Following the October 2012 administration of its PE Industrial exam, NCEES is moving the exam to an April administration. The first offering of the exam with this new schedule will…
NCEES and the Institute of Industrial Engineers are currently seeking licensed industrial engineers to participate in an online survey that will be used to update specifications for the PE Industrial…
NCEES is currently seeking volunteers who are licensed professional environmental engineers to participate in a standard-setting study for the updated PE Environmental exam. Selected volunteers will review the PE Environmental…
NCEES is currently seeking volunteers who are licensed professional chemical engineers to participate in a standard-setting study for the updated PE Chemical exam. Selected volunteers will review the PE Chemical…
NCEES has updated the specifications for the Transportation depth module of its Civil PE exam, effective with the April 2010 exam administration. The updated specifications are available in the Exams…
NCEES has introduced new specifications for its Agricultural PE exam, effective with the October 2010 exam administration. Exam specifications indicate knowledge areas to be tested and their relative weights of…
The NCEES Board of Directors has approved the development of a new PE exam for software engineers. The decision came during the board’s August 11 meeting in Louisville, Kentucky, in…