Troy University

NCEES Surveying Education Award $10,000 winner

College of Arts and Sciences

Surveying and Geomatics Sciences program

Troy University Mission Statement

The Surveying and Geomatics Sciences program’s mission is to produce graduates who are employable in the geomatics field, who are well prepared for the licensure profession, and who will hold wide-ranging positions within the diverse disciplines of the surveying and geomatics fields.

How will your program use the prize money to engage your students with other professionals, introduce them to both historical and new technology, and promote licensure?

We must increase our recruiting efforts and invest in new ways to inform students and parents of the high demand for our graduates. We need funding to increase enrollment and meet the demand for graduates who can become licensed surveyors. That is why we appreciate one of the 2024 NCEES Surveying Education awards.

This award will benefit the following recruitment efforts:

  • Our annual recruiting event, Geo Day, open to all high school and community college students in Alabama, introduces students and sponsors to careers in the geospatial field. Surveying and geomatics professionals (Troy alumni)demonstrate the latest technologies and present projects that are representative of the field. Participants also learn how this program can be a pathway to these careers. Funds would be used to make Geo Day more affordable so more students could attend.
  • Marketing via social media and university outlets in reaching potential students is a challenge to the program. We are utilizing social media to target the age group most likely to join our program. Student activities and graduate successes make the program very appealing to our followers. Winning this award will profile our program as one of the best in the country. Funds would enable us to produce high-quality content and purchase advertising to reach a wider audience.
  • Recruiting visits by faculty and alumni to high school, community college, and workforce events require attractive presentations. Funds from this award would enable us to purchase materials and equipment to properly present our program and draw prospective students.
  • Program scholarships are an essential part of our recruiting effort. The past two NCEES awards received by the program were used to create scholarships that have aided our recruitment of quality students. Financial aid attracts and retains students. Often the decision on degree path is made based on financial aid. Students who must work and study are more likely to leave the program than those with financial aid. Funds from this award would create additional scholarships that would help increase and maintain program enrollment.

Troy University’s receipt of this NCEES award will:

  • Fill the great need for younger licensed land surveyors both locally and nationally
  • Create a generation of land surveyors who are capable, competent, and knowledgeable with modern technologies, as well as have a solid foundation in traditional land surveying techniques
  • Produce a higher success rate on licensing exams
  • Make the public more aware of the need for the surveying profession

The past awards were entered into an account where the interest is used for student scholarships.  We want to add to the account in the future.

Other information:

Our Troy University website has useful information, and the NCEES webpage can link to Surveying Degree | Troy University.  Here is a direct link to the Geomatics minor Surveying and Geomatics Sciences Minor | Troy University

Our department page is:

Please note that we offer surveying and geomatics courses online as a geomatics minor for those professionals seeking to qualify for the Fundamentals of Surveying (FS) exam.

Troy students have the opportunity weekly to engage with professionals at Lunch and Learn events presented by companies anxious to hire them for internships and full-time positions. Troy also has a student chapter of the Alabama Society of Professional Land Surveyors (ASPLS), and students attend the ASPLS yearly conference to meet professionals. Our alumni have a strong presence in the program and take an interest in their career development. They have been guest lecturers in labs. Funds could be used to foster these activities and ensure that all students have the opportunity to interact with professionals

The program has plans to establish a surveying museum on campus where historical instruments and maps will be housed. The program is continually purchasing or receiving donations of the latest technology, and professionals bring technology to demonstrate for students. Funds could be used toward the establishment of the museum and the purchase of new technology for lab instruction and practice.  

Faculty and professionals are constantly encouraging students to seek licensure and follow-up is done after graduation to encourage graduates and publicize those who pass exams and receive licensure. This is primarily done through the Troy University website and social media which is also used for recruiting. Funds could be used to boost the program’s social media presence and search engine optimization as the only qualifying program in the state for licensed surveyors. The fact that program courses are offered online for professionals seeking licensure is an additional reason for publicity.