Participating Member Boards
North Carolina
Steps for professional engineer (P.E.) license application (you must have IntPE status in good standing on the UK International Registry before proceeding):
1. Create a MyNCEES account at
2. Create an NCEES Record at
3. Complete the MRA Multistate Section Requirements—Details per section are given in NCEES system. Special MRA instructions are below.
- Education Information—If IntPE, send unofficial transcripts and diplomas to [email protected].
- Work Experience—CEng or P.E. respondents are recommended when possible.
- Questions for the Applicant
- Exam and License Verification—FE and PE exams are waived; CEng and IntPE verification request must be made through ECUK.
- Professional References—Submit five references; CEng or P.E. respondents are recommended.
4. Once the application is complete with all sections green, purchase a transmittal ($100) to one of the above member boards. The file will be given a special MRA badge to notify boards.
Please review the Records FAQs for more information. Informative HELP information per multistate section is on the right side of the page.
Transmittal of your Record does not constitute an application for licensure. Please follow up with the respective board to find out if additional information is needed. Each board will have additional fees and jurisdictional procedures. Member licensing board information can be found at
If you are an IRPE Record holder licensed in one of the participating states, please ensure all Record prerequisites are current and use the “Purchase IRPE Transmittal” drop down option on your account dashboard to transmit to the UK under the MRA.
More information from the ECUK on the Chartered Engineer (CEng) application steps can be found here or by contacting the ECUK directly at [email protected].
If not on the NCEES International Registry for Professional Engineers (IRPE), see below for information and requirements.