FE Ambassador Program

FE Ambassadors are on-campus student representatives who promote the Fundamental of Engineering (FE) Exam and the value of licensure through peer-to-peer engagement with their fellow engineering students. They do this through engineering society student chapter meetings, on-campus events and activities, and licensure presentations.

  • Campbell University
  • Clemson University
  • Kennesaw State University
  • North Carolina A&T University
  • North Carolina State University
  • University of Georgia
  • University of North Carolina Charlotte
  • University of South Carolina

Eligibility requirements

  1. Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 at the time of application
  2. Enrolled as an on-campus, full-time as an undergraduate student while serving as an FE Ambassador
  3. Intend to take the FE exam


FE Ambassadors are expected to promote the FE exam and the value of licensure to their fellow engineering students through on-campus activities, and NCEES will give you the resources to do so. Ambassadors will be provided an allowance to cover programming expenses.

Training and support

All FE Ambassadors will receive virtual training and on-going support from NCEES. Email [email protected] for more information or if you have any questions.

FE Ambassador application

The FE Ambassador application should take approximately 10–15 minutes to complete and submit. It is divided into three sections as described below.

  • Eligibility attestation
  • General applicant information, and
  • Four short essay questions
    • Why do you think it is important to take the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam while you’re still in school?
    • Why is professional licensure for engineers important?
    • Why should you be selected to serve as an FE Ambassador?
    • What do you hope to gain personally from serving as an FE Ambassador?

Applicants are encouraged to prepare their short essay answers prior to starting the application so they can be copied and pasted into the application. The application allows users to save their information and continue later. To access an incomplete application, make sure to use the same web browser and click on the application button. Once an application is successfully submitted, applicants will be directed to a confirmation page.

Deadline: open until filled at institutions listed in the application.

FE Ambassador Application

Please choose all the terms for which you would be eligible to serve as an FE Ambassador:
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