Limitation of liability and warranty
You agree that use of this site is entirely at your own risk. This site and the services provided therein are provided “as is,” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including without limitation any warranty for information, services, uninterrupted or error-free access, or products provided through or in connection with the service (unless such warranties are legally incapable of exclusion).
Specifically, we disclaim any and all warranties, including without limitation: 1) any warranties concerning the availability, accuracy or content of information, products, or services; and 2) any warranties of title or warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This disclaimer of liability applies to any damages or injury caused by any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay, inoperability, or transmission, computer virus, communication line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, alteration of, or use of record, whether for breach of contract, tortious behavior, negligence, or under any other cause of action. You specifically acknowledge that we are not liable for the defamatory, offensive, or illegal conduct of other users or third-parties and that the risk of injury from the foregoing rests entirely with you.
Neither we nor any of our agents, affiliates, other affiliated persons or entities, co-branders, partners or content providers shall be liable for any direct (IN EXCESS OF THE LIMITATION OF LIABILITY HEREINAFTER PROVIDED), indirect or incidental damages, lost profits or data, or special or consequential damages arising out of use of the site or inability to gain access to or use the site, whether based on breach of warranty, contract, tort, strict liability, or any other legal theory, and whether or not NCEES is advised of the possibility of such damages. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential or certain other damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. In no event shall the total liability of NCEES to you for all damages, losses, or causes of action exceed the amount, if any, that you paid to NCEES over the 12 months preceding the claim of liability, or 50 dollars, whichever is greater.
You hereby also acknowledge that the provisions of this section shall apply to all content and services on the site.