require examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board before registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam scheduling

    Examinees register and schedule appointments through their MyNCEES accounts. During the registration process, examinees select their exam location. Next, they are presented with a list of available exam dates. If examinees are not happy with the choices, they can browse through the available dates at other NCEES-approved test centers.

  • Exam results

    Exam results are typically available within 7–10 business days. You will receive an email notification from NCEES with instructions to view your exam results in your MyNCEES account. Results will include a link to your licensing board for additional state-specific information or instructions. All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    Refer to the section on computer-based exams in the NCEES Examinee Guide for information about cancellations, refunds, rescheduling, and discipline changes.

  • Exam registration and authorization

    The Michigan board does not require examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The state of Michigan recently amended Public Act 435 (Article 20) of the Occupational Code, to allow for direct registration for the engineering exam applicants. The Michigan board no longer requires examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES for the exam. Once the applicant has completed their education, experience, and examination requirements, they should apply directly to the board for licensure.

    Register online with NCEES to reserve your seat for the exam by the deadline below.

    OCTOBER 21-22, 2021 EXAMS

    The deadline to register with NCEES for this exam will be at 3:00 p.m. eastern time on August 26, 2021.

    Please read here for important information on the date your exam will be given, as well as important exam site procedures: https://ncees.org/october-2021-exam-administration-updates/

    Your exam type, discipline, module, and/or site cannot be changed after the NCEES registration deadline.

    The state of Michigan recently amended Public Act 435 (Article 20) of the Occupational Code, to allow for direct registration for the engineering exam applicants. The Michigan board no longer requires examinees to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering with NCEES for the exam.

    Once the applicant has completed their education, experience and examination requirements, they should apply directly to the board for licensure.

    The Michigan board does not require examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board before registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Michigan board does not require examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board before registering with NCEES and scheduling an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam sites and fees
    Exam Locations

    Visit https://account.ncees.org/sites

    Registration Fees
    Registration Fee
    FE (CBT)
    PE (CBT)
  • Exam results

    When results have been released to the board (typically 8–10 weeks after the exam) and validated, NCEES will send an email informing you that your exam result can be accessed through your MyNCEES account.

    All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam. You will not receive a diagnostic report if you pass the examination.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    You may cancel your exam registration through your MyNCEES account any time before the NCEES registration deadline. Refunds will include exam fees paid to NCEES during the registration process, minus a $50 processing fee.

    Funds may not be transferred to a later exam administration date. After the NCEES registration deadline, registrations may not be canceled and fees will not be refunded.

    If, on the day of the exam, you are unable to attend for one of the following reasons, you may submit documentation to request a refund of your fees (less the $50 processing fee). Documentation must be submitted to NCEES within 30 days of the exam date.

    • Illness, either yourself or immediate family member who requires your care
    • Death of an immediate family member
    • Disabling traffic accident
    • Court appearance or jury duty
    • Military duty

Minnesota Requirements and Registration Details

  • Exam registration and authorization

    Applicants who are within 32 semester credits of graduation (generally, senior year) or have graduated from an EAC-ABET accredited baccalaureate program in engineering are automatically eligible to sit for an NCEES exam. Such applicants do not need to obtain approval from the Minnesota Board prior to registering for the FE exam with NCEES.

    Applicants who have completed a minimum of 24 semester credits toward or have graduated with an EAC-ABET accredited graduate degree in engineering are automatically eligible to sit for an NCEES exam. Such applicants do not need to obtain approval from the Minnesota Board prior to registering for the FE exam with NCEES.

    Applicants who are not enrolled or have not graduated from an EAC-ABET accredited baccalaureate program must submit an application and $25 fee to the Minnesota Board for approval to sit for the FE exam. Once approved, applicants may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. For the Board's application, please visit the Board's website at: http://mn.gov/aelslagid/engineering.html.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Examinees must first apply to the Minnesota board for approval to sit for the exam in Minnesota. Visit the board’s website for instructions on the approval process.

    The application deadline for those taking a CBT single-date PE exam should visit the board’s website.

