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NCEES signs historic mutual recognition agreement with the Engineering Council–UK
To kick off its 103rd annual meeting in Chicago, NCEES hosted a ceremonial event to celebrate the signing of its mutual recognition agreement (MRA) with the Engineering Council–UK.
NCEES President Laura Sievers, P.E., and Chief Executive Officer David Cox joined Engineering Council–UK Chair John Chudley and International Affairs Manager Dave Clark to formally sign the agreement, which provides a more direct path for licensed engineers to practice in each country without compromising professional standards. Almost 30 NCEES member licensing boards were present to signify their intent to participate in the agreement.
Built upon the framework of the International Professional Engineers Agreement (IPEA), the MRA upholds discipline-specific and jurisdictional requirements for those seeking to practice internationally. Benefits include a simplified path for professional engineers in participating states to more easily obtain the CEng title and expanded professional mobility to work in the United Kingdom.
“The world is shrinking every day, and advancements in technology have made it possible for us to communicate and collaborate more with our international counterparts,” explained NCEES CEO Cox. “The MRA and its increased opportunities for licensed engineers to practice in the United Kingdom, much like the mobility we have between the states, is a great example of that.”
Professional engineers in the United States who would like to become licensed in the United Kingdom through this agreement must be a member of the NCEES International Registry for Professional Engineers (IRPE). This program assists U.S.-based professional engineers who are seeking recognition to practice in another country.