Educator Resources

Why are Educator Resources Important?

NCEES offers several resources for educators interested in providing students with information about the licensure process and its career benefits. For many, having a professional license can open doors to career options and lead to a rewarding career that helps protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public.

Educator Resources

Exam prep materials

NCEES publishes practice exams and reference handbooks for candidates preparing for engineering and surveying exams. Downloadable pdf files are available. Register or log in to review NCEES exam publications.

Speaker Outreach

The best way to learn about licensure is to hear about it from someone who has done it. For that reason, NCEES has developed a Speaker’s Link and a Speaker’s Kit for engineers and surveyors. Speaker’s Link is a network of licensed engineers and surveyors who can talk to students about the licensure process and provide first-hand accounts of what it takes to become licensed—and how doing so has benefited their careers. The NCEES Speaker’s Kit is a versatile multimedia presentation tool that makes it easy to help answer questions about the licensure process.

Education Awards

The NCEES Engineering Education Award celebrates engineering programs that provide opportunities for engineering students to interact inside and outside of the classroom with professional engineers.

The NCEES Surveying Education Award recognizes surveying/geomatics programs that best reflect NCEES’ mission to advance licensure for engineers and surveyors in order to safeguard the health, safety, and welfare of the public.

Outcomes Assessment

The Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam is the only uniform, nationally used exam that tests candidates on the material covered in college engineering degree programs. For educators and administrators, the exams have the potential to provide a wealth of information about the relative strengths and weaknesses of students in a program. As an educator, having your students take the FE exam can be an effective means of assessing your program’s academic strengths and weaknesses.

NCEES offers free subject matter reports that break down the performance of students and graduates from their programs, comparing results on specific content areas to national averages. These reports can be an excellent means of evaluating program outcomes.

NCEES publishes a white paper and several accompanying documents that describe in detail how engineering departments can use the FE exam to assess program outcomes. They are available for free download:

Email [email protected] to request historical reports, sample reports, or more information.

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