ADA Exam Accommodations

The National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) is committed to ensuring that candidates with disabilities can take the NCEES exams in an accessible place and manner. This will often require reasonable testing accommodations.

Accommodations may consist of changes in the physical testing environment, additional testing time, additional break time, the provision of auxiliary aids or services, or other changes in the standard test administration. To receive such accommodations, a candidate must have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits his or her ability to perform one or more major life activities (such as walking, seeing, hearing, learning, reading, concentrating, or thinking) or a major bodily function (such as neurological, endocrine, or digestive system) that impacts taking an examination, as compared with most people in the general population. NCEES encourages candidates with disabilities to request accommodations.

As a part of the registration process, you will have the opportunity to indicate your need for ADA exam accommodations. After registration is completed, you will receive an email with instructions on how to complete and submit your request for accommodations.

See below for additional information on ADA accommodations and to learn how to complete and submit your request.

Email questions related to the accommodations process to NCEES at

Comfort aids
What is the Purpose of Accommodations?

In the testing context, accommodations are intended to ensure that individuals with disabilities have the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and abilities on a level playing field with other examinees. While the use of accommodations in the exam activity will presumably enable a candidate with disabilities to better demonstrate knowledge mastery, accommodations are not a guarantee of improved performance, exam completion, or a passing score.

There may be situations in which NCEES cannot provide a requested accommodation to a candidate with a disability because it would fundamentally alter what the exam is intended to measure, jeopardize exam security, or cause an undue administrative burden. If this happens, NCEES will work with the candidate to identify alternative accommodations that are reasonable and effective.

Getting Started

You will need to indicate your need for reasonable accommodations during the exam registration process.

After you have registered for an exam, you will receive an email from NCEES with additional information on how to complete and submit your request for accommodations. After reading, you must select the link within the body of the email to continue the process.

Step 1: Log in to your MyNCEES account to complete the electronic NCEES Accommodation Request Form and submit your supporting documentation. Alternatively, you may download a PDF version of the Accommodation Request Form here.

Candidates should register for and initiate a request for reasonable accommodations at least forty-five (45) days before the desired examination date.

Documentation that establishes the nature of a disability, as well as its impact in the testing environment, is needed to support requested accommodations. NCEES has general Documentation Guidelines that outline the information necessary to establish that a candidate has an impairment that requires testing accommodations, as well as documentation guidelines that apply with respect to specific categories of impairments:

Step 2: Await the written response to your request for accommodations. 

We ordinarily respond to an accommodation request within ten (10) business days of receiving all required documentation. NCEES encourages examinees to submit their accommodation requests and supporting documentation as soon as possible in advance of their desired testing date, in case questions arise or additional information is needed. You may appeal the denial of any requested accommodation.

Privacy information

All medical and/or mental health information submitted with an accommodation request is considered confidential and will be used by NCEES and its vendors only to evaluate the need for accommodations and to provide approved accommodations. The only exceptions are when disclosure is required pursuant to a valid request for information from an administrative agency or a valid subpoena or other court order in a judicial proceeding, or in connection with an administrative or judicial proceeding related to a candidate’s accommodation request. NCEES may also provide access to accommodation-related records to researchers, but not in a manner that allows the researchers to see any personally identifiable candidate information.


Have Questions?

If you have any questions about requesting testing accommodations on the NCEES examinations, please contact us by email.