    If you have failed the exam, you must submit a new application to the Board and obtain approval prior to registering to retake the exam. Applications are available at: http://mn.gov/aelslagid/engineering.html.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Examinees must first apply to the Minnesota board for approval to sit for the exam in Minnesota. Visit the board’s website for instructions on the approval process.

    If you have failed the exam, you must submit a new application to the Board and obtain approval prior to registering to retake the exam. Applications are available at: http://mn.gov/aelslagid/engineering.html.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    The Minnesota board requires examinees to submit an application and obtain approval prior to registering for the exam.

    If you have failed the exam, you must submit a new application to the Board and obtain approval prior to registering to retake the exam.

    Applications are available at: http://mn.gov/aelslagid/landsurveying.html

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Minnesota board requires examinees to submit an application and obtain approval prior to registering for the exam.

    If you have failed the exam, you must submit a new application to the Board and obtain approval prior to registering to retake the exam.

    Applications are available at: http://mn.gov/aelslagid/landsurveying.html

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam scheduling

    Examinees register and schedule appointments through their MyNCEES accounts. During the registration process, examinees select their exam location. Next, they are presented with a list of available exam dates. If examinees are not happy with the choices, they can browse through the available dates at other NCEES-approved test centers.

  • Exam results

    Exam results are typically available within 7–10 business days. You will receive an email notification from NCEES with instructions to view your exam results in your MyNCEES account. Results will include a link to your licensing board for additional state-specific information or instructions. All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    Refer to the section on computer-based exams in the NCEES Examinee Guide for information about cancellations, refunds, rescheduling, and discipline changes.

  • Exam registration and authorization

    Applicants who are within 32 semester credits of graduation (generally, senior year) or have graduated from an EAC-ABET accredited baccalaureate program in engineering are automatically eligible to sit for an NCEES exam. Such applicants do not need to obtain approval from the Minnesota Board prior to registering for the FE exam with NCEES.

    Applicants who have completed a minimum of 24 semester credits toward or have graduated with an EAC-ABET accredited graduate degree in engineering are automatically eligible to sit for an NCEES exam. Such applicants do not need to obtain approval from the Minnesota Board prior to registering for the FE exam with NCEES.

    Applicants who are not enrolled or have not graduated from an EAC-ABET accredited baccalaureate program must submit an application and $25 fee to the Minnesota Board for approval to sit for the FE exam. Once approved, applicants may register with NCEES to schedule an exam. For the Board's application, please visit the Board's website at: http://mn.gov/aelslagid/engineering.html.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    Examinees must first apply to the Minnesota board for approval to sit for the exam in Minnesota (see deadlines below). Visit the board’s website for instructions on the approval process.

    If you have failed the exam, you must submit a new application to the Board and obtain approval prior to registering to retake the exam. Applications are available at: http://mn.gov/aelslagid/engineering.html.

    After the board has notified you of your approval, register online with NCEES (deadlines below) to reserve your seat for the exam.

    OCTOBER 21-22, 2021 EXAMS

    The deadline for approval applications to the board will be August 9, 2021. The deadline to register with NCEES for this exam will be at 3:00 p.m. eastern time on August 26, 2021.

    Please read here for important information on the date your exam will be given, as well as imiportant exam site procedures: https://ncees.org/october-2021-exam-administration-updates/

    Your exam type, discipline, module, and/or site cannot be changed after the NCEES registration deadline.

    Examinees must first apply to the Minnesota board for approval to sit for the exam in Minnesota. Visit the board’s website for instructions on the approval process.

    If you have failed the exam, you must submit a new application to the Board and obtain approval prior to registering to retake the exam. Applications are available at: http://mn.gov/aelslagid/engineering.html.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    The Minnesota board requires examinees to submit an application and obtain approval prior to registering for the exam.

    If you have failed the exam, you must submit a new application to the Board and obtain approval prior to registering to retake the exam.

    Applications are available at: http://mn.gov/aelslagid/landsurveying.html

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Minnesota board requires examinees to submit an application and obtain approval prior to registering for the exam.

    If you have failed the exam, you must submit a new application to the Board and obtain approval prior to registering to retake the exam.

    Applications are available at: http://mn.gov/aelslagid/landsurveying.html

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam sites and fees
    Exam Locations

    Visit https://account.ncees.org/sites

    Registration Fees
    Registration Fee
    FE (CBT)
    PE (CBT)
  • Exam results

    When results have been released to the board (typically 8–10 weeks after the exam) and validated, NCEES will send an email informing you that your exam result can be accessed through your MyNCEES account.

    All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam. You will not receive a diagnostic report if you pass the examination.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    You may cancel your exam registration through your MyNCEES account any time before the NCEES registration deadline. Refunds will include exam fees paid to NCEES during the registration process, minus a $50 processing fee.

    Funds may not be transferred to a later exam administration date. After the NCEES registration deadline, registrations may not be canceled and fees will not be refunded.

    If, on the day of the exam, you are unable to attend for one of the following reasons, you may submit documentation to request a refund of your fees (less the $50 processing fee). Documentation must be submitted to NCEES within 30 days of the exam date.

    • Illness, either yourself or immediate family member who requires your care
    • Death of an immediate family member
    • Disabling traffic accident
    • Court appearance or jury duty
    • Military duty

Mississippi Requirements and Registration Details

  • Exam registration and authorization
    The Mississippi board requires FE examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Mississippi Board does not require examinees who meet the established credentials below to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering for examination with NCEES providing they can attest to the following:

     I attest that I am seeking licensure in the state of Mississippi and meet the following credentials:

    1.   I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in engineering from an EAC/ABET-accredited program.

    NOTE: An engineering technology degree (ETAC) does NOT meet the educational requirements.

    2.   I have taken and passed the NCEES Fundamentals of Engineering Examination.

    3.   I am a Mississippi resident.

    4.   I acknowledge and understand that passing this exam does not guarantee future licensure and that if I misrepresent my credentials in this acknowledgment, the Mississippi Board may refuse to license me.

    If you cannot attest to the aforementioned credentials and do not have the FE exam and your education VERIFIED in your NCEES account, STOP and DO NOT continue with the NCEES direct registration process to take the NCEES Principles & Practice of Engineering Examination as a Mississippi applicant as you are not eligible for the direct registration process. Instead, you are encouraged to view the Board’s website at www.pepls.state.ms.us to determine if you meet other avenues for licensure.

    AFTER you have taken and successfully passed the NCEES Fundamentals of Engineering Examination; the NCEES Principles & Practice of Engineering Examination; AND, have obtained four (4) full years of qualifying engineering experience from the date you received your ABET EAC accredited degree in engineering, you are then eligible to complete the Mississippi “licensure application” which can be accessed via the following link:  https://www.pepls.state.ms.us/pepls/web.nsf/webpages/LN_AF_PAGE_FORM?OpenDocumentss.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Mississippi Board does not require examinees who meet the established credentials below to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering for examination with NCEES providing they can attest to the following:

     I attest that I am seeking licensure in the state of Mississippi and meet the following credentials:

    1.   I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in engineering from an EAC/ABET-accredited program and it is verified by NCEES.

    NOTE: An engineering technology degree (ETAC) does NOT meet the educational requirements.

    2.   I have taken and passed the NCEES Fundamentals of Engineering Examination and it is officially verified in my account.

    3.   I am a Mississippi resident.

    4.   I acknowledge and understand that passing this exam does not guarantee future licensure and that if I misrepresent my credentials in this acknowledgment, the Mississippi Board may refuse to license me.

    If you cannot attest to the aforementioned credentials and do not have the FE exam and your education VERIFIED in your NCEES account, STOP and DO NOT continue with the NCEES direct registration process to take the NCEES Principles & Practice of Engineering Examination as a Mississippi applicant as you are not eligible for the direct registration process. Instead, you are encouraged to view the Board’s website at www.pepls.state.ms.us to determine if you meet other avenues for licensure.

    AFTER you have taken and successfully passed the NCEES Fundamentals of Engineering Examination; the NCEES Principles & Practice of Engineering Examination; AND, have obtained four (4) full years of qualifying engineering experience from the date you received your ABET EAC accredited degree in engineering, you are then eligible to complete the Mississippi “licensure application” which can be accessed via the following link:  https://www.pepls.state.ms.us/pepls/web.nsf/webpages/LN_AF_PAGE_FORM?OpenDocument

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.
    The Mississippi board requires FS examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Mississippi board requires PS examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

  • Exam scheduling

    Examinees register and schedule appointments through their MyNCEES accounts. During the registration process, examinees select their exam location. Next, they are presented with a list of available exam dates. If examinees are not happy with the choices, they can browse through the available dates at other NCEES-approved test centers.

  • Exam results

    Exam results are typically available within 7–10 business days. You will receive an email notification from NCEES with instructions to view your exam results in your MyNCEES account. Results will include a link to your licensing board for additional state-specific information or instructions. All results are reported as pass or fail. If you fail the examination, you will receive a diagnostic report showing your performance for each of the major topics covered on the exam.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    Refer to the section on computer-based exams in the NCEES Examinee Guide for information about cancellations, refunds, rescheduling, and discipline changes.

  • Exam registration and authorization
    The Mississippi board requires FE examinees to submit an application and/or pay an application fee to the board.

    Once approved, examinees may register with NCEES to schedule an exam.

    Examinees will be provided one attempt per testing window and no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.

    The Mississippi Board does not require examinees who meet the established credentials below to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering for examination with NCEES (see deadlines below) providing they can attest to the following:

     I attest that I am seeking licensure in the state of Mississippi and meet the following credentials:

    1.   I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in engineering from an EAC/ABET-accredited program and it is verified by NCEES.

    NOTE: An engineering technology degree (ETAC) does NOT meet the educational requirements.

    2.   I have taken and passed the NCEES Fundamentals of Engineering Examination and it is officially verified in my account.

    3.   I am a Mississippi resident.

    4.   I acknowledge and understand that passing this exam does not guarantee future licensure and that if I misrepresent my credentials in this acknowledgment, the Mississippi Board may refuse to license me.

    If you cannot attest to the aforementioned credentials and do not have the FE exam and your education VERIFIED in your NCEES account, STOP and DO NOT continue with the NCEES direct registration process to take the NCEES Principles & Practice of Engineering Examination as a Mississippi applicant as you are not eligible for the direct registration process. Instead, you are encouraged to view the Board’s website at www.pepls.state.ms.us to determine if you meet other avenues for licensure.

    AFTER you have taken and successfully passed the NCEES Fundamentals of Engineering Examination; the NCEES Principles & Practice of Engineering Examination; AND, have obtained four (4) full years of qualifying engineering experience from the date you received your ABET EAC accredited degree in engineering, you are then eligible to complete the Mississippi “licensure application” which can be accessed via the following link:  https://www.pepls.state.ms.us/pepls/web.nsf/webpages/LN_AF_PAGE_FORM?OpenDocument

    OCTOBER 21-22, 2021 EXAMS

    The deadline to register with NCEES for this exam will be at 3:00 p.m. eastern time on August 26, 2021.

    Please read here for important information on the date your exam will be given, as well as important exam site procedures: https://ncees.org/october-2021-exam-administration-updates/

    Your exam type, discipline, module, and/or site cannot be changed after the NCEES registration deadline.

    The Mississippi Board does not require examinees who meet the established credentials below to submit an application or an additional fee prior to registering for examination with NCEES providing they can attest to the following:

     I attest that I am seeking licensure in the state of Mississippi and meet the following credentials:

    1.   I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in engineering from an EAC/ABET-accredited program and it is verified by NCEES.

    NOTE: An engineering technology degree (ETAC) does NOT meet the educational requirements.

    2.   I have taken and passed the NCEES Fundamentals of Engineering Examination and it is officially verified in my account.

    3.   I am a Mississippi resident.

    4.   I acknowledge and understand that passing this exam does not guarantee future licensure and that if I misrepresent my credentials in this acknowledgment, the Mississippi Board may refuse to license me.

    If you cannot attest to the aforementioned credentials and do not have the FE exam and your education VERIFIED in your NCEES account, STOP and DO